Why did you start learning the Tarot?


Many years ago I went to a psychic fair because I was reading palms and then I saw tarot cards the first time.
I had a reading and was fascinated and then was hooked.
I am a painter and love the artwork of many decks and try to collect them if my cheque book allows it.


I have Mrs Woolfe to thank for all this! :laugh: I had always had a fascination for esotericism and the occult, but didn't know where to start looking or reading to further my limited knowledge- which at that time went as far as 'The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail' and 'The Hiram Key'. Mrs Woolfe, being from Eastern Europe pointed me towards a lady whose books wer avidly read in her family: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. When I began reading her work, many things began to fall into place for me and I knew I had found what I was looking for. It was at that time that she had begun reading Amber Jayanti's 'Tarot for Dummies', and she said that I might be good at reading the cards as the symbolism on them was very much in the same vein as the stuff I was reading. She showed me a picture of a card, and asked me to work out what it meant based on the imagery I saw and how it related to what I had read so far. The card was the High Priestess in Norbert Lósches' Cosmic Tarot, and from what I told her, she was convinced I would be able to read the cards well. When I looked though the book, I was also convinced- and Tarot has been an integral part of my esoteric and occult practises ever since.


I got my first deck when I was emotionally involved with a man I didn't understand. This guy really knocked me for a loop and I just couldn't trust my conscious mind to sort it out.

He turned out to be a real sour lemon, and the only way I could get through it was to develop my meditation and intuition skills. I thank him for that as it really set me free spiritually. Unfortunately for him, it meant the demise of his relationship with me.

I remember the look on his face when he saw my deck. He was scared of it because he knew that I would know some things he didn't want me to. It was then that he decided to confess certain things. Our relationship wasn't ever the same after that because he hid from me a lot and that made it easier to admit to myself he was just one big liar.

Water Lady

So many reasons and so many paths.
I do not have family that lead me into this nor do I have special abilities that I can see yet.
I started years ago with Tarot wanting to learn more about myself. But with no support and a business to run, I let it go until recently when I am still wanting to learn more about how to live a better life.
Tarot has been facinating, so many lessons learned and this site has given me the support to keep looking, regardless of what others might think.


I started reading tarot when I was 12 (I'm 22 at the moment).
I got interested in it after watching The Craft (shame that I have to admit that) and my parents decided to tell me that Witches existed but not in the way that movies portrayed it and it had me interested in them. That's a whole other topic.
My parents didn't want me to go and start exploring that part and told me that my grandmother from my fathers side of the family reads tarot cards. I wanted to know more about them and I had a genuine interest in them. When It came to the weekend just before my birthday (if i remember right) I got to sleep over at my grandmothers appartment and she showed me how she does a reading. From there she also decided to give me a deck and told me to have at it.
There wasn't much instruction from her. I sorta had to figure it out myself. The only guidance she gave me was "Look at the pictures, what do you think is going on? What things are standing out to you?"
From there I taught myself tarot.
I think the reason it attracted my attention was because it was something different. It wasn't anything like I had expected to be, but it drew me in.


I started because it seemed "witchy" and I was feeling rebellious :)


My interest started at the age of 10, when I had a little money to spare and was spinning the "fun travel kits" rack at the local bookstore. There, in my price range, was something I'd vaguely heard of. Tarot cards! In their own little package with a book! I was enthralled (and, obviously, very easily amused) and immediately brought them home. I'd barely begun to read the book and find out what the darn thing was all about when my best friend at the time saw them. She--I'm sure we all know where this is going--was a strict, fundamentalist Christian, and threatened to never speak to me again if I didn't rid myself of the blasphemous package immediately. I was a very gullible, lonely child whose tenuous grasp on any friendship she could get was worth more than a little Tarot deck, and with the fear of eternal damnation in hell ringing in my ears, I begged my mother to return the deck.

A few years passed, and my interest in the paranormal grew. I began to question my decision to follow a god who threw sinners in a vat of fire for eternity for breaking his petty rules, and finally summoned up the courage to buy a Celtic Tarot from the used book store. I got a few powerful readings out of it, but lost interest until around the end of last year, when I finally decided that hell didn't exist and I could find it in my heart to follow a Universal divinity. I walked into a metaphysical bookstore one day, found the Ancestral Path Tarot, and began reading with it. After again dropping Tarot by the wayside for overly-positive New Age decks (which I found far too sickly-sweet in short order), I re-discovered the Aeclectic forum and rekindled my old dream of designing my own Tarot deck, started doing research and buying decks...and I could say the rest is history, but that was just a few weeks ago!


When I was 19 at college a friend read my palms, I was so blown away by what he told me, I went and bougt a ton of books, practised and practised on people until I was able to do it myself. Cue 9 years later (April last year) , I'm working at a psychic fair and I get a reading from a fellow psychic, she says "You're an excellent palm reader, but you'll be an even better Tarot reader". I immediately bought the RWS, signed up for a Tarot course, studied like a maniac, began introducing 3 card PPF readings into my professional palmistry work until I was able to work up to the Celtic Cross. Now I can work with the Thoth and I am as well-known for my card readings as I am for my palm readings!


My mother took me to get my cards read when I was
sixteen. From then on, I wanted to learn "how" they
knew what the cards were saying.

My sister bought me a deck for my birthday one year
because I never knew where people bought those
kinds of cards. No one in my family reads.

And now that I've found AT...
it goes on and on and...


I have always liked playing regular card games,
so Tarot cards looked interesting to me.


I guess it was the mystic about it. I'm not sure. I would see the tarot at the bookstore and it intriqued me. I eventually bought a deck and have been using tarot on and off since then.