The Soul's Journey


Thank you! This reading does make sense. Jay and I used to never argue at the beginning but then someone got in the way and we continued to argue through out our relationship. It drained me mentally and I always felt sad. I had a huge amount of confidence when I met him and then when we started a relationship, I lost my confidence. Part of it was my fault and his fault. I'm younger than him and I think he wanted me to be up to his level. This made me lose my confidence. I was just trying to be someone perfect for him. I wasn't happy being with him all the time but I loved him. Letting him go was the hardest thing I ever did in my life. I really need to get my self confidence back again. I hardly even speak to people any more because of it.

Thank you!

Thank you for letting me know how the reading resonated with you. I appreciate how honest you have been in your feedback. But it is really sad - if you don't speak to others, they are being deprived of the joy of knowing you! You don't need to try be perfect for anyone - you are just perfect as you truly are. In fact we all are - we're just brilliant at forgetting that!


Ah! I am sorry it didn't resonate more with you. It sounds like you have been through a hard time and I was hoping I could give you something of value. In any event I wish you the best of luck to you,especially with your current job search.

Aww! thanks and please know you did help me. I've started meditating so that I can tune more into my internal guidance system as you pointed and also, try more to listen to my intuition as I think the events of last year have definitely clouded it.

Thank again so much! I really do appreciate the read :)


Aww! thanks and please know you did help me. I've started meditating so that I can tune more into my internal guidance system as you pointed and also, try more to listen to my intuition as I think the events of last year have definitely clouded it.

Thank again so much! I really do appreciate the read :)

You are more than welcome:)


You're welcome, love! :heart:

I definitely need to not only be confident, but to have the courage to do what I feel I need to do. I m stuck because I don't want to make a mistake which then circles around and gets me stuck/no movement. I am not sure what is manifesting, but I hope that it is finally something great. lol I really need to learn to let go of stuff that is no longer for my greater good.

Yes, there have been a lot of up in the air/not clear readings from myself and other readers. It would be awesome to get a play by play lol

Thank you for the good wishes for my health, courage, and clarity! {{BIG HUGS}} I will need it. lol I hope that moving on is the right direction and I'm not jumping out of the frying pan straight into the fire. lol

You did awesome readings! :thumbsup: Thank you so much!


You are very welcome! I know what you mean by play by play - there was one question I was really keen to know the answer to and I was working with the Mythic Oracle at the time and do you know no matter how I asked it - the same card kept coming up!! Basically it was telling me there was no way I was going to get an answer I just had to let it play out. Interestingly, since I gave up trying to control it - the answer has revealed itself. I ask you - what a way to find out I have control issues !! (I'm in recovery now, of course lol)

Finally just to share with you - lately I have been getting into the habit of asking myself how does this person/situation make me feel, if there is something I need to consider. I look at the answer in detail and in general taking into account the normal up and downs of life and then I ask myself again - Do I feel happy when I am with them/with this situation and to what extent? It's so simple but yet I never really did it, well not to the extent that I concentrated enough to yield real results. Now I do and I am finding it really powerful and sometimes uncomfortable too - but that's the way the truth can be. Just thought I would share that...


Hello there Wolfswan!

I hope the synchronicity is a good omen for the relevancy of this reading!

So here goes..

For your family in general I pulled -

Success - Forgiveness - Doubt

The success card is the cornerstone of this reading which means that progress needs to be achieved in order for this lesson to be addressed and dealt with. Therefore it would seem that finding that point in which you can maintain a good relationship with your family, where you can keep the light and shadow aspects in balance is important for you to be able to do. Some of us do better by distancing ourselves (emotionally) from our families but for you, this doesn't seem to be the case. It is interesting that you have identified a key success factor for maintaining this relationship in your background information - was this said tongue in cheek or was it actually a factor in deciding to move so far away from them? I am asking this for no other reason than to highlight your alignment with your soul lessons, if it was in fact a conscious part of your decision. It is nice to hear when we are on the right path!

Lol, it was said kind of tongue in cheek but also, I have always tried to keep that distance, moving to the city when I lived in the same country as my folks, and now obviously moving to a different country! I think the best way to maintain a good relationship with them and keep the balance as you say is through distance. I'm not sure it was a factor in moving country. I think it might have played some subconscious role perhaps? Good to know I'm in alignment with my soul lesson though!

Forgiveness represents the current energy. Is there something you need to forgive your family for? Something that you need to forgive yourself for? I am not just talking about what is immediately obvious (hurt that you experienced as an adult) but what is also beneath that - the kind of hurt that maybe be carried by your inner child, in other words hurt which was initially experienced directly by you as a child or as a result of how you perceived or reacted to something as a child. Perhaps you may feel have identified this already and done a lot of work on it, but it is coming up as a stumbling block which could impede your progress.

There might be things from childhood that I am still holding onto. I didn't have the best childhood. There were issues, and I always felt less than, even though I'm now realising that I'm not 'less than' anything or anyone. I am working on forgiving a lot of things, so this makes sense.

Doubt is the final card relating to the long range lesson to be learned. When it is in relation to family in can be experienced in relation to one thing or many things most of which find there genesis in love related issues. Am I loved as much as....?... loved in spite of....?..what can I do be loved more? why am I not loved more? How can I love them more? Whatever the doubt is in your relationship with your family, its purpose is to encourage you to realise that you don't need to know all the answers. Just trust in the universe and all will be well. Doubt will impede your ability to see the signposts that are there for you and they are how the universe communicates with us.

Definitely doubts about how much I'm loved / cared for, if they love me for me, or their idea of what I should be. Trust is definitely a lesson I've been learning! So this resonates as well.

I also did a separate reading for your biological Mom and pulled the following cards -


Freedom - Indecision - Judgment

The first card relates to the connection being related to teaching you about the need to march to the beat of your own drum, to make your own decisions and not be guided by pressure from others. You said that you while you have no animosity towards your biological Mom that you do not want to pursue a relationship with her. If you experience pressure to do so, know that you are on your right path according to the cards.

This is so true. I definitely learned that, and have been practicing that more and more as I've grown up. I made the decision to move here despite all the negativity around me, and I know I made the right decision. Good, she tends to pressure me for a relationship, so knowing that I'm following my own intuition on not having one with her is the right thing, is reassuring.

Indecision is a currently stumbling block according to the cards which are advising you to follow your intuition irrespective of what anyone else may try to get you to do.

Finally Judgement - are there things that your biological mother has done that could easily draw judgement or in turn does she sometimes act in a judgemental manner? The purpose of this lesson is to teach you empathy and compassion and to urge you to assist that soul by whatever action or inaction is necessary.

I hope this makes sense to you and that it helps. Please do let me know..


Yes, some of the things she did definitely provokes a judgmental response from me, which I'm trying to work through. I think following my intuition about this situation is the best advice I could take. I really do need to work on my compassion. I think my adult self understands, but my inner child doesn't, so there is that to work through as well.

Fantastic reading, and very on point as well! Thank you!


WolfSwan, I am really glad to hear that! It was kind of awesome to do a reading and see such alignment in it. You have inspired me to look more closely at some of my soul connections and how I might bring resolution to the lessons they bring - so thank you for that!


Could i please sit for this reading

If so id like to know about the romantic path im on what lessons need to be learned (im kind of seeing someone new but not getting a goid feeling about him in May someone i had a soul connection with me just left me just like thst so i had to supress my feelings)



Sure, of course you can.
I'll have a look at it tonight for you.


Reading for Aries 2014

Hi there!

Here are the cards I drew in relation to your romantic path and the lessons to be learned from it -

Empathy - Change - Failure

The empathy card relates to a lesson that has already been made evident but may not have been embraced or learned. As empathy elates to the ability to see things through the eyes of another one interpretation of this card could be that it refers to he tendency to judge others and makes suppositions about their behaviours without considering what they have to deal with - so essentially relationship difficulties as a result of not considering the other person's point of view . But I am more inclined to ask you how much do you feel you have in common with the people you have been dating? Not just in terms of hobbies and interests but also in terms of temperament and value systems. At the end of the day it is very hard to see the world easily through the eyes of someone else, if your view of the world is very different. Furthermore there is little joy, I believe, to be found in a relationship with someone who is very different. While popular thinking tends to espouse that opposites attract, it is actually like that attracts like. To put it succinctly, from a psychological perspective, the success of our relationship with another person is based on 3 things - proximity, familiarity and similarity.

Change relates to the energy which is most evident at the moment and it can prove to be a stumbling block for future progress is it is not dealt with. You mentioned that you are not getting a good feeling about this person you are seeing at the moment. If so then now is the time to really evaluate why you are with them - for example is there something about them that gives you a sense of being in a familiar kind of comfort zone? Your intuition is kicking up for some reason and it may be that it is trying to tell you that your comfort zone is not really benefitting you and you need to move outside it.

Finally failure when we examine it closely is really an opportunity to evolve, it is your soul telling you that there is another path. When someone leaves your life, abruptly or not, it is because the lesson has been completed and it is not a personal reflection on you. They simply leave to allow the next 'teacher' with the next part, or indeed a new lesson to come in. Your last lesson in his part of your romantic journey, I believe, may be to learn this.

Finally, as for with the other sitters I consulted the Enchanted Map for advice for you and I got the following cards

Goblins - wising well - rescue

The message of the Goblins card is to release any negative self talk - you need to let go of any negativity you may have around your beliefs regarding your romantic life. The wishing well advises you instead to form an intention of what you really want and what will bring you true happiness and then simply to ask for it. Also be sure to ask for help - the universe is always there to support you and it will if you ask for it and believe it will come.

I hope this reading resonates and is helpful to you - I look forward to your feedback,




You are very welcome! I know what you mean by play by play - there was one question I was really keen to know the answer to and I was working with the Mythic Oracle at the time and do you know no matter how I asked it - the same card kept coming up!! Basically it was telling me there was no way I was going to get an answer I just had to let it play out. Interestingly, since I gave up trying to control it - the answer has revealed itself. I ask you - what a way to find out I have control issues !! (I'm in recovery now, of course lol)

Finally just to share with you - lately I have been getting into the habit of asking myself how does this person/situation make me feel, if there is something I need to consider. I look at the answer in detail and in general taking into account the normal up and downs of life and then I ask myself again - Do I feel happy when I am with them/with this situation and to what extent? It's so simple but yet I never really did it, well not to the extent that I concentrated enough to yield real results. Now I do and I am finding it really powerful and sometimes uncomfortable too - but that's the way the truth can be. Just thought I would share that...

Yes.. I can totally relate as well. My 'favorite" card to get when my deck/guides aren't answering is... The High Priestess UGH! LOL That makes me roll my eyes like a teenager! :D LOL I'm like.. If I 'knew" the answer than I wouldn't be asking! :D LOL My cards can also have a pretty good sense of humour also. lol Several years ago I was 'told" by my deck that I ask it too many questions! haha!! It was only one deck which I don't read a lot with now, but it was funny. lol Imagine the spiritual saying.. okay.. enough is enough. I never even got one clear answer on the question either from that deck. It kind of reminded me of my funny cat. She has a weird personality and it was like her talking to me. {If she could talk} lol

Of course, you are cured now! :D lol I appreciate the advice above. I've been trying to do that more. I also am remembering that if it is meant to will. I found a saying lately that I like... What you think is rejection could actually be protection. I never thought of things that way before. lol It is funny how sometimes we get in a circle and don't even remember simple, common sense things.

Thanks again for the reading and talk love! You are a sweetheart!! {{{BIG HUGS}}}
