World Cup Predictions gone Kaput



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I'm not one of those who thinks that the tarot can predict the future, I'm more one of those "mirror for the soul" people. If tarot could predict the future, wouldn't there be rather a lot of winners on the winning numbers on lotteries each week all over the world?

If you want to keep your faith in the tarot telling you the future you can reassure yourself that the reason this failed is because the angel of the tarot doesn't follow sporting fixtures.


In India there is craze for predictions and many tarot readers have got into predictions business.
Till yesterday morning i could see facebook updates that pakistan would win...and then the tarot readers by evening changed it to India would win.

Its become a shame now the extend to which they are misusing tarot.


I find it fascinating how this "astrologers vs. Tarot" situation reflects cultural differences. Generally, here in the West, neither are taken very seriously (for the most part, and with the caveat that there are always exceptions). For my part, I don't ever, ever recall seeing, reading or hearing about a piece of news that reported what the stars or cards had to say about the outcome of any event going on in the world. And the personal horoscope page doesn't count. ;) Unlike in India and some other countries in the Far East, Tarot here in the US and Canada largely belongs to the "entertainment" industry, i.e. it's fun, it's escapist, and not meant to be taken seriously.

I'm largely with graspee here in that I don't believe that the Tarot, or any other divination method, can predict the future with 100% no-fail guarantee. I use it as a tool to get insights into a current situation, from which I try to deduce patterns of probability that are always subject to change without notice.

I must say I like the picture of the bird with the Tarot card in its beak. Maybe from now on I should fan out my deck on the floor and let my cat choose the cards for me by having her walk and roll back and forth all over them. :grin:


Yes even i find tarot as a tool to get insight for and its a very good tool for guidance and help but definitely not for predictions
But i find astrology and palmistry good tools for predictions...but some good astrologers prediction have also gone wrong for me so i doubt the accuracy now.

About the parrot picking up cards no its not tarot cards...its a other form of divination here in India


Wow. Interesting. Thanks for the link and the clarification, Namaste. I enjoyed reading the blog. :)


We had a radio program where a they list trivia as a team in sports

and an owner supposedly hired a distant psychic to channel good vibes via a televison or radio. It was treated as funny trivia.

This is not treated as seriouis by National Public is said to be entertainment information.


Divination is difficult, and gets more difficult the further out you try to look.

Peter J. Carroll writes in his book Psybermagick, "Enchant long & divine short... spells cast well in advance can take advantage of the copious chaos in the interim, but that same chaos will tend to reduce divination to a shambles."


Cerulean said:
and an owner supposedly hired a distant psychic to channel good vibes via a televison or radio. It was treated as funny trivia.

This is not treated as seriouis by National Public is said to be entertainment information.
there can be other sources for entertainment why treat tarot as entertainment?


NamasteIndia said:
there can be other sources for entertainment why treat tarot as entertainment?
Why not ? Anything CAN be used that way. And can also be taken seriously.

Anyway - using it for that kind of crap debases it. Anyone who takes "predictions" like that seriously IS using it for entertainment, as is anyone who offers such "predictions". It's silly. And even thought they "got it right" (= guessed right, really) - the same goes for the astrologers and the numerologists. If it worked - as graspee said - there would be many more disgustingly rich people who had won bets.

*adds this kind of rubbish "prediction" to ignore lists* :D

ETA I see the tarot reader seems to be the only person to be right about Sachin. :D That's funny !