What do you use your decks for?


With that question in mind, I hit upon what I think is a great exercise you might consider trying for yourself. It involved me going to each of the decks I'm considering "in use" (so, not the two relegated to the closet, but the others that I have so far), and then doing a two-card draw. The first card is the answer to me asking the deck how it sees me when I come to it as a querent: what is its view of me, what sort of role or personality am I as it sees me when it speaks to me? The second card is the answer to me asking the deck how it sees itself and speaks to me when I come to it as a querent: what persona does it adopt/embody when it deals with me?

ohhh, i am soooo gonn do that one. When i do, you HAVE to give feedback for me...PLEASE!!!!!!???????


ohhh, i am soooo gonn do that one. When i do, you HAVE to give feedback for me...PLEASE!!!!!!???????

Sure! I can't guarantee stellar insight, but I'm happy to take a shot at delivering what I hope could be some meaningful feedback ;)

Also, I just noticed that over in the Tarot Spreads Forum, PrincessPaulina posted a more sophisticated spread aimed at answering similar questions: Deck Evaluation Spread -- hopefully that link will work properly (it's my first thread-link ever!).

But yeah, by all means, please post your results or buzz me privately if you want, and I'll be happy to try to share thoughts on the cards you draw! It honestly was a very cool exercise for me! I probably can now do more along the lines of what PrincessPaulina was suggesting so as to further nail down what areas each deck will speak to the best, but as a starter thing to just get a handle on the overall dynamic I'll be having with each deck, I thought the two-card thing was pretty sweet!


I Like what yall had to say about "Darkness". There is some measure of that in why I love my Dragon Deck so much.

The first deck I ever started on was The Dragon Tarot. My sister got it for me as a birthday present when I was 16. I Love that deck. They are a Spirit guide and Divination tool in one. However, I admit, the images are NOT the traditional RWS, so it took me a little longer to get "in sync" with them lol. I think it was worth the wait.

-I have owned RWS decks, and their clones. They were good for answering questions and were very blunt and to the point... but just to bland for me.

-I had the "Winged Spirit" for a while. It wasn't exactly a clone...It was different. It was also Very optimistic. It liked to tell you the best outcome given that you do everything "Right".
My Dragon Did Not Like Them. lol
That was the real reason that they had to go. The just didn't mesh with the Dragons. So they were Gifted away.

-My First deck of Dragon Tarot were ruined by some oils in my bag...and for a while I figured that I would just Retire them and I did so (In a nice Carved Box on my Alter). Naively thinking that I would never buy another Dragon deck again. I Fell In Love with the "Fenestra Tarot" It is a RWS clone, but one that speaks to my artistic side. I love the Art and the Back Art of the Card... They are very Straight forward and Answer questions well. I am finding That they work Really well with the Dragon Tarot.

-lol, Yeah, a friend offered to get me a birthday present and I said the Dragon Tarot, because I want to see them "Trimmed" You can see >Here< what I mean. The are ALL dark pictures. They fade into a black background and that white border ruins it. So that is my Next big project!. That and I love to have the Dragons Back.
-The other night I did a Reading with the Dragon Tarot and clarified it with the Fenestra Deck. The answers to clarify topics that talked about the resolution of the problems in the Dragon Tarot, came out as the Upright Of the Same Card. So I think they work Very well together.

-I also own the Gay Tarot. It is Very beautiful art work and has a "sense all its Own. But I am working with the Dragons. The Gay tarot requires I learn a whole new set of triggers..so that will be a project for months or years form now lol ....

I Love the Fact that the Dragon Are, and Always Have been, Very Direct. You want their opinion? Then they will tell you something worth hearing. I even questioned my reading abilities in the beginning , because I only seemed to be able to give "Bad News". But we all need to fix or focus on some weakness .... The Dragons like to point out what you need to "Correct" about yourself. I'm used to it now... I just take it as course. And every card is a Dragon :D lol very unisex


Hmm, I use my Gaian and Gilded for clients. Sometimes still my Universal RWS, which was the first deck I used when I started reading for other people. I also offer the Thoth sometimes, (the medium sized one with the lavender borders) and my Noblet deck, if they want something historic.

Currently I am going through my decks one by one, a process I started in 2005, so I use those decks for my daily draws.

At first I started doing daily draws as practice in using and reading decks, now I do them to give all my decks a spin, and I find the variety keeps my skills sharp.

If I have a truly gnarly personal question, I get out my old Aquarian, or sometimes my Rock and Roll. But I don't read for myself much, aside from my daily draws.


I have an incomplete Manara deck that I use as bookmarks sometimes. It's kind of awkward when a very sexual card falls out of my book in inappropriate places, but whatevs.


If I have a truly gnarly personal question, I get out my old Aquarian, or sometimes my Rock and Roll. But I don't read for myself much, aside from my daily draws.

There's a Rock and Roll deck? WHY HAS NOBODY TOLD ME THIS? I'm saving up money so I can move out and get an apartment with the vocalist, then I need new gear, but after that, I'm coming for you little Rockin deck, and we shall stay up and play Social Distortion all night long!


Quite an interesting discussion. Beyond those who have a large number of decks, I find it interesting that there are a lot of decks not being used.

As for me, I have 23 decks (see list here; http://www.tarotforum.net/member.php?u=1630). I am either using, have used, or plan to use all of them for readings. Right now, my Fantastic Menagerie deck and my Gilded Tarot have not had a reading done. This is because I purchased them either just before my hiatus from Tarot (the Fantastic Menagerie) or during my hiatus (Gilded Tarot). But I will use them. Though I haven't used my Mother's old Albano-Waite deck as it is a) fairly old, and b) on pretty flimsy card stock.

Currently I am studying through my old RWS, Rohrig and Thoth decks. All of these I've done many readings with. I am currently doing most readings with my Universal Waite, though the RWS, Rohrig and Thoth are all with me too. I used to carry upwards of 6 to 10 decks with me in my tote bag (yeah, I'm a guy with a tote ... :rolleyes: ). I would frequently lay them out and let the querent pick a deck which appealed to them. If they didn't want to choose, I'd just pick the deck that felt the most "right" for that person and/or environment. When doing a reading on-line or on the phone, I have sometimes just told the person I was running my hand over the decks and they should randomly tell me to stop - we would then use that deck.

I will admit that there are a couple of decks which I find somewhat more difficult to use for readings. A good example is my Victoria Regina deck. It's a great deck, and when I study it, it would make sense. But there's been a couple of times that I've done readings and they've been a bit of a struggle.

But yeah, so far I've only been buying Tarot decks that I've thought I could do readings with. However I don't, generally, use any one deck for a particular type of reading. Though I suspect that different decks would give answers with a different feel our outlook on a given topic or question. My RWS & Universal Waite seem to be real good all-around decks. The Rohrig seems to give good insights into a person's past and gives pretty accurate "outcome" or "future" aspects of a question. The Thoth seems to be good at helping people to work through personal issues. If I'm only carrying one deck, it's usually either the RWS or the Rohrig. At least right now ... :D


Well I have 110 decks now, so I am not going to list them all and what they do here. LOL

But yes, different decks work differently, and that is exactly why I have so many. And yes, they are all reading decks. I use them all, as equally as I can.

That being said, with so many I don't have a list (even in my mind anymore) of which does what. I have a list of all my decks and I read it over before starting a reading and I can just FEEL which one is right. OR sometimes the name of a deck just pops into my mind and I know that is the one. There are still a few though: my Cupid Cards and Lovers' Path tend to get used more for relationship readings. And my Bright Ideas deck (a Tarot) for brainstorming and problem solving. Otherwise, I just need to sense which deck is right for the reading.

The only rules I have as to which decks to use when, is that I will not use an erotic deck for a stranger or certainly not in a professinal reading. They are just for myself, and very close freinds. Although I have done a few readings exchanges in the RED echange wtih them.



My Vision Quest is really awesome at personal spiritual analysis.

My Lisa Hunt Fairytale is my go to for intuitive readings, it is almost spooky
how well it just clicks for me in this manner.

Wildwood did really well with daily readings, but I don't do those very often
so I try to use them whenever the mood strikes.

I use my Marseilles strictly for questions about timing. I am also going to
pick a deck soon that I will use just for spell work.

Other then that the rest I just try and rotate to work with when I feel like
they need the attention.



I use many of mine for looking at the artwork as some are difficult to read with. Sometimes it just gets me to that nice peaceful place when I look at a deck.

I hate when decks just sit there not being used so I really try to look at them all every so often. I don't have hundreds but only about 15 so I'm not too overwhelmed.