Lost cat - help please


I just pulled the 6 of Swords from the Baroque Bohemian Cats. Seems your lovely little feline has decided to go on her own journey, to see what else is out there, and to test your love for her! It seems like she is not alone, but enjoying the home of another, at the moment. When she comes back she will expect to be pampered like a princess!


I do hope you find her soon~

DruidCraft Queen of Pents ~
There is a large rabbit beside a huge dead tree. A path is leading somewhere-
Is there a wild area, a wooded park or something like that were she might have chased a bunny?


I too hope you find her safe and sound, soon!


Thanks everyone - she's still not home and we're all worrying now. Trouble is, if she has been hurt, we have no way to find her, if she's just off on her own - she'll come back whenever . . . its the waiting and not knowing thats the hard part.

This is just a pet can who can take care of herself - I can't imagine what it must be like to loose a child!


I asked where Moggie is; I got The Hanged Man so I think from the picture waiting near a tree, shrubs, leaves, foliage, perhaps a shed kind of enclosure.

I asked if she is alright and got The 3 of Cups - an expression of an emotionally positive situation.

I asked when she will be coming home and got The Lovers, she has either found someone who is very loving and caring that she is quite taken with or she's found herself a boy cat and has gotten caught up in romancing so it may be a while.

Hope she returns soon


I asked my NOVT where Moggie is:

I drew 6 Santeria rx [6 of Pentacles rx]

This card shows a child standing behind an open door that is being pushed in. Reversed, and the door is being pulled open instead. The child is a human manifestation of Eleggua, the god of doorways and crossroads, who is something of a trickster and loves riddles. Being that this is a card of pleasant, positive surprises when upright, I'd say that Moggie is somewhere familiar and once you find her, you wont' be surprised that she is in that place. And I think she's in your house somewhere, or in some structure with a door. And yes, I think she's "tricking" you on the sly. :D She's fine, though.

When is Moggie coming home?

8 Rada [8 of Swords]

Well...Swords are the fastest suit, so perhaps within 8 days. Also, the card shows a man working illusions with snakes, and the keyword is Simbi (the vodoun god of illusion and trickery)...Moggie may already BE home, but just hidden.

Both of these cards indicate some element of things not being what they seem...Miss Moggie is just having some fun (inadvertently) at your expense. ;)

Just my $.02.
Let us know when she returns!



I'd also say she's near your house.She might be in some other cat's company.I drew Hanged Man for you,so it seems you need to wait for her some time and can't do anything constructive to find her.I'm positive she'll be back :)


I consulted the Daily Guidance From Your Angels oracle cards.

Where is little Moggie?
Ask - Ask us to help you in this situation and we will immediately go to work on your behalf. We are governed by many universal laws, and among them is is the free will that allows you to make your own choices and decisions. So we patiently await your request. (Shows a childlike angel praying, against a blue background.)

This may be a direction to you, however she may also be someplace she often requests to go but is denied; or in a place you like to pray, meditate, or otherwise attend to your spiritual life - whether that's indoors or outdoors, I don't know, but you probably do. :)

How is Moggie? Is she alright?
Trustworthy Guidance - You've received a wonderful idea as an answer to your prayers. This idea is real and trustworthy. You can safely move forward with it, knowing we are with you every step of the way.

She's alright. She just got curious about something and decided to explore it - using that free will, she seized her chance!

When will she be back?
Perfect Timing - Now is the perfect moment for you to act on your inspirations. The doors are open, while you walk through them with us by your side. Don't delay or procrastinate, as all of the ingredients are ripe for your success. Everything and everyone is on your side, supporting your positive outcome.

I think she'll be back safe and sound, very soon. Possibly you'll first spot her again near a door or on steps/stairs. Just try to be patient. :love:

Please do let us know when she returns. Keeping a good thought!


Thankyou all so much.

She's home! YAY!!

6:30am this morning she came in through my son's bedroom window crying so he took her downstairs and fed her. She was VERY hungry. An hour later when we were getting up I fed her again so she was VERY, VERY hungry and has clearly been trapped in a shed or garage somewhere since she was dry and warm - but just ravenous.

Thankfully she's perfectly well, fit and healthy but I still took an hour off work this morning and we both curled up in bed together (she was SO glad to be home and just wanted lots of loving).

I journeyed to find her last night and was taken across our road, over to the next street and then we circled around the end two houses. I was going to go there this morning and call again for her and knock on doors etc.

Similia - you were spot on I think. She can't have been far away and did come back at the right time.

Thorhammer - she certainly is a BIG cat in a tiny cats body - no doubt when I was calling for her yesterday, she was asleep.

Huredriel - I did just that and looks like it has worked! :)

blackroseivy - definately when! ;)

Netzach - I think you may be right, she was in a holding place, being held and was safe (if somewhat hungry).

SMV - Highly likely she was off stalking mice - she's brought several home to us these past few days. Looks like she's been ridding someone else of their mouse problem and got caught inside. Thankfully someone must have gone to their garage or outhouse this morning before work and she's got free.

Willowfox - No water anywhere near us BUT our house is built on an old lake!!!

Sulis - Yup, looks like just that - got herself caught inside somewhere and was ok.

Hearthcricket - She certainly did want to be treated like a princess - she was all over us like a rash and wouldn't let me out of her sight, finally she curled up with me and relaxed.

Tarot4fun - no really wild areas (I wish) but a park. No bunnies though - wonder if someone close by keeps rabbits and she's gone hunting mice (which often live nearby to pick up the rabbit food)??

Silverlyn - Thankyou, I'm glad she has.

ofbainbridge - Yes, I think she was caught up in an enclosure somewhere.

afrosaxon - Yes again, looks like she was definately trapped in some place where she perhaps shouldn't be. From when you posted she would have been free just over 8 hours later. :)

ahimsa666 - Definately a case of waiting and being stuck.

Mellifluous - Well I did say a little prayer (a few actually) and curious is definately her! I can't count the number of times she's got locked in our garage because she can't keep her nose out! Now certainly was the perfect time - shes home. :D

Thankyou so much everyone - you all hit on something - you're ALL BRILLIANT.




That's wonderful news Millie, I'm so pleased for you both. I bet she's glad to be home, the little monkey! :)