With a little bit of luck.......


Oh magpie, I'm sorry. :( I know how disappointing it can be to really want a position only to be told it's not going to happen now. I do hope you'll be able to look back and say, "Well, if it HAD worked out, I wouldn't be doing THIS, which I love so much more!"



Magpie, I am so disappointed for you! well, as we all say, if it is right, you will get it. Try to Ask the universe for a good place for you to read at at least once a week, this place (or a meta shop for that matter) may not be the answer, but the answer will come if you ask.

BTW: I worked occasionally at a local meta shop that just closed, and I got less but better business at a restaurant I also worked at. The meta shop clients were crazy, I still get calls from one client from the restaurant.


Thank you all so much for your consoling words and common-sense wisdom over my disappointment. I've cooled down a lot over the last few days.
The shop owner has asked me very sincerely to hang in there with him a little longer, and I will. I still feel that this can work out the way I want it to, I just have to work on patience and perhaps trust. Meanwhile I know I should look around for other opportunities, get off my lazy tired duff and find some other place I like to read at as much as I like this one. I have days promised me through mid-November, so my sky isn't actually falling yet!

Ace, I have to agree with you about crazy customers--I find a lot more of them in this (and other) meta shop than in any restaurant I've ever read at. Sometimes I think there's a giant magnet hidden behind the "Roswell" section of books...:bugeyed: LOL

Seriously though, the main difficulty I have with Meta Shops is that so many of the customers are into very frequent readings, and I wonder about the ethics of reading for them too/so often. Is it enabling an addiction, or simply allowing people their right to spend their money as they please?


Hmm... I'm sorry about the way things turned out... ((((magpie9))) Well, maybe you deserve something better and it will be there next week ;)

Seriously though, the main difficulty I have with Meta Shops is that so many of the customers are into very frequent readings, and I wonder about the ethics of reading for them too/so often. Is it enabling an addiction, or simply allowing people their right to spend their money as they please?

For me, who has never read into shops, this really depends on the questions and the persons. Are they asking repeat questions? Are they asking questions about things that should have little impact? Are they asking questions that have to do with things they should do action for themselves? (When will I move, when will I graduate etc.) or are they asking loads of "general" Readings?

If it's yes to any or all of the above, I would say yes. The more people get addicted to the advice Tarot Readings give, the more silly questions they start to make just to justify a Tarot Reading or just have General Readings every 3 days ;)
Three CC's about three major themes are different then 3 general CC's a week...

Also, what is "too much" depends on the person and what the Reader thinks. Especially with people who are easily influenced (either shown by their behaviour or questions about their age) I would set standards to how much silly or general Questions I would do. Somebody should not ask advice for me on how to proceed shopping groceries ;)



magpie9 said:
Ace, I have to agree with you about crazy customers--I find a lot more of them in this (and other) meta shop than in any restaurant I've ever read at. Sometimes I think there's a giant magnet hidden behind the "Roswell" section of books...:bugeyed: LOL

Seriously though, the main difficulty I have with Meta Shops is that so many of the customers are into very frequent readings, and I wonder about the ethics of reading for them too/so often. Is it enabling an addiction, or simply allowing people their right to spend their money as they please?

That is what I mean, Magpie, I had a friend who worked regularly and I worked occaisionally at the same shop. This one woman would ask over and over about this man in her life..... gahhhh! Kahlie, my experience is that they don't want to hear or accept the truth. So they ask over and over about the same thing, waiting for a different answer. They spend money on denying reality. And I can't reach them. they won't listen. They want reality to be different, so after a while I would perfer not to read for them--or at a meta shop. It was too frustrating.

I am not, I don't think, being uncompassionate. I wanted them to find a way, but you can point out the path, and map it out, and post signs with big flashing neon and paint it yellow brick and they WON'T GO THERE, they sit and bemoan their last of choices because SOMEONE ELSE won't change.


..........Maybe it does just take "letting go".........
I got a call tonite from the shop owner, and I now have my very own day, and am a "staff reader" and all of it.
I am so delighted.

:party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:

[size=+2]Hip Hip Hoooooooooray![/size]


magpie9 said:
..........Maybe it does just take "letting go".........
I got a call tonite from the shop owner, and I now have my very own day, and am a "staff reader" and all of it.
I am so delighted.

:party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:

[size=+2]Hip Hip Hoooooooooray![/size]

Yowza. I couldn't read what you wrote. :) But congratulations!!!!


Just found this thread, and I'm so glad it has a happy ending!!! Wishing you the very best as you start this new direction in your path.... Lemme know where you're at, I'd love to pop by sometime if it ever happens I'm in town on your day! :D


Oh that is fantastic, magpie!!! :D



That's great Magpie! I'm very happy for you! I just had a feeling that somehow this was going to work out well for you in the end! Congratulations! :D