Twin Peaks Tarot deck on Etsy


This is really interesting. Thank you for sharing. I used to love the show!! Readings with the TP deck would be just for fun though, as the world of Lynch figures so prominently in the back of my mind... could not imagine myself achieving the blank, relaxed state of mind necessary for readings with this deck.

ana luisa

Another HUGE Twin Peaks fan!! In fact, I love the man behind all of his work. Lynch is probably not human... But I have to agree that the whole "vibe" of TP is a bit lost in the deck style. The art in itself is quite good but to me, it takes away the eeriness of the series .


Another HUGE Twin Peaks fan!! In fact, I love the man behind all of his work. Lynch is probably not human... But I have to agree that the whole "vibe" of TP is a bit lost in the deck style. The art in itself is quite good but to me, it takes away the eeriness of the series .

This deck is really fun to see because I loved the show when it was on, but I agree with ana luisa here that the art doesn't really capture the vibe of the show. It's something completely different, and cool in itself, but I think if I were going to read with a Twin Peaks deck I'd want it to make me feel like the show did. Or at least remind me of that feeling.

Prudence, I have Fire Walk With Me, too. I bought the soundtracks to both. And I even read Laura Palmer's Diary when that came out. :laugh:

Probably five or so years ago I made my husband watch it (he missed it the first time around), and it was shocking to see how much the rhythm of television has changed. The show seems very slow and meandering today in the age of snappy cuts, tight plots, and near constant action. Although even then, that was part of its charm.