What's your Personal Year Card?


Mine is Temperance. Now, just as an example of how much I need this in my life, my journal entry on this card ended up with me making a sub-divided list of the areas where I need to find balance, and some goal-setting on how to achieve each. Oh yes, how best to find integration...compartmentalise everything. This is the way my mind tends to work, though.

What's your Year Card for 2011?


I think mine is Death this year - or one of my natal cards for my birthday/life path (Emperor, Death, Fool).

Just before midnight, my dog who has a certain condition, gave us and himself a big scare, and then did it again at 2am. :/ Whilst everyone else was celebrating, we were hoping he wasn't going to leave us.


Mine is the High Priest. After some thought, I believe I need some discipline and focus with regard to my spiritual pursuits so there's more of a connection between my inner life and my outer one.


The Hermit: solitary, self-contained and in search of (self-)knowledge.



I think i need more life force and energy in 2011 i was more immature earlier just like the page of wands and its high time i meditate to bring the energy of Queen of wands and become more mature.


Temperance is my year card, starting from my birthday in February.

I think it will be a year of balancing all the areas in my life. At least I hope so (work seemed to dominate my life last year!)


My personal card for this year turns out to be The Devil.


Dusk Till Dawn

Mine this Year will be Hermit.


Mines strength, last years was certainly a bumpy ride with the chariot! but i have achieved a lot.


The Sun...
Looking forward to it after all the BS! :D