Bad luck?


So, from a friend of mine. I heard that asking for money after giving a reading; Or just charging in general. Is supposed to give you bad luck. My job at the moment is killing me! Way too much drama, not even planing on continuing in this field, and my boss doesn't know how to control us. So, what I was trying to get at- Is it bad luck to charge; I won't lose my ability would I? =X


TwistedBunny4387 said:
So, from a friend of mine. I heard that asking for money after giving a reading; Or just charging in general. Is supposed to give you bad luck. My job at the moment is killing me! Way too much drama, not even planing on continuing in this field, and my boss doesn't know how to control us. So, what I was trying to get at- Is it bad luck to charge; I won't lose my ability would I? =X

I`m sure it's not, a friend of mine does it too and she just charges people a fair price. But I think that if you feel in your heart that you shouldn't do it then you shouldn't.


cherrypie said:
I`m sure it's not, a friend of mine does it too and she just charges people a fair price. But I think that if you feel in your heart that you shouldn't do it then you shouldn't.

Hmm, how much does she charge them? Well,originally it didn't bother me in the least bit. Ever since he's told me that I suppose I been worrying over it and getting paranoid? I really wanted to turn this into a small career~


About 25 $ it's not a lot of money but at least it's something. I think that if you would charge people a lot of money then that would be a bad thing. But why don't you ask your cards ?


cherrypie said:
About 25 $ it's not a lot of money but at least it's something. I think that if you would charge people a lot of money then that would be a bad thing. But why don't you ask your cards ?

I wasn't even thinking that high LOOL thats a good price ^^ Oh yah definitely. I would have done that but I can never really read my own cards.. they're always jumbled and make no sense to me ==" but thanks 8D


It's truly a personal decision but there is abssolutely no bad luck connected with charging. People have been charging for readings for hundreds of years in one way or another. You are providing a service, taking up your time, and using your skills.

Many people will say, you've been given a gift and shouldn't abuse it by charging. Well many people have been given a gift and that is how they make their livelihood. consider the person with the gift for numbers using that to be an accountant, the person with the gift for teaching becoming a professor and the person with a gift for sports playing pro football. they were given gifts also, and no one complains they are being paid to use them.

If you get someone who says you shouldn't charge, simply say "oh i'm doing your reading for free, but you are paying for my precious time and the skills I have taken time to develop in order to give you this reading"

I do want to add that I have been charging for readings for the past five years. I don't feel as if I've had any bad luck. Have things been up and down in my life? Sure, it's life lol. but none of that has to do with my readings. I'm providing a service, and I feel a positive service; I don't see how anything positive could bring you bad luck.


LOTS of people charge. Don't worry about it.

There is a subforum here for professional readers - they couldn't make any kind of a living without charging.


As stpcarly said so well, why shouldn't you make a living from your gift? Even spiritually, priests and ministers are paid, 'gurus' get money from books and talks and etc. Of course you should be reimbursed for your talents, time and effort. I don't know where that 'bad luck' thing came from, I have heard it before and think it is very confusing to new readers.


I'm new and I haven't heard of this so called bad luck. I never charge for readings though, mainly cause I just read for friends and friends of friends.


dont think about it in terms of charging but as an exchange of energies - in all things there is a question of balance and fair exchange, now that can come in all forms, i might pay a bill for my friend whos skint but she is always there anytime i need her - we each give something somehow so charging is just setting your exchange.. people will pay if they think its fair or they wont if they cant or dont think its fair, they have a choice :) x