What Decks Are On Your Wishlist?


top of the wish list are these, they look amazing

wooden tarot cards



I want the Dali Tarot, but it cost 120.00US. So need to save for that.


Fey (The first deck that called to me other than the one deck I have now, the Sharman-Caselli.)
Victoria Regina (I first heard of this one just yesterday, but the Moon card is calling to me, and it fits so nicely with my interest in steampunk and Victorian England.)
Golden (I'm not sure why I like this one, but I've wanted it since the first time I saw it.)
Celtic Dragon (I've liked this one for a while, but I didn't have that "have to have it" urge until I saw Death and the 8 of pentacles.)
The Baroque Bohemian Cats' Tarot (Another one that surprises me by how much I like it. I didn't think I'd be interested in a cat deck, but then these aren't your average cats. :D)
World Spirit
Tarot of the Animal Lords
Waking the Wild Spirit

Not Yet Published
Revelations Tarot aka Adflatus (I love the colors and richness of the images, and I think it's the deck that would open me up to reversals.)
Gilded (I'm surprised by how much I like this one because it doesn't fit my usual style at all.)
Tarot of the Dead

{Edited within hours to add another deck. I have a feeling that AT is going to be quite a boon for my wishlist. :D}


I only have one deck so far (and one on it's way!), and I'm still discovering the many wonderful decks, so my list is subject to change :)

Edited to delete Leonardo Da Vinci and Nature Speaks, which I now have, and Haindl Tarot, which I decided I don't really want afterall.



Sacred Circle Tarot
Leonardo da Vinci Tarot
Golden Tarot


Revelations Tarot (formerly "Adflatus")


Hello all,
My wish list is always a work in progress and it is a good thing that we don't have a store selling tarot decks close by. I'd be in baaad shape. I've only been studying and collecting since March, so in a few years, I hope to have these:

New Palladini
Eighties Tarot
Art Nouveau
Dragon's Tarot
The King Arthur (I think that's what it's called)
Robin Wood
Gilded Tarot

And The Dali deck for my daughter. She's a big fan of his artwork.

Well....these are the ones my puny mind can come up with right this minute. It seems everytime I look at the decks I see so many that I absolutely "must" have. My pocketbook screams in agony when I start looking. Sigh.

I forgot to mention the Fey and the Gill tarot decks too. :D


My list is fairly short:

- Robin Wood Tarot
- Fantastical Tarot
- Dragon Tarot
- Stygian Darkness Tarot


Vargo Gothic
Medieval Scapini
New Palladini
World Spirit

*edited because I have completly changed my mind and also aquired a few!


My current wishlist decks, in order of importance:

Tarot of Stars Eternal
Tarot de Marseilles
Rohrig Tarot
Radiant Rider-Waite
Gaian Tarot
Gendron Tarot


HP Lovecraft Tarot })

Revelations Tarot (Unpublished, used to be called Adflatus)

Bosch Tarot
Buddha Tarot
Celtic Dragon Tarot
Comparative Tarot
Dante Tarot
Fantastical Tarot
Fey Tarot
I Ching + book with explanation (TAO Oracle ?)
Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot and/or Universal Waite Tarot
Rider-Waite (one that is reversible, unlike the one I have now)
Secret Tarot
Tarot of the Saints
Tarots of the Sphinx (I'd like an Egyptian-style deck, and this one seems best)

less likely:
Ancient Egyptian Tarot
Celtic Tarot (De Burgh)
Crystal Tarots
Discordian Tarot ;)
Gilded Tarot
Giotto Tarot
Leonardo da Vinci Tarot
Liber T: Tarot of Stars Eternal
Manara: The Erotic Tarot
Margarete Petersen Tarot (If it exists in English)
Old English Tarot
Pythagorean Tarot
Ramses: Tarot of Eternity
Roots of Asia Tarot
Ship of Fools Tarot
Sola Busca Tarot
Tarot Art Nouveau
Tarot of Casanova
Tarot of Dürer
Tarot of Marseilles (Camoin Jodorowski or Hadar) (Just because it's a major style of deck)
Tarot of the Druids
Tarot of the Journey to the Orient
Tarot of the Master
Tarot of the New Vision
Tarot of the Sephiroth
Tarot of the Trance
Universal Tarot (de Angelis)
Vision Quest Tarot
World Spirit Tarot

(The line between "maybe" and "less likely" should be taken as rather vague. The "definitely" is definitely "definitely" though.)