What's the best cat deck?


3-way tie: Pagan Cats, Cat's Eye and Mystical Cats. They're all CATS, not cat-furred humans! :) And they're all beautifully done. Each one has its own excellences.

If Tarot for Cats were a full deck, I'd have that too, in a shot. But I never had any desire for a majors-only deck.

In spite of my disdain for anthropomorphic cats, that Marseille Cat Tarot is brilliant! I might get that one for a gift for a friend--if she hasn't already got it; she loves cats even more than I do, which is saying something, even anthropomorphic ones. She's had the BBC for years.

I have and like the Cat People too, but I'd put it in a different category from the others.


Pagan Cats. No contest.

Miss Divine

It's a tie between the Baroque Bohemian cats and the Mystical cats. Both fabulous but so very different. Wow, this is a difficult question... Can't choose!


It's a tie between the Baroque Bohemian cats and the Mystical. cats Both fabulous but so very different. Wow, this is a difficult question... Can't choose!

deleted :)


Without any doubt the BBC. :D They are very deep. Could there ever be a better cat deck than this wonderful well thought out one, rich of layers?