Book recommendations?


wulfshado said:
Hi, I found a copy of this book over at that you can download for free as a pdf file.
I had them remove it and notified Llewellyn who is now on top of the site.

It's pretty strange that they think they can just post copyrighted books until someone catches them. And, it's not like I make a large amount of money for two years worth of hard work (and the 40 years experience that goes along with it). I feel that my life's work is worth something so it is painful when people just want to rip it off.



Teheuti said:
I had them remove it and notified Llewellyn who is now on top of the site.

It's pretty strange that they think they can just post copyrighted books until someone catches them. And, it's not like I make a large amount of money for two years worth of hard work (and the 40 years experience that goes along with it). I feel that my life's work is worth something so it is painful when people just want to rip it off.


It is a very well-loved book among the members here on AT (I bought a legitimate copy!) and I'm sure that we all appreciate all the time, effort, knowledge, wisdom, creativity and passion that you put into it and all your books. The information you have provided us with, and the insight gained from participating in the exercises contained in the book is worth much more than the price of a book. I am a musician myself and would hate to know that my work was being given away by someone who has no right. If it's any consolation, I don't think that most people who do this mean to be so disrespectful to you. Those who download/upload the book must place value on it to think that it is worth having or sharing, but just want something for nothing. I'm not trying to justify it in any way, as it is both illegal and morally wrong, but I highly value your work and do not want you to feel as if you are disrespected personally.


I came to think of those:

Tarot and the Tree of Life: Finding Everyday Wisdom in the Minor Arcana by Kliegman
Tarot as a way of life by Hamaker-Zondag
78 degrees of Wisdom by Pollack (the second part is about the minor arcana).

Love, Gazel


metal_romantic said:
I highly value your work and do not want you to feel as if you are disrespected personally.
I certainly understand. Ironically, when out-of-print books are sold (and sometimes at outrageous prices), the author gets nothing. I just wanted to speak up for the rights of authors who, with only a few exceptions, make the least amount of money from their books out of all those involved in its distribution and sales.

As to book recommendations, I very very highly recommend Paul Foster Case, The Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages.