A spread regarding my boss at work


It looks like my boss wants me to challenge her? It also looks like I've been putting of doing so...

1) IX of Coins
2) IX of Wands
3) IX of Swords [above position]
4) VII Swords [below position]
5) VIII Cups [past]
6) II Cups-Reversed [future]
7) Knight of Coins
8.) 4 of Coins-Reversed
9) Justice-Reversed
10) III of Swords

The question in my mind when doing this spread was if I would be able to face and overcome the challenges at work. I am a Sagittarius, my boss is a Scorpio.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.


You mean you really want to keep a job like that?!?

You managed to incorporate dishonesty, fear, defensiveness, betrayal, foul-play and heartache all in a single reading.

That's not a job. That's a hellhole.

I say grab a case of tequila, hit the beach and rest your weary head for awhile.


hey Brian,
I'll lay these cards out tonight and see what I come up with. I know how stressful job situations can be! Don't be scared by Mojo. :)


Hi Brian:

Looks to me like you are ready to make a big move either to the next level or the industry you are in, or else to a different field completely. Those three 9's together indicate to me the culmination of a cycle. Within 3 months. Guard your finances well and make sure you are paid every penny owed to you; the 4 of Pentacles reversed with the 3 of Swords makes me think your company is not entirely stable financially, and not above pulling a sneaky with the payroll.

Good luck!


Hi Bryan,

okay, first off, let me just give a disclaimer.... I have only been studying the tarot for a few months, so keep that in mind.

now, let's get down to business. I laid out your spread using the Robin Wood deck. Several things immediately became apparent - the greatest was an overall sense of separatism and unjustice.

The 9 of Pentacles in the first position seems to say that you've relied on yourself and your abilities thus far in your career - maybe even to an extreme exclusion of others and good old-fashioned "teamwork." If you want a job done right, you should do it yourself — seems to be your method of operation. You may have worked hard to get where you are, and have been successful in doing so, but perhaps now you are are feeling stiffled - or fenced in. This wall may have been created by yourself (in reaction to your environment/co-workers, or as just the self-suffcient way you prefer to work). It may also be representing that there is no more "room to grow" in this position. (the garden that has been so carefully tended cannot grow beyond the iron gates.) This wall is echoed in the next card...

... the 9 of Wands, which crosses the previous card. As you know, this card means being "on the lookout", wary, and battle-worn. Behind the man is a row (wall) of wands. It seems you are on the defensive. You are aware of a (potentially hostile?) situation - and feel as though you are being persecuited or could be at any moment. Your wands flank you, like the spines of a porcupine. You are "bristley" and ready for an attack.

The 7 of Swords is the below you and is the basis of this situation. The scowling guy in this card is sneaking off over a wall (another one!) with what appears to be stolen property. It seems as though that is what you would like to do - either symbolically or in actuallity... escape, be the lone wolf, leave the situation... perhaps even act out a little vengence as you leave (crash the computer system, erase all your files, etc.) There is a sense of dishonesty that underlies the entire situation. This dishonesty could coming from yourself or others. Did your boss (or co-workers) do something that you feel invaded your space or privacey? Did someone steal your "big idea"? is your boss taking credit for your hardwork? Something unjust is going on here. (reflected later in the 9th position, reversed Justice)


continuing on... (zzzz, it's getting late, gotta be briefer)

The 8 of Cups in the past. It looks as if you have already (in your heart) walked away from the situation. The man in the card has his back turned and is headed another direction, leaving a wall (!) of cups behind him. (have you had it with me and the wall analogies yet? hee hee.) nuff said.

The 9 of Swords above you... this entire situation is causing you a lot of mental anguish! .... there is also a possible feeling of guilt here... could this be related to the 7 of Swords... did you do something that you now regret? hmmm... If not, then perhaps this sense of guilt and troubled thoughts is arising from your nature not to give up on things (Knight of Pentacles).... or perhaps you are kept up at night worried about what could happen... who is doing what... what will the next day "at the office" bring... backstabbing, trouble, deceit.... whatever it is, this entire situation is forefront in your mind right now.

The 2 of Cups reversed is in the near future. Because you said you had a conflict with your boss, I see this card as both you and your boss. You two cannot seem to connect (though it seems the desire to may be there on both sides!) - you cannot or will not share with this person. And at this point I don't think you are able to... you've already "shut off" and turned away (8 cups) and have no cup to share. this card speaks of resentment, conflicts and insecurity.

The Knight of Pentacles is how you view yourself in the situation. You seem confident and steadfast in your abilities. Perhaps you wonder why others don't seem as capable/practical as you - or why don't they recognize your hard work? You expect order and fairness.

The environment is the 4 of Pentacles reversed. It speaks of being stressed out, overworked - and also one who is unscrupulous in reaching a goal.

Your hopes and fears is represented by Justice reveresed. You seem to worry about fairness and getting your "just desserts." You may feel as though things are not as they seem, there is some under-handed stuff going on. This card ties closely in with the 7 of Swords - and smacks of dishonesty.

The outcome - well, plain and simple, heartache. (sorry) 3 of Swords.

whew. good night. hope another's perspective on this spread helps you think about things. Good luck!!!!