looking for a love triangle spread


any suggestions?


how about this one:

1- What am I looking for in a partner
2- Why do I feel I need a partner at this point
3- What do I need to do/learn in order to find them
4- When will I meet my next potential partner
5- What I will learn from thsi person
6- Will this partnership last
7- Obsticles/unforseen

          5    2
               3     6


this one might be better suited, lol, sorry

1- How I feel about person 1
2- How I feel about person 2
3- How person 1 feels about me
4- How person 2 feels about me
5- How person 1 feels about the situation
6- How person 2 feels about the situation
7- How I feel about the situation
8- The relationship with person 1
9- The relationship with person 2
10- The obstacles with person 1
11- The obstacles with person 2
12- Positives in person 1
13- Positives in person 2
14- Negitives in person 1
15- Negitives in person 2
16- What I want from person 1
17- What I want from person 2
18- What my heart truely wants
19- What I truely want
20- Outcome

1            2
3            4
5      7     6
8            9
10          11
16          17
   12   13

18           19


Here is a love triangle reading I did with a modified version of magipixie spread "The Power of 3" I was very pleased with the results.


Here's my idea:


Cards 1- 6 are the love triangle; each side represents one person.

1-2-3 = person #1
3-4-5 = person #2
5-6-1 = querant

The middle cards (2-4-6) show each person's current state of mind.
The corner cards (1-3-5) show relationships. (E.g. card 5 = how querant relates to person #2)

Card 7 = advice for the querant. It's outside the triangle, but could be read in a line with 3 and 6.

I'm imagining this for a querant who's competing for a lover, not choosing between two. But I think it might work to explore any three-person relationship. I may try it that way.

Fallen Angel

Fantastic spread !

anne_soulangel said:
this one might be better suited, lol, sorry

1- How I feel about person 1
2- How I feel about person 2
3- How person 1 feels about me
4- How person 2 feels about me
5- How person 1 feels about the situation
6- How person 2 feels about the situation
7- How I feel about the situation
8- The relationship with person 1
9- The relationship with person 2
10- The obstacles with person 1
11- The obstacles with person 2
12- Positives in person 1
13- Positives in person 2
14- Negitives in person 1
15- Negitives in person 2
16- What I want from person 1
17- What I want from person 2
18- What my heart truely wants
19- What I truely want
20- Outcome

1            2
3            4
5      7     6
8            9
10          11
16          17
   12   13

18           19

Wow...:O Ive been looking for a love triangle spread for some time, I settled with a choices spread but it was too vague. So yesterday when I found the site its the 1st thing I looked for. I tried it out last night on myself as I have a bit of a triangle situ..lol...

I was amazed by the accuracy, person 1 was easily identified, person 2, well the 1st card was The Emperor (he is an older man, and an Aries!) so pretty spot on there ! If only the outcome would have been better, i got 7 Cups, which I got the previous day when I did a general spread based on the same question. So I guess I just have to think about things some more and make my decision....any ideas on spreads to help me make a decision...lol...Im really stuck in this triangle, I like them both ;)