Unable to read while pregnant?


OK, this is going to sound bizarre, but bear with me. I'm newly pregnant (finally, after years of trying!), and since about the time that I found out, I have been totally unable to make any sense of the cards. For the past few years, I have done readings for myself daily or at least several times per week. I don't have a psychic bone in my body and I'm not especially intuitive, but I rarely have trouble reading for myself. Now, I just look at the cards, hoping for some insight about the pregnancy, my life, anything...and I get nothing. I may as well be trying to read a pile of bills for all the sense I can make of it. This is the most important thing in my life to date, and I'm unable to find anything out!

Has anyone ever heard of such a thing or have any ideas on what could cause it?


Well... is this your first child? Some often lose any ability to think clearly on any given subject while pregnant. I know I did, and I have seen it many times before. Possibly something to do with hormonal changes, adapting to pregnancy, etc. My lamaz teacher would say, "don't worry, it's nothing that giving birth won't cure". (In other words, it's temporary- could be a variety of reasons as to why this is happening)

Congratulations, by the way. :)

Take care,



Yes, this is my first. I'm so glad to hear it's not strange and will pass. Thanks!


I have only one child, so I don't know if the phenomenon would present itself in subsequent pregnancies, but I was completely devoid of any magical abilities during pregnancy. I knew what the baby's sex was, could feel his presence, and even had visions of what he would look like. When I saw a blonde blue-eyed child I thought "this can't be right" as my husband and I are both dark, but indeed he does look like the vision! However, I had no psychic insights about anything else, I put it down to the hormones, but it could partly be down to the preoccupation with the coming changes etc. Those hormones are very powerful, though, more so than anyone imagines before pregnancy.

Congratulations and all the very best with your pregnancy and new baby!!



I wrecked my car 3 times in one week when I was pregnant the first time...your body is just adjusting to the change and your chemistry is off a bit.

When you are farther along, your feel more centered and enlightened than ever before. :)


Don't worry about it, like the others have said, your body is now undergoing some mighty big adjustments and things will settle down later.


I can't answer your question as I've never been pregnant...but congrats!!



I think pregnant mothers are supposed to tune in to other wavelengths than tarot during pregnancy. Just leave the tarot for a while and you´ll see that after you´ve had your baby your intuition may have rocketed to other levels as well...


Thank you all so much! I'll just wait it out then, but I feel much better in the meantime hearing your experiences.

ana luisa

First of all, congratulations!! I cannot really say I stopped being able to read while pregnant but MANY abilities of mine get weakened/strengthened depending of my ,say, "hormones. If I am having my period, my readings get amazingly easy to do and VERY accurate. On the other hand, I can´t bake cakes (which is one of my favorite passtimes). They all go bad!
So, answering your question, yes, I do believe the child that you´re sharing your life with , very closely, may have some influence in your reading abilities. I would ask someone else to read for you both and ask why :)!