Bad Energy from Necklace

Ms K

stella01904 said:
MM ~ Would you want a wedding ring from a pawnshop? Apparently it didn't work for the last couple! Things DO carry imprints. I would have tried cleansing the necklace but also working in the mundane...if that didn't work, I just wouldn't wear it anymore. These imprints are usually not strong enough to kill people and birds, there's more going on here. Maybe your putting it on was a signal from your own subconscious that something was going to happen that day. BB, Stella

This is why I won't wear "personal" jewelry that doesn't come from people I don't know well.

By personal jewelry, well, I'd wear my mother's wedding band, if she passed it on to me. My mother and I have a strong link, and she's not out to harm me, and Mom and Dad's marriage is going on 36 years. Very strong, balanced dynamic.

I would NOT, however, be willing to wear my mother-in-law's wedding ring from her marriage to my husband's biological father. They divorced five years and three kids later, and it was not a good marriage at all. Too much negativity.

Which is why, when someone gives me something to wear, I cleanse first. It's a MUST. Especially if it's from someone whose motives are unclear. If I receive something from someone who's motives are bad, well, all the cleansing in the world won't make me feel less negative about it.

So, I don't know if your sister transferred some of her negative energy to the necklace. Could just be that her negative energy was amplified whenever bad things happened, and that's why you associate that necklace with bad things happening. Certainly, it's possible.

Just something to keep in mind.


I don't rule anything out . I haven't had any experiences with bad objects, but that doesn't mean it can't happen. There are some very reasonable intelligent people who think such things are possible. I can usually feel if an item is bad in some way and will avoid it . At other times, the item itself can be very attractive and I will want it anyway. After that I might notice myself getting the astral willies, so to speak, and having some hints that there is something attached, like odd thumping noises occurring. Then one has to get a bit forceful and make whatever it is knock it off.

Recommended reading : Possessed Possessions 1 & 2 , and the story of a curse on the author Colin Wilson in his book, The Occult .

As to this particular necklace , it may be that your sister is just a malevolent person who carries and imparts a lot of this energy to things around her. Some people really can make you sick in more ways than one. It is better not to accept gifts from them , and if you must it is better to get rid of the item as soon as possible. It may be a coincidence with some of the things that happened while you wore the necklace, but your sister's negative energy is no joke. There are people who will admit they believe they are responsible for bad things that happen to others , whether they truly intend it or not at the time. They may just be extremely capable projectors of energy into the world around them .

Recommended investigation: The car that James Dean was killed in .

Lady Tararith

I noticed that after about the second or third time I had wore the necklace, a small pattern emerging, so I left the necklace off for a while. Then when I decided to put it back on, something else happened.

Now the necklace is hopefully forever gone, I threw it away many months ago after it being stored in my jewellery box for a fair while as I knew I couldn't wear it again.

Lady Tararith xx


This topic is specially interesting... I always felt that things really have prints. Same thing happens with homes or places. Don't you feel something special when you are visiting some historical place? I'm a pro musician specialized in XVIth. century profane music, and I have a lot of those feelings even when I pick some scores to do *Ü*