2008 mercury retro influences

Barbaras Ahajusts

DAVE question

In looking at a "here and now" chart at 7:20 am, it looks like Mercury is behind the sun. Is this correct?

No, it is not over! Mercury has made its station and will now be playing catchup with the Sun, passing over its previous points in its retrograde cycle (where it first turned retro, where it conjuncted the Sun, as well as any personal points in your chart that it may have touched). You have to deal with the consequences of those points, if any, and resolve any loose ends. Dave

When you state "personal points" do you think you can be clearer for the newbies who read this thread? Do you mean the straight lines, squares, etc that touch in your natal chart, concerning where Mercury is located for them?




Mercury is behind the Sun, zodiac-wise, and will be moving direct, gaining speed and passing the Sun in several weeks.

As Mercury moves from early Aquarius towards Aries and Taurus, it may pass points in anyone's chart where another planet lies. If these points are also where Mercury first made station and turned retrograde, or where Mercury made contact with the Sun during its retrograde motion, then these points are likely to be very sensitive. Interpret those points as Mercury-Sun-Planet combinations or as Mercury-Sun-Angle combinations -- what ever is appropriate.

Other aspects, other than the opposition, are not likely to be seen as being strong or noticeable. Dave

Barbaras Ahajusts

If these points are also where Mercury first made station and turned retrograde, or where Mercury made contact with the Sun during its retrograde motion, then these points are likely to be very sensitive.

So if Merc touched one area, on of our recently really lousey days - pc took a dive, got stuck in the elevator, honey do threw supper at us, then we can look at that day in a more positive light when it returns to pass that point or are we looking at another frustrating day?



Your symbols

It's all about your symbols and how you express them. The only thing I can say is that as we get older/smarter we tend to let our symbols express themselves in as many ways as possible. However, once we really mature, the symbols do fit into our lives better and more positively. Well, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn with Mars, Pluto with Mercury and Moon may not fit so positively. We have to recognize that the planet-symbols tend to have bad characteristics when it comes to acting as transits. Dave


Electronics and postal stuff went beserk, I had a disagreement with a friend (resolved - we are both explosive people who don't bear grudges), but also reconnected with some dear people, and my inner life has really enjoyed this Merc rx. I am looking forward to the next three weeks of resolution, especially with the lunar eclipse in Virgo coming up.

I think it makes a difference that I was born when Mercury was retrograde. I just take rather naturally to these periods, even though missing mail and communication blips can be annoying. Knowing that Mercury is retrograde really helps, I find - instead of panicking or moaning, I just say - oh well, Merc rx, communication and electronics are going to go up the spout, time for some good introspection, and time to reconnect with some loved ones. I mean - why make a fuss about something that happens so often?

YDM42 - I loved reading your story. Wow, two in one go, that's quite an achievement!


anyone know what degree merc rx went retro at?


Feb 20th, Sun in Pisces and the full moon in Virgo with a lunar eclipse and a Mars/Pluto opposition between Gemini and Sagittarius, where did all the laughter go?

Mercury direct is a relief, but now we must clean up the mess we have found. (Barbaras Ahajusts, sorry to hear about the loss of your hard drive, things like that happened to me frequently with mercury retrogrades, beware the hidden.) As for communication, we might see the communication issues come into a full circle, anyone feel like a game of Guestures, nothing like visual cues to relieve us of our Taboos.

The full moon/Lunar eclipse might result in an unusual realization of who we are, what we do, what our purposes are, or it could just as easily make us feel as if we are under the influence of hard labor. the lead up to it though will be a nice break from things when we can feel productive and tie up loose ends from hooking onto unwelcome situiatons later on. as alsways with virgo moons, ambigious policies might grate on our nerves like nails on a chalkboard or make us cringe like when a cd shatters in the cd-rom drive (krisshhhhhhhh). Pisces is not a time for delving in deep, you might hit your head---hard, pisces is shallow water.

Taht mars/pluto opposition makes everything touch and go, like observing the grasshopper and the and in zero-grav environments, now where did that queen ant go, which one is red, and which one is black.

Saturn in Virgo is still retrograde, backing up, but not turning around, the virgo energies are subdued and the economic realiites are very similar to previous saturn in virgo times http://planetwaves.net/spiraldoor/2007/articles/top_10.html (topic 8, but the rest is very intersting)


paradoxx said:
Pisces is not a time for delving in deep, you might hit your head---hard, pisces is shallow water.
Is it? I've usually found the exact opposite, but then I'm a shallow Pisces, my deep might be your shallow. I've often found things came to me completely naturally and intuitively during a Pisces period - and that I can go as deep as I like, because of it. No fear there.

I can't help asking, reading some of these threads - why are you astrologers all doom-sayers? I practically never read good news on astrology threads. I regularly experience Merc rx as a good thing, but no, everyone goes on about how awful it is. Surely I can't be the only one to relish when things shift gear a little and find real benefit in it? And not to find Pisces shallow?

[rant over]

And I like grasshoppers :D


Did I read this correctly? Pisces...shallow? How shallow is the deepest ocean? No way! I protest.

And what, with us just entering Pisces, this fish is a little mystified by that comment. But perhaps I misunderstood?



Pisces is indeed the water sign associated with the oceans - Cancer is associated with the shorelines and Scorpio with still and stagnant water.