What was your Strength year like?


Priestess said:
Just thought I'd ask how you work strength year out, are there other years too.

I'm with you Priestess, in asking for an explanation. I had enough problems figuring out my Personality card, Shadow card, etc. Now I have a card every year?

I'm so confused.


It's like my whole life.... HARD. :laugh: I hope not for you!

To figure out your year card add it up....

Example birthday- april 7th , then the current year (or whatever year you want to figure out.)


2+0+1+9=12 That makes me in my Hanged man year with the shadow of Empress. and what a joy it has been! lol


Pao (and everyone else), I just found this on my bookmarks BTW, It talks about each year and tells ya how to add it up to. Sorry, I forgot all about it. http://www.accessnewage.com/articles/Tarot/lottar2.htm Haven't read through each and every one either so I don't know how right it is or isn't.


That which don't kill you maketh you stronger... and or, be nice, no matter how much you might want to strangle something or someone, it's still not the right way to approach it.

That's the kind of year it will be.


Vadella said:
It's like my whole life.... HARD. :laugh: I hope not for you!

To figure out your year card add it up....

Example birthday- april 7th , then the current year (or whatever year you want to figure out.)
according to that Im entering my Lovers year..})


I think this year has been the epitome of what a strength year would have to be for me. I can't count the number of times where I just wanted to give up because it just felt like the world was being completely relentless. It definitely made me re-evaluate a lot about not just myself but the people around me. And I honestly can't wait until it's over.


I've been thinking about the Strength card also because
this is my 8 year. All I could come up with was a saying
I use for that card, which I found here at AT.

"be who you are and say what you will because for those
who mind, it don't matter and for those who matter,
they don't mind!"

Mind Over Matter

After a struggle you are more confident to say it as it is
and of course, bring a balance to your situation(s) through

Well...I am ready to speak up this year! :D

Best of luck


My Strength year was 2007, and I started college. In another state. And I didn't know anyone.

... so yeah, it was rough, and I didn't even know at the time that it was my "strength" year, but that seems pretty apt. :D



Hope your lovers year goes better than mine. It was mine this year and we split after many many years together.


My strength years, I think, my maths might be completely up the spout, knowing what I'm like. :p

1987 – year I was finally removed from my abusive family. And fostered by a NEW abusive family. Yippee. I was 2, so I don’t remember much.

1997 – Second year of high school. Bullied non-stop, because of glasses, being a tomboy and a bookworm. Not a pleasant year.

2005 – Second year of university. I was failing my course, I had just found out that I was dyslexic, dyspraxic and that I had ADD, and I was having to come to terms with that. I was also having to come to terms with my ex-boyfriend lying to me and leaving me for my supposed friend and housemate.

The two years that I remember (obviously when I was two, I was too young to remember anything, especially seeing as it was pretty traumatic), were hellish, but I stayed true to who I was all the same, I kept going, and they were years that really helped me grow as a person.

This year for me is Justice and The High Priestess - it's been 3 months of that now (born at the end of August...), karma and intuition. Very much so I think. I've had a really shit life, to be frank, and things are actually coming together for me, both spiritually, emotionally and mentally. The only thing that isn't improving is my health (I've had a throat infection for two and a half months :p), but I think that's because my body is being able to rest, as I don't have the stresses that I had before. And I'm learning to pay attention to my intuition more than anything, I'm finding that spiritual path that I feel is right for me, when I never had the confidence for it before. If that makes sense.


so basically my life will suck a bit more than it already does?? oh great i think ill just hang myself before the year begins! :bugeyed: :(

thanks all!