Dream Divination Experiment.

Dancing Bear

Yora you are up next!!
Once CN has given her feedback, Post up your Question!!

For me this experiment is making me try to remember more of my dreams..I have a pad next to my bed! I find it hard to put in words what my dreams consisted of at times.
and other times it is hard to recall.. I am definately out of practice with this LOL!!
For me it is making me to be more mindful so far..
I still havent Lucid dreamt just yet!! I am sure i will let you know when i do LOL!!

Good Luck everyone with Yora's question!

and I cant wait to get feedback from CN..

I remember once in the other forum it wasnt until weeks later my dream meant something to the person , So we should keep this thread going for a while after we have finished, just in case!!


Well, I decided that it is best to post the fb now, tonight and Yora, if you add your last thoughts, I'll provide fb on that as well. So, first of all, here is Ming's fb for each of her dreams and visions.

celticnoodle said:
My question is, what is it specifically that I need to do to overcome my spiritual blockage?

mingbop said:
You will regret it! MUHAHAHAHA
Well I wanted to go to the loo (in the dream) and so I did. But then I looked around and realised that the loo, with me onnit, was out on the pavement. There was nobody around - this was in my wee village here and there's never anybody around - but I got so upset and embarrassed and scuttled back inside. (I left "it" out there before you ask!)
So I took this as a warning about letting other people in on my (or your) private business, not keeping things private ...? Something like that.

ming. well, the toilet dream makes some sense. I've had dreams very similar to this not so long ago actually myself. Now, to dream you are in a bathroom can indicate the need to relieve yourself, and feel emotionally and psychologically clean. Because you are out in the open, it would further indicate that you are frustrated about your privacy and that you are putting the needs of others ahead of your own. also that you are experiencing some difficulties with emotions and fearful of being criticized for them and judged by them. Because you got upset over this and went back inside shows that you are holding back the truth in all this.

I agree that I need to just stop thinking/talking about this and get over it. As for letting other people in on this, I have only shared when people asked me specifically-save for sharing it with my husband and a few other people who are close to me. However, it tends to continue to show up so bluntly in my readings, (and mostly because it is such a big issue on my mind), so I do let it be known then too. just like I am now here. I have not shared the whole truth of it all with many, as some of it is just too painful for me to do so and the fact that the whole truth of what was done would also be hurtful to others. Better to 'save' them the same hurt, I think....

ming said:
Well I didn't dream this but saw it right in front of my closed eyelids - and it was a swallow fluttering at the window, trying to get inside. Don't know what that means.

This one, you already know, as I had to PM you. I was so shocked when this really came to be true. I had read your 'vision' and didn't reply, because it didn't mean anything to me at the time, personally, though through family 'lore' and the general accepted meaning for a swallow, it is a message of a death soon to come, most likely of a small child/baby. Further, the swallow generally accompanies a baby into heaven on its back. On our way to Canada last Friday, I did receive a phone call from my mother to tell me that my niece and her husband were pregnant with their first baby, but unfortunately, my niece became very ill and rushed to the hospital and the doctors ended up having to perform a surgical abortion. :(

When my mother delivered that msg. we had no idea of their pregnancy, and I was shocked, because I recalled immediately of this vision you had. sad msg. for us, but wow! very impressive, Mingbop.

ming said:
CN - last night I dreamt I met all the people on one of my forums, and they were all very dodgy, not the kind of people you'd like in real life. So I think the message there is BEWARE INTERNET FORUMS lolol!

now, this one I wonder if it had to do with the proposed Christmas celebration you in the UK are planning for this coming Christmas? :D If not, then the only thing I can think of is that I should DEFINITELY stay away for awhile from joining Facebook, which I am currently staying away from. But all my friends keep asking me to join and 'some' family members too! :p lol!

Good Job Ming!!! :thumbsup:


celticnoodle said:
My question is, what is it specifically that I need to do to overcome my spiritual blockage?

dancing bear said:
I was ghost hunting as i have stared to do in real life in my home town again..
Anyway I knew there was spirit in the house but it was eluding me. sneaky it was, Even residual I couldnt pick up on Unlike me, But there you go we have our days.
anyway I had walked out of the room..and i heard the fridge door open , as i walked in it wsas closing and my Dog who has just past over was laying on the floor, In my dream it was perfectly natural to see him , it was if he hadnt passed. I swore!! LOL!! at the fridge , not the dog!! Then a child spirit started walking away from the fridge. with a really awkward twisted mouth and its eyes closed. I must have yelled in my sleep because i woke up with husband telling me i was ok!! But i do know i was saying to it to go away, it wasnt nice!!

DB. wow! this also made me laugh, because in the town where we currently live 'full time', a new group is forming, "The Ghost Hunters club of (enter my county) VT". or something titled like that. One woman I know and who has had a few readings from me knows the woman forming this club. She gave her my name and number and said, "If you form this club, you MUST call this woman! She is a psychic and is great!!! She will be an asset to this club." :p

I have done numerous tarot and psychic readings for this woman who referred me and for some of her friends. One was done not too long ago on our psychic circle, and practically the whole town was set a buzz with what everyone there got on this house that was proven true. (thank you for that psychic circle!)

As for the fridge, this is funny too, because our rented home is also haunted (like my home in NY). The woman spirit was the grandmother of our landlord and this was her home. She is primarily in the kitchen and always cooking. Generally I have the delightful aroma of brownies cooking, and sometimes ohter foods too--but she was known wide and far for her homemade brownies and if they taste as good as they smell--even in spirit, mmmm! :D

The dog...the only thing(s) I can think of is that my dog visits us here and is usually asleep in the kitchen, near the fridge. Also, our neighbor has a dog and the landlord lives right across the street and has two dogs. they come to my door often for a doggie treat I keep on hand for them. :) since you dreamt of your dog, I wonder if it is because my childhood dog is always with me.

The kid....not sure about htat one! lol!

dancing bear said:
I dreamt I had a Bicycle. I was doing something I cant rememebr what it was i was doing, But i remember someone coming up to me and saying i needed a few parts on my bicycle for it to be legally able to rode on the roads. Apparently POlice officers had given it a once over and then adjusted it all the road standards LOL!! I was annoyed really!! Because i truly believed it didnt need all the red tape Bollocks..
So anyway I got my Bicycle back, and I was going to ride in a park area..i had been before , it was nice and serene.
When i got there I had to go through gates that were not there before..and inside there were all sorts of undesirables, ready to do harm to me or my bike.. When i got in and saw it all, I wasnt frightened at all.. I was riding along and thought i needed a tissue. LOL!! There boxes along the way I could get one.. One after the other they were empty, and i was dodging all these people, who were trying to stop me.. One in particular.. a Woman! i have no idea who she was, But i didnt care for her at all.. and found her quite annoying..Following me trying to egt me to stop and give my bicycle a once over, again!!

well. my hubby is an avid biker. me? oh, every now and again. :) but I do know that to ride on a bike is indicative of trying to find balance in life. if you are experiencing difficulties, it is about being anxious about making it on your own merits. the park can indicate spiritual balance and meditation--all that I am trying so hard to balance lately! I have lost a bit of my abilities and trying so hard to get them back, as I've been told numerous times it is because I am having a difficult time forgiving for the hurt given to me (as mentioned in mings fb). I need to get over that completely and forgive them. Its easier said then done though. :eek:

The undesirables I would say are the people who participated in the mean trick pulled on me. The police represent authority figures and control. Sounds like some of these people who treated me badly. One in particular is a very controlling person, and angry that she doesn't have control over me anymore. it can also indicate that I need to take more control--which may require me to come clean with all that was said, even if it does hurt the others. But, I just cannot do that! it would cause too many hurt feelings and I was hurt so badly, I would NEVER push that on another. The tissue could represent the fact that I am ready to heal emotionally. I was ready the minute after the outburst for a healing.

I finally found a tissue Yay!! and a man tried to stop me , I rode past him.. I was suppose to be frightened i got that feeling he was trying to do.. I wasnt though!! I found him just in my way!! and was determined not to play this game of his.. Hot on my heals was this woman trying to tell me my bicycle was not in order and needed modifications.. I knew this was untrue ( not only due to earlier modifications by the police officers but my own knowing) and she was trying to trick me for some reason..Maybe to stop me and show that she had authority.. like on a power trip really.. I wasnt buying it!! I was not going to stop , I was not going to bow down to her or her bollocks of a rule book, I found an opening to get out and i did.. there were two men outside of the gates.. she said they would get me as they were Police officers.. I looked at them ( they looked like it, But i knew they were not) They were postal workers LOL!! I rode straight past them and on my merry little way..
I was determined not to be caught up in the red tape stuff of society..and all the narrow minded ways of many.. I allowed them to adjust my bicycle. But that is as far as i would allow them to go.. The rest of the way I knew I was on the right path!!

Hope that helps you CelticNoodle..
It was like running a marathon in that dream.. riding around all night on a bicycle got exhausting!! LOL!!

to be frightened indicates worry. I do worry about how I am now seen by others over this issue. It was a very public thing--I was embarrassed and ridiculed in a very public area under the eyes of quite a few people known and unknown to me. Everyone tells me to forget about this and them. But, that is not as easy to do as to say. Also, I must tell you that I had a terrible fright on our trip to Canada. I really do not want to verbalize it here, as it was a terrible fright for me, and still is whenever I think about it again--but it was fairly like what you explained. A man was trying to take advantage of me and sort of held me captive inside a building alone for awhile. I had a hard time escaping from him/bldg. This is all I wish to say on this though as I am still trying to decide what action if any to take as a result.

As for the finding an opening, it can also indiate that new opportunities are opening up for me, and there is something on the horizon that I am waiting to hear about. If it comes to be, it will be a nice opportunity. because the gate is opened and not closed, it would seem that this oportunity is something that will come to be! YEA!!! :thumbsup:

So, basically, I guess the message is to continue with the meditation, (I am) and to keep my wits about me, trusting my gut instincts - even in the most dire of situations.

Good Job, DB! :thumbsup: :D


celticnoodle said:
My question is, what is it specifically that I need to do to overcome my spiritual blockage?

YDM42 said:
Catch bigger fish?????????? After reading your question I dreamed of a very beautiful clear sparkling spring, in it people where catching BIG fish, gigantic fish. One fish, or what I thought was a fish, turned out to be a fake, it was boat ....upon waking I thought about the movie "big fish" and thought maybe the fish had to do with fishing stories. However---I know its deeper than that. Water symbolizes your feelings- so maybe those big fish symbolize your subconscious feelings, things just beneath the surface, that come out every now and again....these things need to be explored, written about and made peace with, your "motivations" are being challenged by them (these thoughts and ideas just beneath the surface) and therefore you motivation and momentum is constantly changing. Interesting enough the fish as big as the where in my dream, where flowing in different directions, just having a run of the place. But wow, what a beautiful clear body of water that was.

:p bigger fish. well...interesting. first of all all this water is a nice thing to dream about! it is again about my emotional state of mind and because you describe it as beautiful, clear and sparkling, it is symbolic of healing and spiritual knowledge. this is nice!!! Also because the 'spring' is a sign of new beginnings. the big fish can indicate big ideas I have. It could also symbolize insights from my unconscious mind being brought forth. To see people fishing, this suggests acknowledging and dealing with repressed emotions. I am doing so. A boat shows that I am coping well with these repressed emotions. having the fish flowing in different directions can also be symbolizing my investigating and learning so many different ways to incorporate into my spiritual path--I've been told to pursue a path of healing. The guides are never specific, so I am taking the time to learning many different ways of healing---at least the ways that are interesting to me right now! :)

So, I guess your dream indicates that I am on my way to healing myself emotionally and that I should continue to focus on my dreams, (7 of cups tarot card comes to mind here). Its nice to see that your dream does show I am progressing finally! :)

You did an excellent job of explaining it all! Good Job!!! :thumbsup:


celticnoodle said:
My question is, what is it specifically that I need to do to overcome my spiritual blockage?

Yora said:
I don't know if it has something to do with you celticnoodly!! Another chance for me tonight!!

I dreamed of seeing joseph gordon levitt ( i think that is his name) he looked like as he looked in the movie hesher with long black hair but without the beard. He was standing in front of a town canal, it all looked kind of like in a painting. lavender colours i remember too. I remembered he was a friend of the brother of a friend of mine and once i had the chance to get to know him but didn't. I then saw an image of him lying on top of that friend's bunkbed. I tried to find him after realizing, longing for a connection but i couldn't. It looked quite beautifull the town!! The word rural comes to mind when thinking of it. And maybe it was also in another era. Or allot of years ago!!

never heard of him, so I had to google him. :p the only thing I can say is that the movie title, "Hesher" is very close to my married surname. other then that, nothing. the lavender colors could indicate spiritual cleansing. :) A town canal could symbolize my being too controlling with my thinking and beliefs, and that this is holding me back from pursuing my goals mentioned above. Funny enough--one of my guides told me this same thing. That my thoughts and beliefs where my setback began is indeed holding me back spiritually. :eek:

In a hole in a tree there was a sandlightbrown motherdog (i think) and her baby's took turns on drinking milk and i worried about if that wouldnt give her too much of a drained feeling. lol

A tree can mean many things, and since you do not indicate if the tree was dead, green and lush or bare of any leaves or even what type of tree it was, I'm going to just say that I think (esp. w/the mother dog there) that it probably again relates to my hopes and dreams of attaining my spiritual goals (healing). The dog can be symbolic of my strong values to helping others (she was feeding her pups). I was always there to help people in my community and also my family and friends. BEcause you describe her as possibly being drained--well...again, sounding like a broken record, as I have been feeling drained the last 18 mos. of it all and so was forced to cut back dramatically from it all.

An album cover with pastel thirst quenching looking pink berries, a woman sang on it (from the rural little town i dreamed off, i don't think it is in the netherlands where i live) and after her song there where added songs from children. Also little Joseph was singing on it!

the album could be indicating my true friends being around me. I am surrounded by very true and good friends. They were always like family to me. Esp. now too, when I need them the most. :) I happen to live in a very little rural town. in fact, currently in the smallest incorporated "city" in the U.S. the word 'city' is funny to use describing our town--we don't even have a grocery store here! lol. And, by 6pm, the town rolls up its sidewalks and goes home. (save the bar and one or two restaurants and the liquor store that stays open till 7pm) :D

further a long white table, a church thing going on maybe in a big white tent (not sure maybe it was just a buildin) and a black woman with curly short hair was singing on it. Everyone was enjoying her music but also doing their thing talking softly and eating.

a long white table could indicate my large circle of friends, (I do have many here! :) ) and the color white could indicate the peacefulness I feel when with them. It can also indicate a fresh start in my life--which I am taking.

I can't grasp everything from the dream sadly!!! I hope tommorow there is more to share!!

you did great!!! :thumbsup:

Yora said:
Robot after girl (from tideland/silent hill movie) it knows where she is. (something about a patched heart made of candy not sure) and wants to eliminate her!! Suddenly i was her. Had to stay on the move, it was a re-dream on the same night about the subject because i had a vision or dreamt that night before that me and a friend from collage, he was black, had a light blue shirt on, (i was a white person ) we where on a rooftop and together we knew how to eliminate the eliminating robot. At least we tried allot of stuff. We knew allot of scientific things or how to make stuff go kaboom.

well, could the candy be representating just how darn sweet I am? :angel:
the robot could indicate that I am feeling unable to express my feelings and so going about life in a way like a robot. Where some people are concerned, this is so true! the heart itself could again indicate how I am expressing my feelings and I have somewhat patched it with some fake sugar. I am talking again with some of these people, but I admit- grudgingly so. I'm being as nice as I am able to be, under the circumstances. So, the patch heart made of candy makes sense. I had to patch my heart and fake the sweetness I am showing them.

so i whent running to collage it was colddd!!! I entered a snackbar/cafe and begged for a jacket and told the crazy truthh, the japanese man saw i was genuinely in need off it and gave a long jacket like ichigo wears in kamikaze girls. Not purple though! http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u...2/ichigokg.jpg black or blackred.

(an old woman who did not want to throw away her cake, it was fancy schmanzy!!! With icing. Lightblue i think. but then she looked at it and realized it was old :p she had another cake under a large cup and was afraid to witness maggottown so i think i split!)
was straight from my sketches, did a bit of a check up and some fixes.

the college would suggest I am going through social changes and am tring to experiment with new things. It also would suggest I am going through a stressful time. All very true! The cold is me feeling isolated. I am at times.

snack bar/cafe could be about my social life, and because I was begging for a jacket, it indicates that I am isolating myself to protect myself. all true too. I have not been back to visit the people who were mean to me since that awful day. (over a year now). the longest I've EVER been away. the Japanese man could represent enlightenment and peace of mind. all that I have achieved since distancing myself--even it is also upsetting. the cake thing can be my difficulties in throwing away my relationship w/these people completely. I do hope that one day things will get better between us. light blue color can indicate devotion, truth and loyalty. or my spiritual guide. I'm going to lean towards the guide. The maggot thing can be how I feel about them lately.
Day after dreamed about two snails with pinkish bodies! One had a shell and one didn't. The snail had a cartoon mouth and eyes. :p

also in all the dreams i had lately my mom was in it lol
this did make me laugh as some people are telling me that i am being overly sensitive. I may be. or it can indicate my progress on my spiritual goal. moving at a snails pace....true! As for your mom being in the dream--my mother was involved in this, so that is the mother connection.

Yora said:
the candied heart patch was more like a thin candy cookie in the shape of a heart with strawberry/red jelly in it by the way!! It was also a patch. lol

this is probably indicating how thin the relationship w/these people was to begin with--(very thin!) and the jelly shows I'm doing what I can to preserve what is left. yeah...somewhat. I came to realize that it seemed to be more important to me then to them. Since that horrible day, I stopped being at their beck and call, I have not heard from them at all either. Apparently, they don't care that much.

I am taking all this as I need to stop stressing myself out about it and stop being so sensitive also and count the blessings that I do have--mainly the very wonderful supportive people around me. :)

OH! nearly forgot this, my one guide is named Joe, (Joseph) so perhaps that is also why you saw this Joseph Gordon Leavitt. My guide, Joe, is slender of build like Leavitt and he has long dark hair--but didn't really look like Hersher. perhaps the name is why you got him?

Great Job! :thumbsup:


celticnoodle said:
My question is, what is it specifically that I need to do to overcome my spiritual blockage?

Haizea said:
Today I don't know if any is related to you. My niece 6 years old (Libra like you) was yesterday and today in the dreams. Both days there was a swimmingpool at some point. And today there was also a man from many years ago that I was very attracted to but did not trust (and I was right not to trust him).

I thought I was the only one who'd feel unable to describe dreams. Good to see that even the experts get confused with them, Dancing Bear.

well, other then being a Libra, not sure, save that my niece was involved w/my blockage point. However, the pool could show I need to come to terms with my feelings and get over it. I have been let down many, many times by the people I've helped. I seem to be a glutton for punishment. In fact, this last event was really not as bad as other things I have had done to me in the past and the people who know the whole story of this latest example are surprised that this last event sent me over the edge, as it was small in comparison to the other things pulled. I think it was just the straw that finally broke the camels back. you know?

You did an excellent job, I think Haizeal! give yourself a pat on the back! :D

haizea said:
Hmm, thinking a bit more...I said I was right not to trust him, but his girlfriend of youth (a Libra) decided that she wanted to marry him and have children with him, even if she herself could not trust him either. He had cheated on her when they were young, but she thought the rest of him was worth in compensation. I can understand her, because I also liked most things of him (he was not my first love).

This must be no related at all, but well, I am trying my best.

More I've remembered: my niece acted like she was very mature and know it all (but she is 6).

well, all i can add is that my nieces and nephews were also involved.

the msg here I think is that some people whom I am attached to may not be very honorable or good for me to trust. I need to learn who I can trust and whom I cannot.



celticnoodle said:
My question is, what is it specifically that I need to do to overcome my spiritual blockage?

obeygravity said:
OKAY. I finally remember my dreams from last night so hopefully they will be useful. They were both incredibly brief and kind of bleeded into one another but bare with me!

The first took place in my house. My brothers were over and asking for a tape of a show from wwaayy back in the 80s (I can't remember what show it was, but I do remember that it existed, I just can't recall the name of it). I went to go looking for the tape but discovered that all the video cassettes of shows from that time period were gone. I went back to them and said that the only things left were tapes of more recent shows, everything else was gone.

makes perfect sense as the 'home' is where my spiritual block occurred. as for the shows, I really don't know how to fit that in.

The second, I was in church, but very begrudgingly. I very clearly did not want to be there, but I was only complying with my brothers because they wanted to go. They were doing that thing where they bring up the communion bread and wine and were collecting for donation. There was a man going from row to row trying to find kids to everything up to the altar and then they stopped at the row right in front of me. No one in that row really wanted to do it. There was a woman sitting beside me who stood up, I think I knew her in the dream because she started talking to me and trying to coax me into joining in. The man heard this and immediately turned to me and started pointing and gesturing for me to take part. My brothers also started chiming in and I immediately just say "NO!" and turned so that my back was facing my brothers and crossed my arms to the guy. I vaguely remember saying something about how I didn't even want to be here, and making some very dry joke about how I'd probably burst in flames if I touched any of that stuff anyway LOL

No clue if this will be of help but let me know! Interesting set of dreams! I know there was more detailing to the first but I can't remember right now.
the church is interesting, as I am a Catholic (not a great one, but I do call myself one) and I go to church often, save when traveling. I am quite involved in my church too. Other then this, all I can say is that I did have to turn my back on ALL these people who hurt me (and thus began my blockage) for a time.

A few I am in touch with now, but grudgingly so....not that they really care, but I have to do this as part of my own healing. I didn't want to be there when the trouble started and I don't want to be where I am today as a result of it. I really had to laugh at you saying how you'd burst into flames touching any of that, because my biggest worry now is being excommunicated from the church for my er...'abilities'. If the church knew, lol! can you imagine???!

I think perhaps the msg in your dream is telling me that I am causing some of my own blockage myself and that I also need to just get over it. plain and simple. I'm like a broken record on this. I also need to not worry so much about the church too.

Great Job, Obeygravity!!! :thumbsup:


I am impressed ya'll!!! :thumbsup:

Many, many thanks. :)

Everyone had such insightful dreams for my question, and I've learned that I am on my way, but still have a way to go. Thanks again for all your input.

now, it's MY turn to dream!!! :D

watch out Yora! ;)


Thanks for all the feedback, celticnoodle. :)

now, it's MY turn to dream!!! :D

watch out Yora! ;)

Yes! Yora is going to be overflowed now with her abundant dreams + ours. :D


Thankyou noodle! I had a VERY odd dream last night and am wondering if it pre-empting Yora's Q ?