

I was sure that Biorhythms had been mentioned before on AT but I've searched and not come up with anything.

I started to use these when I was a teenager, I used to be able to work them out and then draw the chart by hand with coloured pencils. I've long since forgotten how to do this but I have found a good website that calculates the Bio chart for you. I have quite a few of these sites saved but this is one of the best.

I've always found Biorhythms to be pretty accurate, I print one out and keep it handy for the month. :)

The above link is now obsolete 20 May 14


pretty cool site, thanks for sharing it! :)


Hi celticnoodle,

They start to get interesting when you've done a few months worth and can then look back and see if you can relate to what the chart said.

I've been searching online to see if I could find the method I used to use to draw these charts by hand but the only ones that come up are the free charts.

I know I learned the method from an Astrology book my Mom gave me but that disappeared years ago - it wasn't that hard either because I was doing them at about 12 and all I can remember using was a normal calculator.

Off to search again. :)


Hi Emily

If my memory is correct, TarotLyn, has talked about biorythmns. Hopefully she will see your post.


I have seen that site from another forum, and it made a total believer out of me!

It had pinpointed some accurate days for me. When my intuition is particularly low, I do not do Tarot/Oracle readings.


I hadn't done a chart for a while so when I did it yesterday, I was surprised too by what came out. I'm not feeling very well, have been struck down by a cold and hayfever and my head is not in work mode and this showed on my chart - Physically, I'm at an all time low LOL - My intellect will hit rock bottom on about the 9, 10th and 11th day then start rising.

So I still have a couple of days left to try and get my work load started - I was having trouble getting to grips with this work even before I did my chart.

I still haven't been able to find out or remember how I used to do these charts by hand but I did find a book on Amazon, it was only 1p, £2.79 with the p&p, which I'm hoping will jog the old memory. :)


I've also just ordered another used book on Amazon but this one shows you how to work out the charts from scratch. Its amazing how quick you can go out of practise, there was a time when I would consult these charts all the time just to see when my negative and good days would be.

I found another link too

This one is a little more basic in the details but you can put other dates in past or present. I've just put the date in that I had my son - the chart was scarily accurate. :)


Just doesn't seem to fit for me . . . Perhaps my mother lied about my birth date?


Milfoil said:
Just doesn't seem to fit for me . . . Perhaps my mother lied about my birth date?

well, I will use this for awhile and see how accurate it is for me. it's simple too--I like simple! :D


Milfoil said:
Just doesn't seem to fit for me . . . Perhaps my mother lied about my birth date?

No sometimes they don't work - I did one for hubby yesterday too and I couldn't relate it to him at all. He's also not very well but the chart had him peaking physically, I also used a couple of different sites - I'm having to put up with his moaning lol

Doing biorhythms is usually a personal thing so you yourself know if they will work with you or not. Maybe do another in a couple of weeks and see if they match with you then.