Ultimate Tarot Question?


Wow...Canid, Shire, Tarot and NCE!

Great posts! Love reading these. There's so much more here than I thought could be! Hearing people's thoughts about their really memorable readings and also what they found, or hope to find, is inspiring!



I guess my ultimate question (which I haven't asked..I'm not sure why!) would be, What is my purpose in this lifetime?

I'm always afraid I'm going to run out of time and not accomplish what ever it is I need to learn...

Actually I think I have figured out what the lesson is/was, now I just need to be sure I learn the answers correctly.

Hmm...I wonder if I should do a spread on this.



That was my ultimate question too. What is my path / purpose? I feel like I'm missing it, whatever it is...


QUESTION for Yirabeth and Angie....

Just a thought, but have you tried wording it a couple different ways? Like what do I need to work on or what is my first step to......? That definitely is kind of one of those BIG questions, if not THE biggest one. I hope you share if you find some answers.

Brightest blessings in your path,



WTF? tends to be my most oft used question. :D


Hahahahahaha! Manda! :D I can relate!

My ultimate is "What is wrong with me" and "How do I fix it?" Never got clear answers.

My next one will be about my death. I'm just so curious about it. Then maybe one for what my next life will be.


Yep, been thinking about it since I posted GD :) It wouldn't be one I undertake lightly...plenty of thought needs to happen first :)

My idea of hell would be having to relive my life as my past has been. Then again..maybe I'd be smarter next time? I think half of what my past is about is my own issues. Maybe I'd figure them out sooner and not have to go through it all. It's not so bad this go-round because I've lived it, and it's done, and I have a good future to look forward to (assuming I learn that lesson! LOL) The thought of REliving it though...YIKES!

In any case my biggest life goal is to learn what I am supposed to learn this go-round! hehe



When one of my closest friends told me she had been thinking about killing herself, I wound up spending a significant amount of time thinking about suicide. I ultimately asked the cards what happens to the people who commit suicide once they reach the other side. Although I can only remember 2 of the 3 cards I drew, I found the answer I received to be very interesting...


I've probably told this half a dozen times here and some who know the tale are probably tired of hearing it.

I have the Waking the Wild Spirit deck and once when I was trying to get acquainted with the deck, I asked "What would my late husband say to me if he could speak to me through these cards?" The answer astonished me and was so right on that it was spooky to me for awhile.

Then a little later on, while following the Scott Peterson trial, I asked "If he's convicted, what will be the one thing that will seal the deal and bring about the conviction?" (it was a very circumstantial case and a hard one to win) and I drew one card---it was the card where it shows a child in water with someone's arms encircling it. Just the arms, no body to go with, and the arms aren't actually holding the baby, they're just encircling it from afar. Sure enough, he was convicted and it was on the basis, largely, of the unborn baby. What was left of the body had no arms. I remember vividly something the wife's mother said that was just heart-wrenching, about the fact that her daughter was buried "without any arms to hold her baby".

I only use that deck for myself. Those two instances aren't the only ones like them but they're the two that really stick in my mind. I've never read for an actual sitter with it.


"What does the universe want me to know".

An infinite question that covers everything from where I put the keys to what my lover is doing behind my back to why I chose to put aside my goddesshood and pretend to be mortal at the moment <grin>.