The Lazarus Club


Ive had a few out there experiences. Im not sure if anyone would call them 'near death experiences' but to me they do count.

I felt life dying 3 times inside of me. I had 3 pregnancies and all 3 failed to come to term. I think a few days leading up to and in that very specific moment I was very calm. In one instance i passed out and all i remember is being void and black. When i woke up, the kind nurse later informed me i was very emotional when i woke up after passing out and they had to sedate me. Those experiences changed how I see life and did open me up more spiritually, more so to find out where the spirit goes after its been violently rejected by its host, and how lucky i was to be born. The lessons of life and death and how precious it is were inverted and reflected back to me in the most unexpected and unconventional way I would say.

I also came accross an interesting astrology article about the time of birth. To sumrize, you have two birth times, your actual time the hospital records and their is another, the moment when the destined spirit decides to enter the body that is about to be born, as the spiritual window time frame is very brief. I would also assume its the same for death. The moment your body is clinically pronounced dead and the moment your spirit hangs in between both worlds deciding to go forwards or backwards.



Very interesting you say that Jess (I'll explain why later) but what do you personally mean by 'Ascension'?
For me ascension is the connection of the mind, body, and spirit with the source energy. Tapping in if you will. Have you heard of Kundalini Rising? That is how I relate to the awakening process that is occurring within me. For many years I would wake to a beautiful soothing voice saying "Jessica, it is time for you to wake up". It never made sense to me, wake up? I wasn't running late on those mornings, there was nothing pressing to do, and yet the sweet voice had told me it was simply time. I was stuck in a life where I felt deadened, baron and oppressed. I felt an urgency. A an indescribable sense that there was something more, that I had a purpose and path i needed to follow. I began to notice things, odd things, one may think it crazy. I would begin to see flashes of light around people I would meet. I would feel a surge much like electricity throughout my body. My hands would feel fiery hot inside, yet on the outside were cool. Nothing medically had changed, nothing was wrong with me. I started to receive messages from my guides, feathers would cross my path, music boxes would play upon entering the room. I felt like a freshly charged battery, I touched a radio once, and it turned on, and nothing I did would make it turn off. Then there were the synchronizes, I could honestly write a book. But ill give you one to maul over. I collect the feathers I stumble across on my walks. For weeks i would find red tailed hawk feathers. Not some miracle find, as I live on the red neck riviera. But my dream was to stumble upon a peacock feather. For weeks I would see peacock feathers everywhere, on post cards, on books, and paintings. Then I met a new friend who introduced me to her best friend, a Reiki Master, M. Ms life had a striking mirror to mine. We were both nurses, we were both in abusive relationships, we were both drawn to crystals, and we were both asked to "wake up". And guess whose shop is just loaded with hawk feathers that she collected on her walks, and peacock feathers on her walls. She has introduced me to both Reiki and told me about Kundalini(something I have never even heard of).

I've had three separate people tell me recently that a new guide is taking over my development, two of them were adamant that she's a woman who was in her 40s-50s when she passed.

Yes, I seem to keep getting this message one way or another, and as you rightly say, pain has to be embraced before it can be released.

I definitely felt that I had become stuck on my spiritual path prior to the NDE, perhaps lost as well in terms of what to do, and I had become someone who dabbled in all types of disciplines without really committing to any of them. The headlights may in this case be symbolic of a 'focused beam' of concentration, which to me suggested meditation, which I have begun to do again far more seriously than I was doing before.

Being a little coy for a New Yorker aren't we Jess? I'm sure everyone here would love to hear your experiences, and trauma is a form of NDE so 'The Lazarus Club' hand-book says (well, it will do when I've written it.)
Here's one for you Jess. When I turned on my phone in the hospital, the first thing that came up was a message that had been sent earlier that day from a friend of mine. The message was "You'll never guess where I am?!?!" and underneath was a picture of herself on a street in New York waving wildly at the camera. Apparently her husband had surprised her with a romantic weekend break to NY. So, the first message I saw after the NDE was from a woman in NYC. When I re-started the 'Mycroft Project' on AT a few days ago, the first posting in response was from - a woman in NYC! (That's you by the way.)

So yeah, it RESONATES.
Now that is a remarkable coincidence. Here is one more about that post. I wanted to write more, lord knows I tried. However my tablet would not let me, and actually kept doing funny things that prevented me from typing. I figured what I wrote was all that i was meant to say lol.


Ive had a few out there experiences. Im not sure if anyone would call them 'near death experiences' but to me they do count.
It was in a philosophy tutorial a few (many) years back where I first heard a fellow student utter the then unfamiliar phrase 'near death experience' for the first time. The Professor taking the group sat back in his chair, looked askance at the student and exclaimed. "Near ... death ... what the ... My dear boy, the whole of life's a near death experience!"
Ive had a few out there experiences. Im not sure if anyone would call them 'near death experiences' but to me they do count. I felt life dying 3 times inside of me. I had 3 pregnancies and all 3 failed to come to term.
Many condolences June, it must be hard to put these things down for other people to read, so thanks for this and hopefully there is some genuine catharsis in sharing these experiences. Feeling another life dying inside you is a type of experience that I hadn't previously ever thought of (being a man I guess I probably wouldn't) but as you say,
The lessons of life and death and how precious it is were inverted and reflected back to me in the most unexpected and unconventional way I would say.
Being on the 'other end' of the experience may, as you say open up a whole new insight into why things are the way they are, in particular,
Those experiences changed how I see life and did open me up more spiritually, more so to find out where the spirit goes after its been violently rejected by its host, and how lucky I was to be born.
This 'change of perspective' and looking at the world through different eyes does seem to be quite a common feature in these types of experiences. Hopefully we'll have some posters here who may be able to throw a little light on the question of where the spirit goes after death.

Thanks for posting June and much love :love:


For me ascension is the connection of the mind, body, and spirit with the source energy. Tapping in if you will. Have you heard of Kundalini Rising?
I thought Kundalini Rising was what you were aiming at, the reason I found it interesting and wanted to check was that I've been having a recurring dream, the basic points of which are;

I'm in a large college, I want to reach the parks and gardens outside but I can't find any way out of the building. I go to an upper floor where a woman secretary walks up and tells me I have to take the glass elevator because it's the only way you can get across and reach the outside. A very narrow slit opens in the wall and myself and the secretary squeeze through into a glass case that is only just big enough for the both of us, is shaped like an elongated diamond with poles supporting it against the outside wall on either side, and has coloured jewels on top of the roof that look like an ornamental Cobra's head.

I wanted to write more, lord knows I tried. However my tablet would not let me, and actually kept doing funny things that prevented me from typing. I figured what I wrote was all that i was meant to say lol.
Ooooooooooooooooooh Forbidden Knowledge!! Must be! The powers that be are telling you it's not yet time to reveal all your secrets. Or ... they're telling you that you're pretty useless with modern technology. Probably the former ... probably.


Goodness, Padma. :heart: I knew you'd been assaulted or something like that, but I hadn't imagined it so "classically" dramatic and violent.

Yet the beauty of your NDE... :)

intrigued by the notion that both you and I seem to have had a "Not your time yet" NDE. Does this mean that something went wrong with the great cosmic script, and we shouldn't have been taken beyond at that point, or are these extremely powerful experiences intended to push us into a different and very difficult path? I can't help but think of the biblical quote;
"For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and few there are who find it."

Isn't it a common feature of NDEs that the dreamer (for want of a better word) doesn't want to return because what's ahead is so beautiful / peaceful / loving... but they're told they must return, or it is time - sometimes they have to make a choice. I'm far less well read on the subject than many people, though.

, and trauma is a form of NDE so 'The Lazarus Club' hand-book says (well, it will do when I've written it.)

Do you really mean that? (Not about the handbook. :p) Like junethird, most of my traumas have been around bearing children , though in my case the childbirth rather than the pregnancies. (@ junethird - I am so sorry to hear about your lost babies. :heart:) I wasn't mentioning them as I thought this thread was meant only for the kind of NDE with visions or voices, etc.

But - and this was long before I got into spiritual stuff, back when I fully believed it was all officially a Load of Tosh - I always felt those experiences to be, referred to them as, deaths. The first was a very bad birth experience which left me with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) which I hadn't heard of, and didn't hear of for another ten years though I had all the classic symptoms. The second time, the baby died the next day without any warning. The third time was different, much more subtle, but such a huge life change that I look back at it as one more time that my old self died, in a way, and a new one began.

I've had one or two other occasions that left me traumatised, enough that I am familiar with certain things they have in common - and since shock is on a sliding scale, I've noticed that even small shocks (stumbling and not quite falling, for example) are the same "shape" - follow the same basic pattern. One thing they have in common is a sense of gratitude.


Mycroft and Padma...I'm very grateful that you both have shared your stories. I have not had a nde but have been "taken" to a place that very much matches Mycroft's "Summerland". There were reasons for this, that wouldn't go with this thread...anyway..thank you again.


I have read many accounts of peoples NDEs too, where they 'hear' that line, "not your time yet" and it does make me wonder too, if its because there is something that the person needs to accomplish on the earthly plane first--or what it is? This is something that would be quite interesting to pursue understanding it all.
Isn't it a common feature of NDEs that the dreamer (for want of a better word) doesn't want to return because what's ahead is so beautiful / peaceful / loving... but they're told they must return, or it is time - sometimes they have to make a choice.
This is what intrigues me, why do we receive the vision of something so beautiful it makes you cry, yet are told we have to return, or make a choice to return. If I was in charge of operations I'd have all the NDErs go to a boring grey room and listen to politicians on the TV, that way you'd be in an almighty hurry to get back to the earth plane. So is this an accidental view of the beyond, or is it designed to inspire us?
But yes, some traumas I can guess are like NDEs in that once in awhile the trauma you experience also 'kills' a piece of you inside.
The author Robert Moss has written in a few of his books on dreaming about the shamanic practice of 'Soul Recovery' which sees traumatic experiences as causing small deaths that result in parts of our soul leaving us because they cannot bear the pain of what's happened. Visits into the dreamtime are therefore undertaken to help these parts of our soul find resolution and their way back to us.
Do you really mean that? (Not about the handbook.)
Yes, I'm deadly serious about traumatic experiences being valid as a form of NDE, and I'm equally serious about the handbook, which will be available as a handsome leather-bound edition for a very reasonably priced $150 (plus tax).
Shortly before you came back to us here at A.T., we received a new moderator in the Spirituality portion of this purple world, Zephyros, who had a great idea to start a 'study group' of something spiritual...What do you think of us starting with you and your "The Lazarus Club" thread?
Why has everybody changed their user name on AT? Closrapexa's now Zephyros, GoddessoftheHunter is GotH, and I've decided to become Squirrel Kisser. A study group on NDEs would be an interesting one, how about a working title of Peeking Through The Coffin Lid with Squirrel Kisser?

Seriously though I'll PM Zephyros and offer up a couple of ideas, thanks for the heads-up CN. :)


Why has everybody changed their user name on AT? Closrapexa's now Zephyros, GoddessoftheHunter is GotH, and I've decided to become Squirrel Kisser. A study group on NDEs would be an interesting one, how about a working title of Peeking Through The Coffin Lid with Squirrel Kisser?

You do know that etymologically, 'squirrel' is distantly (through Greek and Old Norse if I remember right) related to 'arse'?


Mycroft!! So glad to see you back! We don't know each other but I know who you are! :heart: Thank you for sharing your story, your thoughts,'re a gem!!, I think I have one...maybe...I don't know.

I was 24 at the time and experimenting with Lucid dreams. I looked forward to sleep so I could explore while dreaming. It was a very exciting and deeply spiritual time for me...

I'm laying on the couch in my childhood home and it's about 3:30pm in the afternoon on a warm summer day. I start to doze off and I immediately enter into a lucid state. I ask the Universe (ok, I don't *really* know who I'm asking), "I want to know what happens to us when we die." Suddenly, the landscape of my mind changes and all I see is black and then a faint white light in the distance. All I can hear now is the sound of my own breath and the beating of my heart. I felt like I was 'inside' myself but connected to so much more than myself. I take a step and then another and as I walk, the light gets brighter and I can see I'm in a tunnel. But, with each step forward, I'm aware of how the spaces between my heartbeats widen. It gets harder to breathe. And of course, the light gets brighter and brighter. A moment of fear washes over me. Here I am in this tunnel fully aware that my body is lying down...A few more steps and the sound of my heartbeat becomes more and more pronounced, almost deafening. The beats become fewer, slower and further in between with each step, which is when I realize, "My heart will stop beating if I go any further," or rather, "I have to die in order to see, in order to know." I wanted to go. There was a peace and a 'silence' I'd never experienced before - but also a knowing that I was probably messing around with something I shouldn't be messing around with...and so I never did again, at least, not where death was concerned.

I drowned when I was 7. I remember seeing my mother in the distance, in the water with my aunt and I tried calling out to her, and then all I remember is seeing blue, the blue of the water and I remember feeling completely at peace. Though I couldn't 'felt' like I could. I don't know what happened between those moments and being revived on the sand. The next thing I remember is coughing up water. What I do know is that while I was underwater, there was no pain.

When I was robbed at gunpoint 3 years ago and as he was demanding money from me, I remember feeling and being completely in the moment. I mean, we go to retreats and on vacation to try to learn or remember the art of 'living in the moment' and generally speaking, it seems like such a feat. But, of course, that day, I could see, hear and sense in ways I hadn't before and in a long time. Fear can do that. Time does slow down and everything becomes heightened. That's true. Every moment counts and that's no cliche. As I was reaching into my purse, I could see from the corner of my eyes, what looked like...wings. Huge wings. I don't know, I don't know. But, to me, there was a wing on either side of me. And it felt like there was a head over mine, looking down. I felt 'enveloped.' It was almost puzzling because I knew I wanted to live and to escape (though in the moment, escape is not even what you're focused on, but more THE experience of the moment in the NOW, if that makes any sense :bugeyed:) but, I was so aware of these wings!!! I was lucky. He didn't hurt me and he was caught. I wasn't the only woman he had robbed that morning. No, I guess that's not a NDE - but, in a way, I felt death was quite 'near.'

:heart: Dearest Padma, So so glad you're here. :heart:

Thanks for letting me share with you all and for sharing your stories as well.


This is what intrigues me, why do we receive the vision of something so beautiful it makes you cry, yet are told we have to return, or make a choice to return. If I was in charge of operations I'd have all the NDErs go to a boring grey room and listen to politicians on the TV, that way you'd be in an almighty hurry to get back to the earth plane. So is this an accidental view of the beyond, or is it designed to inspire us?
:laugh: yeah, that would indeed inspire us all to rush back to our earthly life! :D

The author Robert Moss has written in a few of his books on dreaming about the shamanic practice of 'Soul Recovery' which sees traumatic experiences as causing small deaths that result in parts of our soul leaving us because they cannot bear the pain of what's happened. Visits into the dreamtime are therefore undertaken to help these parts of our soul find resolution and their way back to us.

Oh yes. I am very familiar with Soul Recovery. I've had it done for me once. It was a very interesting experience, however, I didn't really see it helping me much. I have a friend who is a shaman, and I'm considering having her do another soul retreival for me--however, I also shy away from it with her--because the situation is very delicate and I'm not sure if it is safe for her. I lean more towards prayers for help. Anyway, have experience with soul retrievals. I also have experienced heaven, the 'great void' and the tunnels first hand, but not in any way like most have spoken of here--through traumatic experiences or NDEs.

As a psychic medium, I've helped more then a few spirits to turn to the light. I've seen the tunnel myself, went through tunnels with deceased souls and I've visited 'heaven' (I guess) with spirits/mostly family members. And while all these 'trips' are special and meaningful, I honestly don't think it compares to your experiences that all have shared here in this thread. I do a lot of astral traveling--and its more like that. which is a whole new ball park--and doesn't really fit here, as none of it was even due to a traumatic event for me.

The traumatic events I have experienced were horrific in their ways--but every person experiences this type of thing, and they are also related to what has already been mentioned here once, (I think?) the kundalini rising--which I have definitely experienced.
Yes, I'm deadly serious about traumatic experiences being valid as a form of NDE, and I'm equally serious about the handbook, which will be available as a handsome leather-bound edition for a very reasonably priced $150 (plus tax).
:laugh: I'll wait for a 'used' copy or when its on sale. ;)

Why has everybody changed their user name on AT? Closrapexa's now Zephyros, GoddessoftheHunter is GotH, and I've decided to become Squirrel Kisser. A study group on NDEs would be an interesting one, how about a working title of Peeking Through The Coffin Lid with Squirrel Kisser?

Seriously though I'll PM Zephyros and offer up a couple of ideas, thanks for the heads-up CN. :)
Y.W. and, I haven't changed MY name! I also don't think "Squirrel Kisser" fits you, Mycroft. I like Mycroft. :D

You do know that etymologically, 'squirrel' is distantly (through Greek and Old Norse if I remember right) related to 'arse'?
:bugeyed: Okay,now you really CAN'T change it! Mycroft just really fits you best, IMHO. :D