A Good Deck for CAsting Magick Spells


I recommend the Green Witch Tarot. The majors are structured around Wiccan teachings and one of its intended uses is spellcasting.

You might also consider the White Magic Tarot, also a spellcasting deck.

Lucas Prince of Cats

White magic is nice! Also, it doesn't so much have to be a Wicca-based deck, but something that with experience, is very intuitional, connected to the divine forces, and all. Just fits into what a Wiccan would need out of a deck. Too bad I can't illustrate my own decks. My vision for a Wicca-based deck would be amazing.


Has anyone mentioned the Thoth? I'm not very experienced with reading the Thoth deck, but I like using it for magical purposes. Actually, I associate it more with ceremonial/"high magic" than with Wiccan magic, but I thought it was worth mentioning. The Thoth images are effective and powerful, especially the Majors.


I'm not sure this is what you meant (I am not Wiccan, sorry!) but I think you could also like the Wildwood Tarot? The book it comes with (and I think the app as well) has a section where it explains how the cards fit inside the Wheel of the Year and though I believe the imagery is meant to be older than the paganism used in Wicca... it might still draw you in. The Druidcraft by the same artist also has some nature imagery (and instead of the Devil you have a card similar to the Horned God you mentioned)... but it's a clearer Rider-Waite system, whereas Wildwood sets off and does its own thing. Actually the Greenwood thing, but that's another story.


Oh, haven't used it for this yet as it's new to me, but just remembered the LWB for the Fantastical Creatures Tarot (Lisa Hunt) has a little section for each card dedicated to how you could use it for magic.

This is true! I haven't used the Fantastical Creatures for any magick or anything like that, but it has lots of imagery that I feel would be really great for it.

Also, I actually just bought the Wildwood Tarot for this very reason! I wanted someone to help with meditating and focusing energy and stuff like that. I'm really excited for it to get here!

I'm not sure this is what you meant (I am not Wiccan, sorry!) but I think you could also like the Wildwood Tarot? The book it comes with (and I think the app as well) has a section where it explains how the cards fit inside the Wheel of the Year and though I believe the imagery is meant to be older than the paganism used in Wicca... it might still draw you in.

EDIT: I just saw this! :D And I agree with it!


What immediately came to my mind is the Tarot of Ceremonial Magick. I was given the deck by a friend and then found the book to it among the Amazon used sellers. I haven't really had the time and quiet to really get acquainted with it because there's so much to it, but I do suggest you give it a look to see if it might appeal to you as a tool.


the enchanted tarot is a thought too. the accompanying book is brilliant.
with an "enchantment" for each card.