Alchemy of the Human Spirit


Know why the fool smiles, and talks in unfamilar or indirect language?

He knows enough to know that he cant find nor dig the paydirt for anyone.

Everybodies claim is staked in a different spot which will require different methods to produce paydirt.

You can't tell the foolish from the fool by the words or stories told of gold , but by personal application of those stories .

Playing on the surface finding specks or flour gold is fine , a good start for sure. A profitable location has been found.

Dig a little deeper than the adverage surface dweller and you find rocks, annoying rocks, blocking rocks,large,small,all sorts,mostly rounded by the constant turbulance of lifes waters . Beliefs long forgotten but still active when the turbulance disturbs the normally gently flowing stream of life.

These will reveal that slightly heavier gold is available. Each little speck is worth hundreds of the finer samples available on the placid undisturbed surface. They will outweigh the surface specks for the same volume.

Break through that barrier of obsticles and the base or basalt is discovered eventually.
Now here in it's crags and crannies the older ,larger ,heavier bits have been stored for the willing to enjoy.

The new fool understands anew, and watches the surface dwellers chattering away, telling stories, finding specks here and there.
The fool looks at the bruised and blistered hands resting on it's laps, listens to the stories and occasionally comments .
Some hear.
Most look at the figure that has commented and because the clothes are dirty, or because they're different looking and thinking, dismiss the commenter as a fool.
They see only the piles of overburden , and fail to see the emptiness that has appeared from whence the dirt was removed.

Those that did listen, even though doubtful, pluck up the courage to start digging their own claim .

The general comment when the digging starts is

The New digger starts to remove that rock obsticle .


Good stuff. :thumbsup:


Umbrae said:
Equating water with love is odd when you learn hydraulics.

Sounds a perfect match to me.... A rocket-man once told me that the waters would look like swords when seen from a distance. Shiny. Pretty. Lovely Mother he had, though I wouldn't turn my back on her either. I reckon that gold's gonna come to the surface and there ain't a damn thing anyone can do to stop it. The only constant after all is 5.


When the Umbrae and that Dan Guy finished their duet, the room continued to vibrate with a warm glow that made firemaiden's scarlet shoes feel just the right size, and set the sequins on Aoife's hat spinning. It was no doubt due to the few rogue drops of scorpion ejaculate that had fallen on the barroom floor.

Scorpion ejaculate is weird, on the one hand, the rubbery goo (colour of melting orange sorbet) has the power to warm an entire room, on the other hand the drops can assemble, and form a new life. In this case, that new life seemed to be taking on the form of ... a, no, could it be ? No, not that anything but ...

"Make that a rubber chicken, miss fer-mitten. That there were a dayam good story, and I knowed some good uns in my life" said the barnyard animal. "Yes, that were a damned good story, and it warmed me just down to the cockles of me toes."

Here, (so the story goes) Morty, the rubber chicken scurried on his rubber chicken feet to the saloon doors, to catch a last glimpse of the story-tellers as they rode off into the sunset on their pony. It seemed that one of them was carrying a pet cactus. And the other was wearing a black stetson, and maybe some kind of a bolo tie. It was amazing how they both fit on that little pony. It might have been a pinto pony, but on the other hand, it could have been a pony made of erasers. All kinds of erasers, with a big rombhoid eraser for the body, little number two pencil erasers for the ears. Or was it the nose ?

Morty waived a rubber wing towards the horizon. "So long pard'ner !" he said, while fermitten (that's french for 'varmint' ) came up behind him and together they called after the dynamic duo ... "... hey buster !! THANK YOU !"


Awesome text. Beautifully written, and very funny at the same time.

I'd love to read a novel written by that Dan guy and Umbrae. Bet it'd have great dialogues.

Anyway...i never thought about water being a loving elements. I have many of this dreams in which i'm drowning, so yeah...never thought water was a cozy uterus of love. Heh.

It's funny the way you talked about the elements...cuz i've learnt a lot about life and tarot studying how the Earth was made. There's no such things as "elements flowing together in perfect balance". It's more "elements clashing trying to find balance (but no necessarily doing so)".

Then i stopped seeing tarot and life as a peaceful environment, or the ultimate attempt of creating one, and decided it was more like a powerful pandemonium that has it's own interesting kind of order...that sometimes we fail to understand. In these small heads of ours.

I stopped trying to make them look pretty and neat. And my readings have felt much more alive ever since. Can't explain, but it's nice :smoker:


Umbrae... you know the colloquial, dialogue style is something I don't gel with :* but if I'm getting you, then I appreciate that you are advising the masses to think beyond the obvious for their suit meanings. There is so much more in the pips (I'm a Marseilles girl afterall), than most people realise. I love pips! To me they give the most subtle and yet useful advice in a reading, but we have to tune in to them and even study them a little to get it. I'm sure that pip reading encourages the reader to think deeper about the card because the image doesn't instantly scream out a meaning.


firemaiden said:
it could have been a pony made of erasers. All kinds of erasers, with a big rombhoid eraser for the body, little number two pencil erasers for the ears. Or was it the nose ?
Sure it wasn't Lady Gaga?


The thing about alchemy...and that Dan Guy's lovely conversation on tarot, is, that the only thing we should always look for is...



We can open ourselves to the experience that the universe, our planet, our lives, our environment...everything is at the same time, terrible and wonderful, beautiful and ugly, murky and clear, simple and depends upon

the moment in time...

Oh..yes..time doesn't actually exist, since everything that was, always was, still is and will be, whether in this plane or on some parallel form of this universe.

The possibilities are ...



To someone who needs to have a neat little list of meanings, infinity can be pretty daunting.

It's the only way, though, to let in what is in motion at a moment in time/space.

You gotta love the possibilities.

Personally, I kinda like the idea that once I "get it," once I learn a hard lesson in life, it's as though I have always had indeed I have.

That can bring such freedom. No regrets. When we "get it," then more change comes and any past decisions or situations are moot. Just as when we participate in a reading, we can choose how to move forward with information....nothing is written forever, everything changes.

Even the rock is fluid, is in motion.