Before Tarot, After Tarot


thorhammer said:
Can I plagiarise this? But in my case it's one deck in particular that turned me from hating my parents for making me go through this $h!t, to breathlessly trying to fulfil my purpose.

The Thoth.

\m/ Kat
Isn't it amazing the power of what Tarot can do? 78 little cards that can truly transform lives. I'm glad you found the deck that could be taht for you.

Sure do what you want with my words, they're not copyrighted. LOL



Le Fanu said:
Before tarot I was someone who always had so much disposable income. Then I started enjoying tarot. Now I get annoyed at how expensive food is in the supermarket

Hahahahaha! So true!

Before Tarot, I fulfilled the expectations of others and did not know myself. Then I started studying/reading/etc. tarot. Now, I know myself (and my path) more than ever before.

Tarot saved me :)


Before tarot, I was ____messed up_________________. Then I started studying/reading/etc. tarot. Now, I am _____really messed up_________________."


"Before tarot, I was an unhappy teenager. Then I started studying/reading/etc. tarot. Now, I am a happy adult."


northsea said:
Before tarot, I was ____messed up_________________. Then I started studying/reading/etc. tarot. Now, I am _____really messed up_________________."
Is that because of Tarot?

\m/ Kat


Before tarot, I was close minded to all things spiritual. I never felt like there were any available tools to help me view life in a different light. Then I started studying tarot, and had to buy an additional bookshelf for my living room to accommodate the combined collection of my girlfriend and I's metaphysical literature. Also I have found new perspectives on my day to day life that have helped me out alot. Its amazing what you notice when you keep on mind the lessons of a daily reading......o yeah I'm broke now too.....


thorhammer said:
Is that because of Tarot?

\m/ Kat

:| hmm, tough question, since you had to ask, maybe not. :p


nicky said:
"Before tarot, I was drug addicted, incarcerated, and had mange. Then I started studying/reading/etc. tarot. Now, I am tall, thin, and rich and all the cool kids like me. "
:laugh: Hmm, somehow that hasn't happened to me either.

"Before tarot, I was curious, but spooked and spent a lot of my time being very creative. Then I started studying/reading/etc. tarot. Now, I am addicted to tarot forums, still curious, not spooked anymore and still creative, but due to my addiction, don't spend as much time creating as drooling over other peoples creations printed on cardboard."


Before tarot, I only check my facebook. After tarot, I'm checking the AE forums too. LOL.

No seriously. Before tarot, I am confused and have no direction. After discovering tarot, my belief about the universe strengthened and I now believe in my inner guides (and angels) guiding my way. It's going to be a part of my life now.


"Before tarot, I was blind/deaf/closed on all levels. Then I started studying/reading/etc. tarot. Now, I see/hear a bit better and I'm more open."