Animal Messages


Goddess Leah said:
On my way home today, I saw a bull. What could it mean?
*zorya is sitting on her hands, because this would be way too easy*


zorya--oh! BEHAVE!!!!!!! ;) :D ;)

goddess leah, according to ted andrews in "animal speak", bull is a symbol of fertility through sacrifice. the bull is a symbol of the sun. bull is the animal that brings nourishment to other via it's slaughter. it's associated w/ the astrological sign of taurus, earth and possessions. in the bull we see the uniting of male and female. the horns of the bull resemble the lunar cresent giving the link w/ the feminine. anytime male and female show up together there is a opportunity for fertility. when bull shows up ask yourself:
are you being as productive as you can?
do you need to sow some new seeds.
are you being stubborn and rigid?
do you or those around you need to become more sensitive?
are you rushing when you should be allowing things to become fertile in their own time? are you or those around you insecure?

the bull can help you understand and work w/ the mundane aspects of fertility and the relationships necessary for it. it will teach stability w/o stubbornness. the bull can help you to assert your female energies w/ great success.


My totem animal is...the horse.

Horse - The horse was especially favoured by the ancient British goddess. Her flesh was only ever eaten on sacred occasions, in order that the people could share her magic and power.

The horse can take you to hidden places, which you would never find without her guidance - she holds the secret to distant veiled lands. You will there be given a quest, something of great import, and if you dedicate yourself to the completion of this quest, you will take on the powers of the mythic heroes.

Do not doubt that you have been chosen for something very special.

Well this will keep me wondering for the next days...


It says mine is Beaver..... agh, the connotations! My boyfriend is going to be laughing like crazy when he hears that one of my totem animals is "Beaver"...........

But seriously, I do like what it says, it fits for me:

Beavers have had a harsh time of it in Britain, since their wishes to dam a river have historically run contrary to mankind's wishes, and he has been cruelly hunted. Times have changed though, and the beaver is making a comeback, especially in Scotland. Perhaps you have suffered similar persecution, in which case the beaver will show you that everything comes full circle, and that you should never give in.

The timeless beaver spirit is one of independence, vision and hard work. The beaver works as hard as he does in order to provide his family with safe dwelling space and good hunting grounds, and he will remind you of the reasons that you have of working hard. Work is the means, not the end.


Mmm, good opossum

My boss has a condo near the beach. He leaves the sliding glass door open, so the cat can come and go as he pleases.

He woke up one morning to see a small opossum run through the open door, and into his bedroom. He shut the screen door.

He tried to shoo it away with a broom, but it only resulted getting the possum very annoyed. It retreated under the bed. He poked at it a while, accomplishing nothing, except to truly pi$$ off the critter.

He went to the other side of the bed, and made a loud noise. It frightened the opossum, and it ran toward the sliding glass door. Regretfully, he had shut the screen. The opossum started to climb the screen.

My boss, who was just as frightened as the possum, shut the glass door quickly.

The result was that Mr. Possum that was pressed quite nicely between the glass and the screen. The mashed marsupial did not approve of this solution.

For those who don't live in the western United States, condominium yards are only a few square meters in size, and typically have no gate, only a two meter fence all around.

My boss was too frightened to climb the fence and go into the tiny yard with the possum. He eventually used the broom to push the screen open and free the opossum.

I can only imagine the message the animal was sending.


LOL! Mashed Marsupial!

R :)

the hermit

Re: Mmm, good opossum

divinerguy said:

I can only imagine the message the animal was sending.

wait until the little critter comes back with it's big brother! or worse... mom!!!

"that's the bad man, mommie... the one with the broom!"

I wonder how much bad juju it's going to cost him?


RedWood said:
I am the trout...

Me too! :) ... go figure, a piscean mermaid with a trout for a totem animal! *LOL*


My Mountain Lion Experience

Now this just happened to me but it was one that came from a long time ago...This is copied from my 'notes':
Mountian Lion...
The more I look at this the more I see....
the deeper it becomes....
Where does this story start?
I don't know....
Where will it end......
only time can tell....
These things of this lion connection that I have and the timing and the events and as I write this I think and see even MORE......
What Mountain Lion is to me:
I have always (for as long as I can remember) admired this creature, so much so that my domestic cat breed of choice looks like a mini M.lion (got two in 89)........I was in Arizona many years ago(@93?) and traded some of my jewelry for two mountain lion claws.
I made a necklace out of one, the other lives in my Med. bag.
Mountain lion medicine is's the ability to lead without insisting that others follow......Symbolically like with Tarot, it is strength and courage. Astrological Leo, ia a mighty one..some key words integration, egotism (the poor ego thread started this)
Later I discover that one of my totem animals is a mountain lion.(98)
The lion and it's position among all my animals says this...mountain lion is the medicine within, The teacher of how to find my heart's joy and how to be faithful to personal truths. Protector of my sacred space, the place that is mine alone and is never shared except by invitation.
Paul had mountain lion medicine too.*(a soulmate who has passed on)*
His says this, gives wise counsel, when to speak and when to listen, a reminder to be grateful for every blessing and every day.
8- Stength showed up in Paul's 5 cards to me.
*(mentioned in a thread titled after death communication)*
I still talk to him, my poetry of longing for his love also askes for a new lasting love....not the same but equal....
THIS - introduction of ours*(refer to poor ego thread)* started while the Sun was in Leo.
I saw the Mountian Lion run across my path this morning!!!*(8/26)*(mon-day=moon-day, luna!)
Today is the last day that Mercury is in Leo, (merc. being gemini's ruling planet)*(his sign)*
Mars and Jupiter are also in Leo. Jupiter being the luck and prophecy planet, and Mars...the glyph alone represents male. Mars is action...
For the weekend, I changed my necklace. Normally I wear a small pendant with the sun moon and earth in it.
I chose to wear the Lion's claw, to help me ...?I Don't Know? couagous so to speak, to be keep me form being a dumb fluff ball of nerves!!!really!!!.....I had no idea of the deeper implications of this simple act.
So what am I to see, think and feel about ALL of this?
My reaction to this, relief mixed with uncertainty....bliss mixed with an odd sadness.
I see a giant arrow pointing in a certain direction.....
when I think about it........I just shake my head...
I am emotionally overwhelmed and left totally speechless.

the hermit

Re: My Mountain Lion Experience

lunalafey said:

My reaction to this, relief mixed with uncertainty....bliss mixed with an odd sadness.
I see a giant arrow pointing in a certain direction.....
when I think about it........I just shake my head...
I am emotionally overwhelmed and left totally speechless.
the music in your heart sings, lunalafey

namaste, wild moon