Would you read for someone you don't like?


KSPisces said:
I often do readings for one of my friends. I love her, she's great. My readings for her have always given her good insight and are usually pretty accurate.

She recently separated from her husband, and during this separation, I learned a LOT of things about him that I didn't know. In short, he's an ass.

Lo and behold, they have gotten back together - as her last reading told me they would... unbeknownst to me, she had already moved back in at the time of that reading. (Silly me, I thought the cards were wrong. I thought there was NO WAY she would go back. Don't I look like a jerk?) Now she's asked me to do a reading for husband. (I've done them for him before as well.)

I told her I didn't think it was a good idea. My concern is that my feelings of distaste for him are SO strong, that I'm worried I'll influence the deck negatively. I only try to read when I'm feeling "up" - or even "neutral" - but I just can't see myself doing a reading for someone when I have such strong negative feelings towards them.

Does anyone else feel the same way? Would you go ahead and do the reading anyways?


No, if i felt so repulsed by the mere idea of it, why would i? I mean, it's one thing if you read professionally, than i beleive one must learn to de-touch, but if this couple happen to be your close friends and, if anyway you have such a strong opinion on their relationship that you doubt the accuracy of your readings for them - i'd say - no, don't read for the husband.
As Diane points out "therapists often deal with patients that they don't care for, lawyers work with those they aren't wild about" - true and neither therapists nor lawyers need to be crazy about their patients/clients as long as they are providing the service they are paid for which fits the relevant professional requirements.
In my personal experience, having strong feelings of any kind towards your client (any client, not only Tarot querent) is a disadvantage, especially if the imaginery professional lets their feelings/opinions influence the service they are providing... That's amateur-ish.
If reading for friends and free of charge, i think its important to learn to say "no" as (as the proverb goes) - one who works for free has many clients. ;)

ETA for typo


You know I was thinking just that a while ago, Maybe if they really, really, really needed it, if something was eating them up ok. But other than that no. ;)


Here's a thought (it's a council of perfection, and I wish I had the sense to do it) - why not ask the cards anyway to help you understand why you dislike the person? Could be you recognize a trait in them that you dislike in yourself. As Diane (?) says, it could make you a better reader

- not that I'm saying you ought to read for anyone you don't like or that you find hard to deal with.

~ heron