8 of wands as someone's intentions


8 wands intention

wants to motivate the other. on a more personal level, perhaps make the other fall in love. ( to be hit by passion or love)
or simply the intend is to speed up things, get something going, moving.

I also refer back to strength card ie. control. controlled motion. whatever his intend is, it is a clear aim.


Of course no one can know what your cards really meant but you. The cards speak to each of us differently and no one but you knows the unique language you and your deck(s) share. For example since Wales Woman's and my meanings are opposites, if the answer were a strong relationship she would likely have gotten a different card to tell her that. And if it were something fast and flirty, I would have gotten a different card to tell me that.

If we tell you what the cards would mean to us, that does not mean that that is what they would mean to you. Everyone's cards speak to them differently. No one but you can know how they talk to you,.


That is a very nice explanation. I often feel that too. Cards have a very personal language. Sometimes they are like a lover, you know, the one with whom you have silly private language that no one else understands : )


Hmm, thinking more on this now that some time has passed and I wonder if it could also indicate something done on a whim, like a snap decision. Since no further action has taken place, this seems to fit, has anyone else experienced that? Or maybe it's just too soon since I drew the card for me to tell what happens next. Perhaps I'm too impatient!


the person has a narrow minded focus on going for what they want. This person intentions could simply be to move in fast, invest energy towards something or someone. The person is definitely confident and already have started moving quickly towards whatever they want to do. Another way to see it is that they have no intentions but are just DOING. They havent taken the time to think in those terms and are just going with an impulse... Depending on who this person is and what they are currently doing, you should be able to know which.


Thanks ChristianReader. The "no intentions but just DOING" is essentially what I was wondering about. I guess until he "does" something else, I won't really know about his intentions or lack thereof.