3 of Swords as Advice with someone


It seems to me that 3 Swords with the 5 Swords coming so often... release, walking away. Perhaps it's examining your heart, releasing stuff that's hurt you before ... not holding onto those swords and using them to defend yourself and leave others defeated and defenseless...

It all depends on who you see as yourself in the 5 Swords. The victor or the victim? Whose heart is pierced and needs healing?

To me this is about realization and awareness of what is at the heart of the matter, learning from it, then the healing release, leaving the painful reminders behind in order to let the sun set on the past and see the sunrise of another day.

But I suppose it all depends on other factors too and the original question.


Another adage just entered my mind with the 3 sw and 5 sw = "someone lit the fire and then walks away", meaning someone said some painful truth and then did not hang around to deal with the results. The 5 sw shows the person having the last word.



Hello, I was just re reading over my old threads, and wanted to revisit this one in particular, because I've realized the lessons of the 3 of swords and 5 of swords to be incredibly true for me in this experience, now that I can look back on it since it is over as I knew it, it will never be the same for me and this person.

Saefra said:
Edited to add: There is much wisdom born of pain. I believe that is the story behind the 3 of swords.

And I am so glad it is there, to challenge old beliefs, that way we can keep renewing ourselves. what is ultimately revealed is the truth I suppose, and this is only for the best. It's the only way to grow.

In particular, I wanted to comment on WalesWoman take here:

WalesWoman said:
It seems to me that 3 Swords with the 5 Swords coming so often... release, walking away. Perhaps it's examining your heart, releasing stuff that's hurt you before ...
To me this is about realization and awareness of what is at the heart of the matter, learning from it, then the healing release, leaving the painful reminders behind in order to let the sun set on the past and see the sunrise of another day.

Wow, can I just say this speaks worlds of truth to me right now.
I realize that this harsh experience I had with this person was just a repeat of past painful lessons I should have taken years ago, but never fully did.
I see that the lesson I should have learned just resurfaced in the form of another person, and I was meant to walk down that path again, this time wiser, but still a bit naive. Now I think I can let go, I can stop repeating this pattern now that perhaps I understand it better. Maybe I haven't reached my full capacity for enlightenment, but at least I am partially there!
Thank you WalesWoman.

Oh, and VERY important below:

balenciaga said:
Another adage just entered my mind with the 3 sw and 5 sw = "someone lit the fire and then walks away", meaning someone said some painful truth and then did not hang around to deal with the results. The 5 sw shows the person having the last word.

I couldn't understand this in the beginning. But it's as if you read the future here, because it is exactly what happened in the end. On my last seeing this person, I realized he had been untruthful these past few months. And I suppose this is just what I did, in essence, "I lit the fire and walked away".
I realized that day, that he had me caught in a weird triangle with another woman, and that morning I told him what I thought, enlightened the other woman about the truth, and I left. And I'm sure I did light a fire in the process, it was a little bit destructive for everyone, but what is left is the truth, nakedly bare. I think he also told me the truth, but I was the one to leave. Never offered an explanation, at least not yet.
But if I follow the story of this card, I suppose it will go just as you said, not hanging around to deal with the results. I left.

Thank you Balenciaga, your thought was amazingly applicable.


Oh, Cutie, I wish you happiness:)