Dream Divination 2013-001


No dreams last night, but we were traveling & I was exhausted, so no surprise there. Maybe tonight. :)


Dream two

I can only remember a short section of the dreams as I kept getting woken up by my son who had decided to join us.

I was working in starbucks one of the jobs I had done when I was younger and thinking oh this will be nice as I know what I am doing. Then a customer came in and I was at the till and everything had changed and I didnt know where to find the drink she had ordered on the new system at all moved.. so was panicing then I kept asking for the notes to study but was getting fobbed off by the supervisor on shift.. I followed him in to the staff area and then looked up at the board where the staff rota was and saw that the early shift was free... I then started to say please can I have this shift as it was my old shift and I know what to do on this one and he said he would think about it. The hours were 8 till 1.

So I looked up the numbers as these seemed particularily prominent.

8-This is about having the confidence to follow through a vision and also represented by the strength card in tarot so facing everything head on. A number which represents karma.
Angel Number 8 tells you to have faith and trust in your own abilities, skills and talents, and to use them to their highest potential.

1- The one enforces the potential of the number 8 in regards to following through the vision. The number one is the drive in you. It is a message to not allow fears and doubt to hold you back.

Angel Number 81 asks you to pay special attention to your repetitive thoughts and ideas as they are revealing the answers to your prayers and are giving you intuitive guidance in regards to the next steps to take along your Divine life path

Then following this I left work and walked round next door again I am in a shopping centre... to a hairdressers. I see Mark a hairdresser in there and he says he will cut my hair if i make him a milkshake. I get out the milk and strawberries and a hand blender and beginning mixing but for some reason just as I am about to finish it disappears. He says he cant cut my hair now but I can phone and make an appointment for another day.

As shopping centre kept reappearing and a prominent part of the dreams so far I looked it up


To dream of being at a shopping mall means that those things that you need (affection, friendship, spiritual support, quality time with people you care about) are available to you. However, you may need to learn exactly where to look, how to select what you need, and how to ask for these things when you need them. --- Jellybean.....

Again hope you can pull something from the dream. KK


Feb 20th till March 3rd

Will be busy between tomorrow and around March 3rd with my family, so will try to come on if I dream or at least jot down things if I cant and once my cold has eased and no more meds. Feel ever so sorry for those if I dream of my little scorpion striker niece as she is soooooooo mischief and going to be the centre of my attention during her time with me and if you have ever seen "Dennis the Menace"....sooooooooo related! :D

On a serious note, I think this goes into two dream team members weeks, but will try to post something even if via my phone when we are out and about.

My sisters are cool like that..... :heart:


My dream was concerning me sewing, getting my house together- housekeeping. I was doing laundry, washing towels and a bit upset that other people laundry was mixed with mine. I wanted to wash it and get rid of it- give it back to them, since some of them were baby clothes. As I was going through the baskets I realized that most of the full baskets where sewing items, and I wanted to start finishing those up. As I went to the porch to start going through those baskets, my brother ended up on the porch and I was trying to shoo him away, finally ended up pushing him out the door. This brother of mine is deceased. That is it for this first dream for you. How it answers your question, I am not sure- except that perhaps…well--- you give it a go and then I will tell you what I think.

Hello all. CN reminded me my turn is up very soon (thanks, CN :)).

My question is "what direction would the Wind of Spirit carry me next, if I weren't to get in its way?"

Thank you :). Happy Dreaming, and thank you.


I walked through this and it was full of people along the way were psychics and mediums each one said no go to another he is the best.. I ended up the end with a man who was really tall and dark hair and there was this instant connection....
It was nice there was something special about him something familiar and of comfort I hope you can pull something

dream two:

Hope there is something in there for you... it all seemed random apart from the connection with the tall man which seemed familiar.. :)
Hello krystalkitty... To be honest, the only thing that I felt familair with was the tall, dark, slim psychic reader. One of the only other people around here who does readings is a dear friend... Tall, darkish, and slim... he does have a familiar feeling for me, even though he does his best to remain enigmatic :)

The rest.... well... nothing jumps out at me, but I thank you for your efforts. :)


Thanks for the feedback .. I had a look back over to what it meant to me...

dream one :

This seemed to hint at being pregnant but not yet so it felt as though you are on the cusp of beginning a new project or a skill you can develop but they kept saying not yet so there may something which causing a delay in this for the moment..
The tall man he felt like the my guide and he was pushing me to walk away from bad habits ( the ex) and look forward to the future..

dream two:

The puppies are about having fun and then it depends on what area they relate to in this dream it was a project to raise the puppy so I think it linked the first dream of having this project, development of a skill ahead which would need my commitment but with the staff taking the dog away it just feels as though there is some kind of blockage..
That was the end...

Everyone in macdonalds part was wearing leather including me and looked up the meaning. You will go into lucky speculations if you dream that you are dressed in leather.. so some luck coming your way perhaps.. there was the feeling of authority where i was taller than everyone.. not letting people push in the way of where I was going.

Perhaps it still wont mean anything to you but thought would say what I felt it meant as I was dreaming..



I was talking with my beautiful friend (aka my choir conductor) in an unfamiliar public room somewhere in a familiar but not so familiar scene on a road somewhere near to my nearest country town. We were somehow transported to bushland, or a large open landscaped lawn area within what seemed to be bushland, and parked our car on a roadside with plenty of open space around it. After what seemed like the blink of an eye, (I can’t remember what I had been doing), I arrived back at the car only to discover that the setting had changed completely, becoming something like a bustling Chinatown, and my car had been blocked, parked in, by tables, chairs, beds, etc that were all set up as someone’s household layout, as though this was a temporary living situation that was there but then wasn’t, and changed with the need and with the hour, essentially.

I was very frustrated at being locked into this place, unable to extract my car and get back on the road, so to speak, and was then conscious that I’d woken somewhere at this point, but, in this, my first successful attempt at redirecting a Dream’s ending to a more satisfactory one, I re-entered the Dream zone just long enough to encourage the people in my Dream to please rearrange their belongings just enough to create a pathway for my car to squeeze its way through. They kindly did, and my car kindly did… and I was on my way again. Magic!!! 

Another Dream was about another dear friend from choir… A fellow with a beautiful Bass voice and a gentle but wounded heart. He wasn’t being himself, which usually involves bravado which covers his deep-seated hurt… In this Dream, he was visibly heartbroken, and I ventured to dig a little deeper. He had sent something very important to his son. He didn’t say what it was, but it was in a short postal tube, and the mailman hadn’t realised that his son’s home was on a split-level road, and had failed to deliver this parcel. I had no idea what the consequences might be from this oversight, but my big bass friend was inconsolable. He wept, openly; a first for him.

I’m just posting these now, just so they are done, and will add my understanding re same as thoughts arise… I was pretty excited about re-entry into a Dream and my newfound ability to assist the Dream move to a more desirable outcome, though.

I'm wondering about these dreams... Much relates to day to day occurrences, so I'm not sure of the urgency of their message, but some aspects of each are interesting.

I have no inkling of what the dream with my big choir friend means... perhaps his son wont accept his own 'baggage' so his dad still feels responsible for it/him?

Without looking at dream dictionaries etc, a car to me represents a means of moving, of getting from A - B... being parked in obviously represents the opposite... that some places/atmospheres etc feel comfortable to me and others feel much less so is no surprise, but I was excited that, in this dream, I was able to become a lucid or active dreamer for long enough to become empowered in what had appeared to be a powerless sitaution. In part, it feels as though the Dream was about being flexible to different situations, but not becoming over-awed by them...


Thanks for the feedback .. I had a look back over to what it meant to me...

dream one :

This seemed to hint at being pregnant but not yet so it felt as though you are on the cusp of beginning a new project or a skill you can develop but they kept saying not yet so there may something which causing a delay in this for the moment..
The tall man he felt like the my guide and he was pushing me to walk away from bad habits ( the ex) and look forward to the future..

dream two:

The puppies are about having fun and then it depends on what area they relate to in this dream it was a project to raise the puppy so I think it linked the first dream of having this project, development of a skill ahead which would need my commitment but with the staff taking the dog away it just feels as though there is some kind of blockage..
That was the end...

Everyone in macdonalds part was wearing leather including me and looked up the meaning. You will go into lucky speculations if you dream that you are dressed in leather.. so some luck coming your way perhaps.. there was the feeling of authority where i was taller than everyone.. not letting people push in the way of where I was going.

Perhaps it still wont mean anything to you but thought would say what I felt it meant as I was dreaming..

It means more with that added feedback and input of yours, thank you. :) When I do feel the time is right to begin a new project... (which is usually 'me', or finding my way back to Soul, sort of thing)... I now understand that any 'work' I do must involve fun and joy or it is not what I'm meant/called to be doing... 'Work', in the spitritual sense, is about following one's passion... hence the joy and playfulness, even though the work may be immensely important... or not :) Sometimes, the 'people' standing in my way is me, and, interestingly, the tall, dark person that I thought of when you mentioned him, is the person in my life who is as immersed in matters of Spirit as I, myself, am, and so he acts as my ... not mentor, but supportive friend. :) I don't like getting too involved in any new work until i have a quite reasonable working understanding of the subject, so I often research things quite extensively... I'm guessing that me picking up the book , "Dreaming the Soul back Home", is an indicator re what direction I am headed... but in the meantime, I am gleaning more knoledge re same :)


I looked up the numbers as these seemed particularily prominent.

8-This is about having the confidence to follow through a vision and also represented by the strength card in tarot so facing everything head on. A number which represents karma.
Angel Number 8 tells you to have faith and trust in your own abilities, skills and talents, and to use them to their highest potential.

1- The one enforces the potential of the number 8 in regards to following through the vision. The number one is the drive in you. It is a message to not allow fears and doubt to hold you back.

Angel Number 81 asks you to pay special attention to your repetitive thoughts and ideas as they are revealing the answers to your prayers and are giving you intuitive guidance in regards to the next steps to take along your Divine life path

............... To dream of being at a shopping mall means that those things that you need (affection, friendship, spiritual support, quality time with people you care about) are available to you. However, you may need to learn exactly where to look, how to select what you need, and how to ask for these things when you need them. --- Jellybean.....

Again hope you can pull something from the dream. KK
Thank you, KK. The numbers are interesting, to be sure :) I agree re the repetitive thoughts and ideas... serendipity often creates repeats for me, to draw something into sharper focus... etc... and I do understand that to be a special 'pointer' to something very important :) And having faith and confidence in gifts... yes..... hmmm... hence my researching mode :):):)


My dream was concerning me sewing, getting my house together- housekeeping. I was doing laundry, washing towels and a bit upset that other people laundry was mixed with mine. I wanted to wash it and get rid of it- give it back to them, since some of them were baby clothes. As I was going through the baskets I realized that most of the full baskets where sewing items, and I wanted to start finishing those up. As I went to the porch to start going through those baskets, my brother ended up on the porch and I was trying to shoo him away, finally ended up pushing him out the door. This brother of mine is deceased. That is it for this first dream for you. How it answers your question, I am not sure- except that perhaps…well--- you give it a go and then I will tell you what I think.
Wow.... I'm still not sure exactly what this means... but there are bits and lieces that grabbed my attention... I've JUST read that dreaming of deceased is powerful dreaming, indeed... that only certain dreamers do it, and they go by a specific name and have specific work to do... I was just thinking about my own sister, who died a couple of years ago, yesterday... I have some of her things, and was offering them to my daughter... and, when I read hat bit about Dreaming of deceased persons, especially family etc, I wondered to myself if I would ever dream of my sister... Interesting, and as relates to a few aspects of work that I feel I might be being called to do... spot on! The sewing, clearing etc all speaks of mending, fixing, completing, cutting loose ends, etc... all pointing me to a particular story and required skill base, which fits with other things I am hearing/feeling of late. Thank you. :)