Palmistry Study Group -- Thread suggestions

Rusty Neon

I'm new to palmistry but keen. So that I and others could get a better idea of what other people's palmistry discussion interests are, I was wondering what kinds of palmistry thread topics you would be interested in actively participating in.


off the top of my head

discussions on the major lines (life, heart, head, others)

discussions of the mounts (mars, luna, fingers, etc)

discussions of unique markings (stars, crosses, squares, and the gazillion interpretations on the various placements of these)

discussions of hand types (air, earth, water, fire, conical, psychic, etc)

discussions of fingers' and thumb characteristics (general meanings as well as digit lengths, bent fingers, other unusual characteristics)

........ just a few ideas .........


i am so glad you want to start a palmistry study group!

i would like to start with the basics so that more people can participate. maybe start with hand shapes, finger lengths and shapes, mounts and major lines etc.

even starting with the basics, i think the more advanced readers can get something out of it because each thread can go as deeply into the subject as they would like.


holey moley ... who do you mean?

am i supposed to facilitate the discussion? i was just throwing out suggestions.

And I *really* liked your suggestions also zorya. When I read hands, I prefer to start from the top of the hand (the general) and move to the palm (the specific).

So your suggestion sounds great to me....:)

Dark Eyes

I also love this idea !
I would like eventually to cover topics such as..
1. dealing with clients who don't give feedback,
2. dealing with clients with very empty hands,
3. dealing with clients who are sceptics and just want to test you,
4. dealing with clients with very difficult problems.
As an example, perhaps we could describe the client and what transpired. Others may have different ways of dealing with it. Suggestions or just discussions on the different cases we come into contact with.
There is so much to palmistry, not just reading hands. It is a buzz, it blows me away time and time again how accurate it can be.
Best wishes
Dark Eyes.


alissa, i think you would make a wonderful facilitator ;)

dark eyes, i'm glad to see you back!

some of our study groups have had more than one facilitator. the group works out the outline, then those who wish to, alternate begining each thread/topic.

if this is decided, i recommend setting a time limit to start each topic. that way someone else can step in and keep things moving if needed., who wants to facilitate?


Dark Eyes said:
I would like eventually to cover topics such as..
1. dealing with clients who don't give feedback,
2. dealing with clients with very empty hands,
3. dealing with clients who are sceptics and just want to test you,
4. dealing with clients with very difficult problems.
As an example, perhaps we could describe the client and what transpired. Others may have different ways of dealing with it. Suggestions or just discussions on the different cases we come into contact with.

First, lemme say, I'm glad you found this thread Dark Eyes. I was thinking about you :) and wondering about your input as well.

Second, as a reader, I find DE's questions far more interesting to me, personally. While I'm happy to discuss what I've read or learned as to the technique of palmistry, I can't say I'm charged up to start a discussion on the various ending points of the heart line, or what have you.

But, all four of DE's issues are much interesting to me in terms of starting a discussion, being more philosophical and less technical.

I guess I could try to facilitate an online discussion group. But I haven't ever before. Do I have to go and put together massive amounts of info on subjects, like I'm afraid I will have to, or what's the deal? I don't want to pledge myself to being Teacher, because I don't feel comfortable with placing myself as "the" person with the knowledge. And I don't want to commit myself to what I know I can't do (an Alissa golden rule).

So, um what am I supposed to do as facilitator? (cluelessssss) Is it up to me to decide what order information or topics are discussed? And then present bookish information to get the topic started?

Just someone please tell me what would be expected of me, and I can better know if I'd like to go ahead and try.


to start a study group, just start each thread title as: Palmistry Study Group; that way the threads can be found easily.

as there are only a couple of experienced readers, and you don't wish this to be a teaching group, i suggest that whichever of you have a topic you wish to discuss, just start a thread on it.

this way you don't even need a facilitator. nor would you need to worry about putting together massive amounts of info.

Dark Eyes

Hi Alissa, Zorya Rusty Neon and anybody else reading this thread. Welcome to all palmists and non-palmists alike.
It is a great idea to have this thread. I am more than happy to respond to any discussion as far as my knowledge will allow. I would hopefully pass on information and experiences to others and inspire new palmists on their hand reading journey. I hope my imput won't be too limited, I have been reading for many years, but am always open to new ideas and different viewpoints.
If anybody cares to begin, I will respond with my opinion, I am happy to start a thread if nobody else wants to, but I will need time to come up with a good diverse subject, so it will carry through many avenues. Let me know if nobody else is ready to start, but Alissa, you seem like the perfect choice !!! go girl !!
Just post a subject that you wish to get replies and discussions going with, I will respond.
Good luck
Until next time
Best wishes Dark Eyes ;0


How about a newbie?

I am very new to palmistry and very interested. I have several books, but no avenues for the exchange of knowledge on this subject...
Is this thread/group applicable to a raw beginner like myself?