Why did you start learning the Tarot?


I bought one because I had friends who did it. I wanted to learn. The deck I have now doesnt " speak" to me like yall say. But I am hoping to find one. I do read them everyday. But I am learning and loving it.

Open Arms

I was given a set of Lenormand cards with a book I nought over 20 years ago and right away I connected with them. I then went a bought a TdeM deck which on the 2 times I used it I had a bad car accident within hours
So I put those away for a few years.

Late last year my husband of 14 years leaves me and I get the urge to get back into spiritual things and I bought some more oracle cards, then some more, and some tarot cards and in a few days I will have about 15 decks and growing!!

Doncha love it!!

Finding the right deck to learn with is the key. The Gilded work with me just so well and I can't wait for my ToD to arrive.

I was always intuitive and the cards are just a tool in some ways - a focus for the messages or intent to come across.


As a child my sister had bunchs if books on astrology! Her new hubby threw them out so she brought them to our mom and dad's house...that got me kinda curious.

Then when I started middle school I was sorta the odd ball, geeky wall flower that one see's standing off to the side. Very few friends, etc.etc...and found that using a playing card deck and "reading" with it got people more willing to talk and come around me. (And I was good at it too! But darn if I can remember "HOW" I did them!)

Now when I wound up out in the boon docks alone most of the time found this site

(Printed off pics from your list of decks with all cards pictured...cut them fastened them onto index cards, etc.etc...NOT very easy or neat way of getting a deck!)

Then mail ordered my first "Bought" deck and have become a compulsive addict ever since! Kim


Plain and simple, I just could not keep away from them!!!

I picked up my first deck nearly 20 years ago and felt a bond right from the start. I played with them for the first few years but didn't get serious until 2003, so not so long ago. I cant put them down now and they're apart of my life. They go where ever I go and I always have a deck on me.


Since I was a child I've been interested in anything metaphysical (angels, spirits, fortune-telling and many more things). My mother used to do readings with playing cards (and she was good!) but that's all. If I remember well, I saw my first tarot deck into a magazine about astorology, it came with the magazine as a gift.. It was cheap and rather ugly as you can imagine but I loved it.. and I wanted to buy my own "real" Tarot deck.. the rest is history!
I was too young, about 10 or 11 years old. I understand why some parents don't like their children to get involved with Tarot, I suppose it's because they think Tarot it's something evil but I'm sure if they could understand what Tarot means they would feel much better about it! Tarot isn't something evil or dangerous for children but drugs or drinking sure are. ;)