why do you study astrology?


You made perfect sense Kaylee. It's the dance of the starts and planets. That's how the World card feels to me.


Hello all!!

I´m new at this, why i want to study this?

Well, i studyed tarot, reiki, magnified healing, karuna, mediation, crystals, gaia mediation... and astrology gives me some call to me.

For me all seems very complicate now, but seems very good to understand the inner side of a person, and i think when a person understands her inside turns more fullfil.
The human nature is truly amazing, and astrology seems very good to discover this.
I think when a person have knowledgement of her qualities and fails, trurns herself more human and more positive.

Astrology called for me, i want to know how the planets can influence my inside and nature, and there arent more rich thing that we love us and respect us.

So, astrology you are very welcome into my life :D


I'm hoping by understanding astrology...it'll give me a deeper understanding of Tarot....plus I spend so much just wondering about the effects of the heavens on emotions and how we react to each other...it seems like a natural course to take.


I've had an interest in astrology since grade school. I have always been fascinated by the accuracy. It definetely promotes self awareness, i think. I concentrate more on self astrology, so to speak, than astrology of love or compatability with another.


Since I was 12, I had been doing lists of all the people in my class and all the teachers, and their Sun signs. i don't even know how that came to be, as none in family or surrounding is into that, nor into Tarot.
till today, this hobby marks my individuality among family and social circles.

When I was 21 I went for the first time to a professional astrologer for my first reading, and the most memorable thing I remember from this meeting, is that I have a very prominenet "moon in Virgo". Now, these were years where iwas struggling with my perfectionism and self criticism issues, and **knowing** it was a part of me was the beginning for the road to self-acceptance and healing, and I even managed to lower a bit my standards, and to make life for myself more livable!!!!

Since then, it was just a long fascination, each year getting another book, and getting more and more into it. I never went to a course, and I think i'll study it on my free pace forever...

Later, when i got into the tarot, astrology was a great ally, and till today i can undrstand some cards better due to the astrological connections. It has given me the level of synthesis i needed to always have something to probe into.

What i like especially about my relationship with astrology is that i'm very interested but not obsessed. I don't have "10 books to read by the end of summer", but "10 books on my shelf to read them whenever i have the urge". I take it easy, there are no obligations, no deadlines and no goals. I think it's an area where it's easiest for me to demontrate that "live in the moment" thing, as in "enjoy the journey"...

Today, I use astrology to understand my relationships with others. I think that predictive astrology is interesting, but it has not "hit" me yet. Once in a while something does though...

I also chose astrology as the "cosmic thing to follow". Some check everyday the weather, some the stock market, some the tides, and some the sales deals. I'd rather check the planets, and when I try to explain that I use the phrase "Astrological consciousness".

The issue of destiny vs free will, is very fascinating for me,and i'm not convinced how it works at all. I just have felt so many times that although something COULD happen, it DIDN'T happen (and vice versa), and that makes me wonder about the limitations about our potential. I don't think that anything can happen to everybody. i also don't think that we can make happen anything we want. i do believe though that we can affect and craft our life, but we do have to pass through some transformations and trials first, which CAN be seen in our charts. So, i wonder...

With astrology, I learned to never be 100% about anything. But i also lerned that i'm 100% sure I want it around... ;)


isthmus nekoi said:
There are so many reasons ppl read astro, and I was wondering if anyone who like to share how they got interested and why they continue to study astro...
I like your choice of words with "continue to study"
because for me that is what Astrology brings to my
life~ a continued study of something that has been
a part of the lives of people since fisrt we became.

Tonight~ we walked out again at sunset to see the
delicate performances of Jupiter, Venus & the Moon.
I could feel myself on a ship at sea, or in the desert
camping for the night, and all of it felt so wonderful,
...standing beside a half-grown field of soy beans! :)