2008 Best Deck


isabel said:
it is not simple scoring the cards.
the poent can no really to be.
as first you have to have all the cards, and perhaps also to review, each author was part of all,



This is a divisive poll every year Isabel. Most of the people voting have never seen all of the decks for one thing so what importance is their vote? And the top winners the last 3 or 4 years are for decks that have been actively promoted, nay, whipped to a frenzy by those with a vested interest.

Just take it in fun and place no credence on the final outcome :)


AJ said:
This is a divisive poll every year Isabel. Most of the people voting have never seen all of the decks for one thing so what importance is their vote? And the top winners the last 3 or 4 years are for decks that have been actively promoted, nay, whipped to a frenzy by those with a vested interest.

Just take it in fun and place no credence on the final outcome :)

Well, I have never whipped anything to a frenzy }). Seriously, it's a pretty rude thing to say about deck creators. Last year I would point out that I didn't begin the Bohemian Gothic thread. We HAVE to put our decks in the distributor's catalogue (it's in our contract) and that means that they are instantly discovered on Amazon - whether we want it or not. I imagine this applies to anyone with a distribution deal.

But in general, the sheer nastiness of (an element of) the discussions after the votes (which first time round actually amazed me) is one reason Alex and I very unlikely to do more decks. It's not the main reason, but it was certainly a factor when we discussed it. Life is too short and there are too many other things to do to put your heart and soul into a piece of work only to be accused of being second cousin to Mr Fuld. If I wanted simply to make a lot of money, I would still be in corporate consulting, believe me.

The big publishers, I would bet, will never annoy you by having any interaction here. It's so sad to see the ongoing criticism of the indie people who DO take part. I think there are at least four good decks from last year that have been discussed a great deal here and it seems to me many people have enormously enjoyed those discussions. You see that only as negative?

But hey, it is SO nice to think that in future I won't have to bother with any more comments like this. Hah! :) :) ;)


baba-prague said:
But in general, the sheer nastiness of (an element of) the discussions after the votes (which first time round actually amazed me) is one reason Alex and I very unlikely to do more decks. It's not the main reason, but it was certainly a factor when we discussed it.

But hey, it is SO nice to think that in future I won't have to bother with any more comments like this. Hah! :) :) ;)
This saddens me a great deal. MRP decks (all of them) have really helped me develop my intuitive reading skills and self confidence in reading tarot. Through my work with them I have really grown in terms of my reading skills, and what I learned in turn has led me to better appreciate and enjoy decks I previously thought I could not read with.

I hope in time you and Alex may change your mind. There are many of us that really respect and love your work.


AJ said:
And the top winners the last 3 or 4 years are for decks that have been actively promoted, nay, whipped to a frenzy by those with a vested interest.

I think it is the fans of the decks who whip it into a frenzy, with repeated posts like "OMG this is the best deck that you ever made ! I can't wait to have it ! What am I saying, I am still waiting, my postman is torturing me ! I can't wait !" etc. etc. ;)
I can never follow those threads for long :laugh:

baba-prague said:
But in general, the sheer nastiness of (an element of) the discussions after the votes (which first time round actually amazed me) is one reason Alex and I very unlikely to do more decks. It's not the main reason, but it was certainly a factor when we discussed it.

I am sorry (and shocked !) to hear that these threads had such impact...
I was also surprised and shocked by the viciousness in the discussion threads, and I don't know why people care so much which deck comes first.
I was hoping that this year there was not going to be a poll because of these discussions, but it appears many people still like the poll.


I have always loved the voting and always consider it very hard to vote for which one of the year is my "favourite". I love too many decks. This is why I am here on the boards. I have loved tarot since I first was introduced to it at age 11. A few months later I had my first deck at age 12. I have been fascinated by the diverse artwork, themes, styles, approaches and colours, or lack of, in all of them. And that is what led me to collecting and not just reading. A thirst for images. I love hearing about the creative process of all the artists and the publishing joys and woes, as well. But sometimes the over-evaluating and judgements on this forum, and elsewhere, get cold and downright ugly, so I certainly see Karen's point. And she isn't the only creator/publisher that feels this way. I admire anyone, whether I end up getting their deck or not, who is bold and brave enough to take something they have created, heart and soul, and puts it out into the world. It is a courage I greatly respect.

Karen once told me a theme of a deck they might do. And haven't done. And I hope they do it. It would be awesome with their amazing touch! And I think a lot of fun creating. I won't say what it was, except that I do hope it will be created!

In the meantime, I will look into my own heart and soul and pick my favourite deck, if the poll goes up, and I won't let anyone elses choices or arguements or judgements sway me in the least. Afterall, diversity is a wonderous thing and each deck on the market is a gift to us all. It is an honour to be in the midst of such great talent.


Jewel said:
I hope in time you and Alex may change your mind. There are many of us that really respect and love your work.

Thanks Jewel. It's not the main reason, but I have to say that I feel much more relaxed this year knowing that the usual attacks are not going to break out in our direction. I don't mind the deck critiques - Alex and I both came up through the art school system where you get very used to giving and receiving critique and quite shrewd at deciding which to pay attention to and which to ignore. But the personal innuendos are something I feel happy to have put behind me. I just hope the whole thing can be done in a more generous spirit all round this year because there has been such a diversity of decks - and creators - that it could be really good fun.


baba-prague said:
I just hope the whole thing can be done in a more generous spirit all round this year because there has been such a diversity of decks - and creators - that it could be really good fun.

Exactly! Why can't it just be fun? Well, it always is for me. Because that is the way I approach it. Fun, fun, fun! :party:


Maybe if the vote was focussed on your "favourite deck", rather than the "best deck " it would be kept in mind that it was a personal opinion, no need for any arguments or criticism and no need to upset anyone.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder etc etc.

:) :) :)


avalonian said:
Maybe if the vote was focussed on your "favourite deck", rather than the "best deck " it would be kept in mind that it was a personal opinion, no need for any arguments or criticism and no need to upset anyone.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder etc etc.

:) :) :)

Excellent idea!