Crystal Ball Journals


LittleBuddha said:
And I think it is important to say how it is happening, as you have, as it might be confusing for someone who actually thinks you might be seeing Easter Bunnies jumping around your ball, as clear as on your tv screen.LB

Ah, how I wish! Interesting note-first, it was a rabbit shape, but not an Easter Bunny! I would be curious as to what rabbits symbolize, besides fertility. Secondly, just for fun, after I concentrated for my 10 minutes, I moved the ball around to try and find that rabbit shape, again, but could not find it. That makes me think back to the whole ink blot thing. If I saw an ink blot today, and said it looked like a flower, would the same ink blot look like a flower a few days from now, or next week, next year? Or is is more of me projecting an image from my own subconcious onto the planes in the ball? Hmmm! Where did that rabbit go?? (Yeah, I know, LB...hopping down the bunny trail!!) :D

As serious as we all are in trying to scry, I think we will need to be able to laugh at ourselves, during this. At least we can have fun in the process, because, quite frankly, I think actual scrying is a very dark art and kind of gives me the creeps, and if I ever do get around to scrying and seeing pictures, I will probably have a moment of freaking out. :)

Little Baron

Yes, we will have fun, HC.

I will look into my symbols dictionary when I get home about bunnies ;)



This is a great thread... I've never had any luck with scrying yet.

I think I came close last Autumn- I was doing a Samhain meditation, using a pumpkin I had hollowed out as a lantern. As I focused on it, it seemed to almost become transparent- I could see inside it somehow, but I never actually saw anything figurative. I tried for so long that the next day my eyes ached!

Thanks for that meditation tip using a crystal ball, LittleBuddha- I have a selenite one, and will give that a try.



About the books; structure, routine and practise are important aspects of any artistic expression or divination method, especially in the beginning. A book can help you set up those routines and stay with your project, hold your hand through the first phases of the process. But you don´t need it. Along the same lines that some people claim that you really don´t need tarot cards, or crystal balls or any other tool of divination, since it is all inside you.

I think everybody needs to find their own way of reading crystal balls, and that we all have to keep an open mind about what readings should be like, before we find our own particular style. In my experience, different reading styles depend a lot on what qualities and strengths the reader already has. If you are emotionally sensitive to other people, you might go into an emotional trance while reading. If you are visual you might see inner films, inside your head or in the crystal ball. If you respond well to sound you might hear melodies or voices. Or if you work well with associations, you might find the inclusions and formations useful as door-openers. Etcetera. And you might also surprise yourself, opening up new channels, possibilities for information coming in, or becoming conscious for you.

The point is, we need the structure and routine to turn the flow of information on and off, to not turn ourself into a constantly switched on radio-receivers of information. I think the crystal ball, as any other form of divination only serves as a protective excuse and trigger to channel all the things that are already available around us and inside us. I don´t think we need the crystal ball or the tarot deck to pick up on that information, but I think those tools provide us with structure and a deciphered language that makes the information accessible to us, and protects us from being switched on radios all the time.

Some tools work better for us than others, because we connect with different tools in different ways.

What I would be surprised to see work for anyone, would be a totally intellectual approach. I think we need the dual attention of both the left and the right hemisphere of the brain to connect the emotional/intuitive material with the conscious side of the brain that allows us to create sense and meaning from what we perceive.

In my opinion, spending time with your crystal ball, learning by doing, is what is important.

Having said that, I still think that Uma Silbey´s book is the best how-to book available, if written assistance is what you are looking for.

LB, I agree with you that crystal ball gazing is perhaps more demanding than other divination methods, because it challenges us to keep an open mind and be honest with ourselves and what we perceive, ultimately without the guidelines of written guide-books or encyclopedias. I cannot tell you whether or not you will eventually see visual imagery in your crystal ball, or whether it was a name for your crystal ball or not that popped into your head, but from my perspective the process that took place looked like a doorway opening up in your relationship with the crystal ball, for your particular reading style. And while it was not a reading in itself, it very well could have been the first initial steps of a reading.

And by the way Pumpkin the doorknob-stand is fantastic! Great lateral thinking on your part! And symbolic too, a doorknob opening up doors, ha ha...


Quick update, as I am not feeling well. I got the Silbey book, today, and have spent most of the day in bed, reading through it. I like it much more than the Ted Andrews book. Both will be helpful, but Silbey's has a lot more information in it, as well as all the info about different types of balls, picking one out, physical attributes, crystals, scrying, symbolism, etc., that I was looking for, including a nice introductory to the history of scrying, at the beginning. Miranda is taking a rest, today, since I am off, and Ophelia should arrive tomorrow, so the next few days is about getting better and reading up and learning stuff. LB~If you want to get a book, this would be the one. I am happy to say it sounds like I am doing all the "right" things for a beginner to get started, so that makes me feel good!

Little Baron

I will keep an eye out for it. I have seen the Andrews one in shops.

Hope you feel better HC! Sending 'get-well' vibes.



10 minutes with Miranda...

Planes turning into mountains, which then turned into turbulent waves, one storm cloud above, light and vague rainbows, small streaks of silvery rain falling, fog, mist, tempest and then calm. report or jealous of the arrival of Ophelia? :D Poor Miranda. Must spend more time with her!


Hi all! I just wanted to pop in say that I really enjoy reading the progressions, esp with Miranda! I will join you all very soon with my crystal ball, well it isn't exactly crystal but it was handmade for me and it does work. I just need to find the quiet time. This thread is making me yearn to connect again. Keep it up :)


Really wish someone would join me, here!

Miranda by candlelight for 10 minutes.

Entirely different experience. The flicker of candlelight makes her glow one minute and turn foggy and misty the next. Interesting note. She is also clearer in candlelight and less milky than in steady daylight...

Pyramids of water, man running in the pyramid, man jogging in pyramid with something over his shoulder, reminds me of the fool card in tarot. Glittery stars overhead turn into a sweeping dragon, frozen in time, fossil-like, bright sunny skies with salamanders swimming (peepers coming out, maybe?) rainbow like an open fan and another, brighter one, flame-like, peacock colours...reminds me of a peacock's eye. Fog above, waters below. Mixture of warmth and coolness.


Scrying report-

from 3/27/07 - approximately 11:45 pm

The Ball:
A very clear sphere of natural crystal. In it are a few inclusions, veils and rainbows- no phantoms. The ball has a diameter of approximately 4 inches.

In our bedroom- my wife sleeping next to me. Low light (only a night light across the room- behind me). I am laying on my stomach with my arms propping my head up. The ball is on a dark blue velvet cloth about 10 inches from my nose.

Just an open ended scrying session. No question or subject was being addressed.

First of all, I must say that the light is low enough that I cannot make out any details on the inclusions in the ball. To me it is merely a light colored circle against the black background (the blue cloth seems black in the low light). It is close enough that when I relax my eyes, I get a double vision effect. There is a very strange sensation that I begin to feel after a few minutes- I can feel my eyes alternate on which one is focusing on the ball..... Left, right, left, right at roughly the rate of my heartbeat- It feels *very* odd because you can feel one eye relax and go out of focus as the other eye tries to focus. The whole scene looks black and white because of the low light levels. All of a sudden, a pair of shapes that are distinctly rust and gold striped in color move across my vision from left to right, and are gone. They went fast enough that I am not sure what they were, but I *think* that they looked like a set of legs from a marionette.

(excitement- I have seen my first clear vision)

My mind races - 'was that a puppet?'.... the moment is lost to the excitement. I have to work at it a couple more minutes to get back to the alternating focus effect. And then: a dim, grainy black and white image of a door opening slowly.

(excitement again- and the vision goes away as my brain tries to grasp on to it)


I have no conclusions to make about the specific visions that I saw. About the scrying process itself, I think I have found something that will work with some practice. Somehow, I am going to have to learn to keep my mind quiet once the visions start- because the flurry of activity in my brain upon seeing the visions immediately made the images disappear.