Wisdom of the Oracle


Hi amaya, thank you for sitting :)

Yang (rx)

This card depicts two hands reaching out towards the sitter. Above the hands is a ball of fire with the oracle's face in the middle. This card typically refers to the masculine energy and making things happen. However, in this deck, all reversals are read as a "protection" message, and can sometimes differ from the traditional, upright meaning.

Protection Message:
"Be mindful of the tendency towards impulsive action, over-confidence, and aggressive behavior. Think before you act, lest you find yourself in a situation that will lead to uncomfortable consequences. Be sure you really want what you're chasing after, because you might be sorry when you get it. The appearance of this card isn't cause for fear, for life is all about learning lessons. Practice temperance, diplomacy, and thoughtful consideration before making a move."

Wow, I think the message here is very direct and straightforward. I'm not sure what the situation is between you and A at the moment, but this card suggest that you spend some time really reflecting on the issues between you and if moving forward with him is truly what you desire. There is a strong message here to proceed with caution, and not jump into anything impulsively without doing your research first, so to speak. I hope this helps!
Thank you very much for your reading. It is true that i should be more careful and cautious about my steps. We had a distance so the emotion is not so strong now. I am going to find him this weekend to reconnect with him so i feel that the best will be a lighthearted approach otherwise it will be a paranoia hahhaha

Thanks for your insight!


Hi Aries, thank you for sitting :)


This card depicts a fairy/mermaid hovering over the ocean and looking peaceful. This is a very positive card that typically represents something wonderful happening in your life.

Relationship Message:
"You are moving toward a deepening of intimacy in a unique and sacred partnership. You know you are meant to make this connection. This union, blessed by the Divine, will bring transformation and beauty to the world. This is also a sign that, even more important, you're being called to a deeper intimacy with yourself and Spirit. With this new development, you will see evidence of grace in your life."

Do you feel like you and S have the beginnings of a deep, almost spiritual connection? This card would suggest that you and him have an otherworldly connection that Spirit is leading you towards. You said that he is a romantic interest, so I'm not sure if you've actually dated at all yet, but it does seem that with this card the potential for you two to be together and have a strong bond is very good. I hope this resonates, best of luck :)


interesting this sounds good

with S at the min ve just found out hes still in touch with one of his exs so I'm not sure if this card is pointing towards maybe things improving between us or maybe something elswe wonderful will unexpectedly happen for me

we will see ill soon update you on this

Thankyou again for your time and energy


HI Libertya, thank you for sitting :)

Unfinished Symphony (rx)

This card depicts a musician/jester sitting on top of a blue egg and she plays the violin. A keyboard floats in the sky behind her, along with music notes. This card typically refers unfinished business, and a need to make amends. However, in this deck, all reversals are read as a "protection" message, and can sometimes differ from the traditional, upright meaning.

Protection Message:
"When unfinished business casts a shadow over your life, it is a reminder that procrastination is a form of self-sabotage. It is not in your best interest to stall. Even stumbling forward is better than holding back. Don't overthink things or let yourself get distracted - just tie up any loose ends and deliver the results. Don't quit before the finish line. Spirit wants you to win."

Well, there is certainly unfinished business between the two of you with the appearance of this card. It seems the advice this card has for you is to talk to Jay as soon as possible. Perhaps talk about what went wrong between the two of you in order to "tie up the loose ends" so that you can make a fresh start if you so choose. I believe the energy of this card speaks towards being open and honest with Jay, but the key is not to stall this conversation. The sooner the two of you hash things out, the easier it will be to move forward. I hope this helps!

Thank you for the reading! This does make some sense to me. Right now this person and I are not really speaking anymore due to a misunderstanding. I can clearly understand the advice here but it just doesn't seem possible to get through to him at this time. I know that I can't stall any time but I will definitely think this through for now. There definitely is a lot of unfinished business and we haven't really healed anything from our past. Maybe it will be ok if I reach out to him but I will definitely think it through.
Thanks again!

Would you like an exchange reading?


Hi selena, thank you for sitting :)

Not for You (rx)

The imagery on this card is a bit odd. A hand holds up a chess board with a giant fortune cookie in the middle that states "Nope!!" Above the cookie, the oracle looks down below. This card typically refers to an outright denial or rejection. However, in this deck, all reversals are read as a "protection" message, and can sometimes differ from the traditional, upright meaning.

Protection Message:
"Don't chase after what flees from you. Don't obsess over what eludes you. Don't bang your head against the wall. There is nothing romantic about what is unavailable, no prize given for torturing yourself, and nothing to be gained by refusing to see the red flags that have been waving since you began pursuit. Now is the time to walk away. There are other goals, other loves, other games, other successes waiting for you. The way out of obsessing is radical acceptance and surrender. Spirit wants only the best for you. This is a sign that you have something much better waiting for you. Trust."

Do you find yourself still thinking about an ex or a past relationship? This card is a strong message that you will not be able to get to the good stuff with someone new until you stop torturing yourself with the pain of the past. You can have the exact love and relationship you are looking for, but it is all about believing you can. I've been in a similar situation, so I know how hard it is to just trust that everything will work out the way it should, I wish you the very best of luck!

This reading is so accurate its scary. I have been thinking a lot of past love interests and partners. I have been feeling very upset over an ex, I had a very long relationship over 7 years with him and cant stop thinking why it didnt work out. I have been crying quite a bit over it. I have tried to move on and put myself out there only to be met with rejection from guys which really has caused me lots of pain. Maybe it the way of the universe to protect me. Thank you for the reading and I will try to release the negativity around my love life and try to believe that there is someone out there for me too.


Hello! Thanks for the reading :)

Yes, it is true that this situation lacks solid foundations. I wouldn't say there are cracks or anything rotten, that something particularly bad happened, it's more that there's not much substance at the moment. You're right saying it doesn't serve my greatest good. Well, honesty isn't exactly prerequisite for letting go, as there's so little communication happening that I just have to stop dwelling on it and that's it. Well, being honest to myself is key - it does lack solid foundation and substance and it doesn't, so to speak, nourish me in any way or better my life. Thanks very much for the message - it was very enlightening when I think about it! :)

Thanks for the feedback. You're very welcome, glad it was helpful for you!


Thank you very much for your reading. It is true that i should be more careful and cautious about my steps. We had a distance so the emotion is not so strong now. I am going to find him this weekend to reconnect with him so i feel that the best will be a lighthearted approach otherwise it will be a paranoia hahhaha

Thanks for your insight!

Thanks for your feedback. Good luck this weekend!



interesting this sounds good

with S at the min ve just found out hes still in touch with one of his exs so I'm not sure if this card is pointing towards maybe things improving between us or maybe something elswe wonderful will unexpectedly happen for me

we will see ill soon update you on this

Thankyou again for your time and energy

Thanks for the feedback! Very interesting, it could very well be that this is referring to someone else who is about to come into your life. Best of luck, look forward to seeing what happens!


Thank you for the reading! This does make some sense to me. Right now this person and I are not really speaking anymore due to a misunderstanding. I can clearly understand the advice here but it just doesn't seem possible to get through to him at this time. I know that I can't stall any time but I will definitely think this through for now. There definitely is a lot of unfinished business and we haven't really healed anything from our past. Maybe it will be ok if I reach out to him but I will definitely think it through.
Thanks again!

Would you like an exchange reading?

Thanks for the feedback! Perhaps reach out with something small or lighthearted to test out the waters and see how he reacts. Best of luck!


This reading is so accurate its scary. I have been thinking a lot of past love interests and partners. I have been feeling very upset over an ex, I had a very long relationship over 7 years with him and cant stop thinking why it didnt work out. I have been crying quite a bit over it. I have tried to move on and put myself out there only to be met with rejection from guys which really has caused me lots of pain. Maybe it the way of the universe to protect me. Thank you for the reading and I will try to release the negativity around my love life and try to believe that there is someone out there for me too.

Thanks for the feedback! I'm so sorry to hear you've been having a hard time. Heartbreak is the absolute worst :( I'm still not over my ex of a year ago, and I know how difficult it is to move on and put yourself out there with someone else. All I can say is to keep on trying, dating other people, but also not feeling like you have to date if you don't want to. Focus on your own happiness, and I feel everything will fall into place.



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