7 of cups as relationship outcome?


As outcome a relationship filled with delusion. Does it mean a decision has to be made?

No ... just lay back and sample one of the 7 'delights' as you will .

ALL relationships are like the 7 of cups ! Jewels, treasures, ghosts, associations from the past, heros, goddesses, new before never met soul mates that were MEANT to be, 'Hey I MUST know you from a past life! ", " ARRRGH! You are just like my mother ! " and the dreaded dragon monster cup of; 'he who breathes through his nose noisily and leaves the toilet lid up' (which, somehow, was never noticed before ;) )

Now (if this is a RW reading) how much better would it be to be the black silhouette in that card, and as we fall into a relationship, an angel appears and says 'BEHOLD! ... the ghosts or relationship future ! " ... but perhaps less 'fun' ?


Perhaps an "outcome card" is not the right position to have in a spread, if you're only interested in what might happen in the next couple of decades.

The "Outcome" is the moment of last final contact ever. Anything else is just moving onto the next stage.
Thanx when I look at the outcome card I read it as the end of the relationship.

The outcome has to be seen in relationship to the rest of the spread, so it's hard to say what it would mean without knowing more.

As a 7 it's a test or challenge, in the realm of Cups - love, inter-relationships, feelings, imagination.

If anything, I'd say that things are left up-in-the-air. The future could still branch off in at least seven different ways and a decision has probably not been reached as to which one to take. The querent could be left with some false illusions or conflicting desires regarding available choices which makes it difficult to make wise decisions. Drugs or alcohol could be involved but so could a lot of other things.
Isn't the outcome card the most important card? ex: 8 of cups as outcome when asked for insight on a relationship. I can't tell who will be performing the actions depicted in the 8 of cups. I'll simply state that one person will walk away.

Everyone's interpretations are pretty awesome. If I could add anything it would seem like the outcome is that your relationship hits a dead end as one or both of you are weighing up any decisions that need to be made and any feelings relating to those decisions. I read somewhere that it is sometimes a wish card, but with consequences so it always reminds me of that Pussycat Dolls 'when I grow up' song, uno the 'be careful what you wish for coz you might just get it, yeh you might just get it' part... So outcome could mean you end up getting what you want or what you thought you wanted only to realise that what you wanted to begin with was just a pipe dream, no basis in reality which makes you feel disillusioned.
Or perhaps it's better to fantasize about it. I agree.


Isn't the outcome card the most important card?
It depends on how you see the spread. I often find that the outcome is the least important card in that, if the querent changes anything regarding earlier cards then the outcome will, to some extent, be changed. It shows where the querent is headed at the beginning of the reading, but by the end of the reading or at any point before the time of the "outcome" there could be a change.

Personally I don't use the word outcome for the final card because I haven't, in fact, ever seen an outcome except for questions like "Will I get this particular job (at this time)?" Years ago I started a thread where people predicted such concrete outcomes based on tarot readings. (I've done this with many of my classes.) The results weren't too impressive and several people tried to explain how they were really right even though the outcome they posted was wrong. Rarely someone comes along who is right more than 50% of the time, but how many of us have tested ourselves to see what our long-term accuracy is in absolute right or wrong circumstances?

If I was asked whether a relationship would make-it or break-it by March 1, and I got the 7 of Cups, I'd probably say that the answer is still up in the air, undecided, (it could go any one of 7 different ways :) ).


As outcome a relationship filled with delusion. Does it mean a decision has to be made?

Well, an outcome is an ending, so it probably says that if and when the relationship ends you'll have your pick of people. :)


One thought is that the word outcome is sometimes confusing in relationship spreads. Personally I prefer to draw cards for one month, three months, six months time in a relationship.

If you look at this card as representing an experience in the future, rather than defining how a relationship will pan out it may seem less confusing.

A positive way to look at this is a period when multiple exciting possibilities appear before you both, you have a lot of fantasies about possible futures and directions that you can take and maybe aren't sure which to choose.


I cant understand why people think of illusions when it comes to 7 cups. What happened to dreams, hopes and wishes for the future. The healthy dreaming of the future? A to do list? A bucket list (used to be depressing but now everyone is doing it)

So the outcome, I would read it will give you more items/wishes to add to your list. Maybe it will leave uou more optimistic for the future... ?