what does your collection say about YOU!


shadowdancer said:
I think the original intention of my posting this thread has somewhat got lost... :)

So come on guys, those of you who have posted, what do you think your collections and set up etc say about your personality or character?

If you were 'reading' the collection, as if in the third person, what would you say?


Here are my decks:

Oracle Decks:
* The Faeries' Oracle Deck- Brian Froud
* The Mirror Cards
* Trust Your Vibes oracle Cards - Sonia Choquette

Tarot Decks:
* The Gilded Tarot
* The Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck
* The Intuitive Tarot - Cilla Conway
* Radiant Rider-Waite
* Tarot - Dennis Fairchild
* Tarot Cards - Illustrated by Jacqui Mair
* Thoth (purple box)
* The Quest Tarot

My set up is this: The decks I use most and want to learn the most about are each in their individual bags. Black velvet bags with a lining that may be solid purple, blue, green, etc and the color that stands out most to me in the deck determines the color of the lining. I keep these decks, (along with my 2 bags of runes, my pendulum, a variety of stones and a a fragrant candle )in a small wooden and leather box with metal details and a clasp on the front.

The decks I bought that I don't use as often stay in their original boxes and those boxes are kept in a black trunk that opens from the top on each side and has a drawer in it. Inside this trunk I also keep my tarot books, essential oils, reading cloths, candles and other misc magical goodies.

I think the third person reading would be something to the effect of: Wow she has a lot of decks. They seem to be so different she must not know what she's doing. Oh wait, maybe she is still on a journey. She has plain decks that say nothing, I think this means she's sentimental and feels every deck should be treated with respect and not discarded. She may need them further along in the journey when they do decide to speak to her or when she learns how to listen to them. There are a few classics here, she must have an appreciation for the history of tarot, just as she has an appreciation for the history of rock n roll. The cards are all in boxes- this box out in the open and the larger box a bit more discrete. She must have a need to compartmentalize and to keep her most intimate decks and feelings tucked away from the scrutiny of the outside world. Yes a journey, she's definitely on a lifelong journey where each deck will open a new chapter to her soul, when the time is right. (Either that or she has internet tarot card shopping addiction)


I really want to be someone who has only two or three decks but that just doesn't seem to be possible.

My collection changes and evolves all the time. In the past year or so I've stopped using decks like the LS Secret Tarot and Vargo Gothic as I seem to get more insight with gentler decks. I had the Enchanted Tarot before I discovered this forum and have come back to it recently.

I've discovered that at this time "witty" or ironic decks like the Fantastic Menagerie, or decks that have an extra layer of meaning due to a story or mythological theme don't work well for me. My best readings for myself work by visual relationships between cards so cards that are more conceptual don't work well.

Enchanted Tarot
Gilded Tarot
Tarot de Paris
Archangel Oracle

Those are my most-used decks at the moment.


I suppose, if anything, my 'collection' would say that I like old stuff.
Quite a few of them are from 70's and before.
Given a choice between a brand new Morgan greer, and an old Morgan Press edition, I'd choose the old one.

Alos they might say that I like fantasy images over realistic ones. Which is true, and it also holds true for other things like books and films and stuff.

They also say I have an eye for a bargain, but as you people don't know how much I paid for them, they won't say that to anyone else.

I'm not listing them here. I'm too lazy.
If anyone wants to see , the list is in my profile.

Yes, too many Thoths, I know.


I'm approaching 800 decks, that span every category. I have sub collections of Black&White decks, Egyptian, and collage. About 75% of my decks are OOP, as I've been trying to get them before they appreciate further. At last count, I had decks from over 30 countries, so in general, I'd say that my collection is cosmopolitan, eclectic, and growing constantly. That could describe me also.


WOW! I can't get over how many decks some of you guys have. I'm just starting out on my Tarot journey and my wishlist is long. I'm waiting for my new copy of the Blake Tarot of the Creative Imagination to arrive, something I'm very excited about. I will use it, handle it, never part with it, except maybe one day to gift it to someone else who will also use it well. Collectors might squirm, but decks are for using, books for reading.....

I'm a bit dubious about the self-assessment as I'm only going to see what I want to see, aren't I!

I have:

Courtney Davis Celtic

Ls Secret
LS Universal de Angelis
Hanson Roberts Tarot to Go
Mega Mini Tarot Kit

The Spiral Tarot is my favorite and most used - my affection for this reflects that I am an artist, and I love the painterly feel and echoes of 19thC art. It is also secondhand, worn and familiar.

The RWS was my first, travelled to a nearby town to find it. Disappointed with the art at first, but now appreciate its symbolism and readable images. The Celtic I love but find the pips hard to read. I'm of scottish origin, so these images are meaningful for me. I love the triple goddess Moon card.

The predominance of Mini tarots is a product of my desire to escape my domestic life (too much time at home) and spend time 'out and about' with my cards. I like to carry books and sketchbooks with me. The Hanson Roberts is for my daughter. The others I haven't really connected with. They still have their boxes and I will probably try to trade them, though first I'm going to try mixing the two LS decks to make a composite one of cards I relate to. Generally I don't like LS decks.

I ADORE the Rohrig - a teenager in the 80s, the Rohrig art reasonates with me. I love its modernity and the layered handwritten text in different languages. I also love the Universe cards - had a thing for astronomy for a while.

My cards are all tucked in the bottom of my bedside cabinet. I suspect this shows that I'm not yet comfortable with sharing my affection for Tarot with the world. I know too many fundamentalist Christians.

My Spiral lives in a red velvet bag with a gold drawstring, made by me, along with some tumbled crystals and some little metal charms bearing the words 'life', 'journey' and 'adventure'. The fact that I made a bag (I don't generally sew) reflects the significance that I place on these cards. I think that and the things in the bag are to do with a sense of ritual. I don't really put a lot of store in crystals, but it just kind of felt right to get some. So there you go.

The absence of historical decks in my little collection is notable, but something I plan to fix!



I think I'm mean to mine. :p I don't put them in bags, boxes... I don't store them. Most of my decks are all over my house, open, bear... I guess that's why so many spirits linger around. haha I just like them right there for me to grab. I go with what my intuition tells me to buy. What I feel "right" with.

Bruegel Tarot- I saw this deck and thought "Wow, the pictures completely tell me the story." I guess I thought this one would make it all easier. ;)

Davinci Enigma- This is one of my latest, after a year of study. I know that's not long. But this deck is very hard for me to read from. This shows the intellectual side of me that yearns to dive into philosophy. I used to take it in Uni and I did very well... but with tarot... the pictures aren't easy for me to decipher.

DruidCraft- I'm not Druid... I'm a Wiccan and I thought this deck was beautiful. It leaned more towards my natural side and my love of nature.

Gilded- This deck was for my love of Art. The colors are beautiful as are the pictures. I am also into Graphic Design and going to school for it.

Intuitive Tarot- When I read a script from the book, it helped to make sense. I think that's the main reason why I bought this one. But I wanted to see just how well this would work with my intuition as it's called the intuitive ;) Sometimes it actually works when the kids aren't fighting for 13 hours straight. School needs to start already!

Lovers Path- I am very into mythology and this set is just beautiful!! It tells the stories of many enchanted lovers through out time.

Medieval Enchantment: The Nigel Jackson Tarot- Difference... I wanted to go for something different than what I had already and the technique used was.

Osho Zen Tarot- I was curious about Zen. A friend of mine was very into it and would say things to me sometimes that made sense haha So that is why I swiped this one.

Quest Tarot- After learning about astrological aspects, buying runes, trying to figure out I-ching and not getting anywhere with yes/no questions, I saw this and said "Hey! This might help me!" no... not with the yes/no q's anyway. I would test it and it always came out wrong.

Revelations- I loved that Zach had placed an upside down picture on these cards... I bought these when I was trying to understand the reversal side to the tarot... so I guess - curiosity killed the cat.

Rider-Waite- My first deck ever... All I can say is it started my interest in the world of tarot.

Röhrig Tarot- The chaos in my head... It fit well with that one.

Tarot Affirmations- To understand advice... This deck works very well with the advice portion...

Tarot de Paris- Ancestors are from Paris... A touch of my heritage.

Tarot of Dreams #246- My art side, yet again... I saw this and fell in love. This is my special deck used for spells.

Tarot of Prague #1607 (Limited Edition-2003)- This deck allows my intuition to flow better than any of them. So I'd say this is for my intuitive side.

Tarot of the New Vision- I got this to show me the other side to the rider-waite... I was very curious... analyzation.

Thoth Tarot (Large w/ rainbow unicursal hexagram)- I originally picked this one up to invoke the spirit of thoth... i'm kidding. ;) This shows a side to me that is hidden. I can't really clarify much more on that.

True Love Tarot- I love to love... what can I say... so I picked up another tarot based on love.

Solty Dog

Rider Waite Smith
Universal Waite
Robin Wood
Tarot of the New Vision
Fradella Adventure Tarot
Legend: The Authurian Tarot
Pagan Tarot
Gothic Tarot by Vargo
Lord of the Rings
Morgan Greer
Witches Tarot
Hanson Roberts
Mythic Tarot
Gilded Tarot
International Icon Tarot
Barouque Bohemains Cats
Celtic Dragon Tarot
Tarot of the Mermaids
Druid Craft Tarot
Celtic Tarot
Tarot of the Sacred Circle

Its hard to say why I have some of these decks. Some I got for the artwork, some for the lack of artwork. Each one though reflects a part of my personality and ideas that I borrow for my beliefs. I store all my decks in my computer desk drawer along with my runes and pendulums. I like to have them close by, if I need them. If a deck came with a box, that's the box it gets stored in. Some of the decks came with a generic white box, which I decorate to suit the deck. Nothing fancy, just the name with a suitable font and a picture that sums up the deck. A few I made boxes for and two got the honor of really nice bags. What does this all say about me? The standard for me is not having a standard.

I am having a big problem with my Cats deck. I want to put a picture of my three cats on it that I dubbed "The dark triangle". Problem is that since I got the deck, I have lost 2 out of the 3 cats, so the triangle is forever broken. That deck is still sitting on my desk. I don't feel it can go into the drawer till I "complete" it.


Aquarian Tarot
Black Tarot
Cleopatra Tarot
Druid Craft Tarot
Enchanted Tarot
Fairytale Tarot
Farber-Zerner Tarot
Fey Tarot
Gilded Tarot
Goddess Tarot
Medieval Scapini Tarot
Morgan-Greer Tarot
New Palladini Tarot
Original Rider Waite Tarot
Robin Wood Tarot
Sharman-Caselli Tarot
Tarot de Marseille (Fournier)
Tarot de Marseille (Jodorowsky)
Tarot of Dreams
Lovers' Tarot Deck

They probably say "He likes the pretty pictures", as the majority of them I bought for the artwork, with the exception of the Rider Waite and Marseille Decks, which is what I started learning to read with. I tend to go for the lushly or intricately illustrated decks...the DruidCraft, Fairytale and Robin Wood are three of my favourites, and the colours and images in the Morgan-Greer just jump out at me, although part of that may be because it doesn't have any borders.

I regret buying the Aquarian Tarot, as I neither like the art on it, or can connect with it to interpret anything with it...just a blank slate to me.

Since I'm still waiting for the Fenestra Tarot, I guess it's because I'm attracted to the lush imagery, which I find easier to connect with.


Ancient Egyptian Tarot
Celtic Dragon Tarot
Cosmic Tarot
Ramses Tarot of Eternity
Tarot of Atlantis
Unicorn Tarot
Three unnamed decks
The Jonathan Dee/Shirley Barker one
Universal Waite Tiny Tarot

The six I read with are in bags, the rest in their boxes. All bar one are in a wooden cassette/cd rack I found in a charity shop. The other one is in a basket with my candles, and other stuff.

I think they'd say something like: Hmmm, we're a pretty diverse bunch, so she must have a lot of different interests. We are glad we aren't that lone deck in the basket that she doesn't like but hasn't gotten over the sentimental attachment of it being her first deck enough to send it on it's way, like she did a few weeks ago with the 1JJ Swiss. Some of us are being very patient as she hasn't used us yet (astrotarot, unnamed decks) but we don't mind waiting until she's ready to. She looks after us very well and never lets us get dirty.



me too.

memries said:
Mine seem to be shoved anywhere.. don't have that many but the collection seems to keep growing. I do have one small cabinet with quite a few in it.
I really made a mistake buying bags for them all. Think I should round up all the boxes and bags and put them back together. It is getting just too unmanageable. I must be approaching about twenty. A job for today !

Except I am approaching one hundred and fifty. They are in 2 cabinets, a few drawers, a bookshelf, a wicker basket and a desk.
How do they reflect me? A conglomeration of everything.