Way of the Horse


Hi all,
Well, I have to say that it took me several hours to get the book out of the case. I pulled on the ribbon and it just wouldn't budge. I was afraid that I was going to ruin the binding! For those who had no trouble getting the book to slip out, you are very lucky! I almost gave up. When I finally got the book out, I looked inside and the ribbon was firmly glued to the side of the case. I managed to get it free but I don't want to put the book all the way back in the case for fear I won't be able to get it out again. It fits very tightly. When I looked at the cards I was frustrated that some cards are landscape and some are portrait. I think that would be very distracting to me for doing any kind of reading. However, as others have said, it works well for personal development. Maybe it was all the work I had to go through just to get the book out, but I just haven't been as excited about this deck as I thought I would be. I'm going to set it aside for awhile and then come back to it later. I think it has possibilities.


raeanne said:
Hi all,
Well, I have to say that it took me several hours to get the book out of the case.

I couldn't believe how tight that book is in that case. It's ridiculous.
I was getting to the point that I was going to go get pliers and pull it out.
I was afraid I was going to break that ribbon too. That's a bad
design for sure. I was so frustrated when I finally got the book out that
I think it irritated me to the point that I put it down and figured I would look
at it later. Maybe when you come back to it you will like it more.
Did you put the book back in the case? I tried to spread that part of the packing
out but I'm sure I am going to have the same problem when I try to take
it out again.



Some people seemed to have tighter fit than others, judging from previous posts.

My solution:
Tight Fit: Throw the case :D. My husband 'tidied' the book away again and I broke the ribbon the second time of getting it out.

Cards: The cards have fitted the art instead of the other way around - posted about this earlier in the thread I seem to remember. I don't find it makes a difference in use, just don't notice.

Aerin x


I didn't throw mine away but I sure didn't put the book back in there. :) I just have the case in the shelf next to the book. Kind of repetitive, I know, but I really don't want to throw away the case for some reason yet. LOL


karen0205 said:
Did you put the book back in the case?
I put the book only half way back in the case. That way I can grab it to pull it back out again. There is no way I am going to put it all the way back in again because I will not waste any more time with this frustating design. I still haven't had time to look at the book. I will be off work next week so maybe I can find some time to read just a bit of it to see if it grabs my interest.


I was able to get a look at this deck today. The book is HEAVY reading. So deep, I think it can be a turn off for some people.

I don't think this deck would be a good comfort deck for someone in crisis, unless they had started with it, while healthier. The readings are so long and heavy.

Does anyone use this deck on a regular basis and how? This deck could use a "for Dummies" book. Seriously!

I really like the deck, but was surprised. It's not what I think of when I think "oracle deck".


Not a good deck for me...I was disapointed in this deck, mainly the way the book was written.
And I'm going to leave it at that.


I feel like it will take writing my own book for it to be useful as an oracle deck. First stripping out all the unnecessary info and simplifying complex ideas and then adding my own insights.

Buried in the book is incredibly useful info to me about living as an animal of prey. I am a stalking victim who is not safe and am having to learn to live in constant danger. Card #7 and it's reading left me in tears of thankfulness.

The horse keeps a certain dignity and power and...I'm not sure what, no matter how badly we abuse it. I feel like horses have something to teach me. As animals of prey and as slaves, they have not merely survived, but remained regal. And when they escape...watch them run and LIVE, rather than keep being a victim. I've been carrying around a red jasper horse for awhile now and it doesn't comfort me as a worry stone, because I have failed to learn it's message for me.

This deck might be worth the WORK, but wow! Not what I expected and I'm assuming a LOT of people quickly abandon it, who are not in need of serious horse medicine.

The bookstores sell this deck in the pets section, not the oracle section. I think that is good marketing!

At least the pictures are pretty :) My other decks are the RWS and medicine cards and are not known for being pretty, and not what I bought them to do. It might be nice to have some pretty pictures :-0


hunter - your first post just above was great - it swayed me in favour of letting this deck off my wishlist and moving on, which was awesome. This has been a deck I've been wavering about for a long time now, not least because I'm not *that* into oracles.

Then you go and post your second one! Now I want it all over again, and more! *Grumble* And you've hit something really wonderful about the horse and its being a prey animal. Also, another thing to think about is their ability to remain independent and, as you say, regal, whilst being used as beasts of burden and draught animals.

\m/ Kat