Art versus Concept


goldenweb said:
The 111 Millenium deck seems a real puzzle - the Tarot of Bologna inserts seem so at odds with the main images.

Reading back over this thread after a break, I was surprised to find the above, as I don't remember mentioning the 111 Millenium. But that comment must have triggered something, because I've been playing with it for about a week now, and last night even pieced what I could of the puzzle together.

Thankfully though, Metafizzypop posted this link to Albideuter, as I'd put the cards back in the box again, having got as far as I could with it.

The thread's Here.

Extraordinary concept/theme, extraordinary and amazing deck. IMO really worth spending time and getting into.

Thanks for all your thoughts on the perfect (OK, it doesn't have to be exactly perfect), marriage of concept/theme, art & system - and if possible please feel free to add more (said she, hopefully).
