Boss caught me reading


Maybe you could pop into the Crystals & Herbs forum for some advice on how to deflect his bad vibes. Recently, I've been wearing a not-so-subtle middle eastern amulet... but I live in a city of millions.

Maybe with all of that Bible reading he's doing, he'll come across something that will alter his un-Christian outlook. Maybe he just won't come in one day and that will be that. Sounds like he's on the road to ruin anyway.


Lol..well..the fact that different people are being affected by him doesn't say a lot about his management or people skills..


reminds me of a manager I had at one time, thing was though he was an avid supporter of Israel and used subversive symbols of Israel during 2002 when tensions over there were strong. He made it a point to express his judaec nature in an outward and unprofessional manner but made it a point to call out everyone elses flaws that he deemed nessacary to. However, his selective nature was that of if he didn't like something he would obsess over it for a while.

The workplace ended up degrading into a battle of 'who could be more politically incorrect' and shut down. I think he had something to do with it looking back, he didn't seem to help matters, but the corporation was determined to make us look bad no matter what.

HMMM, I think I will do a tarot reading on that subject while it is on my mind. Thank you all for providing me an outlet for this pent up memory.



ROFLMBBO...okay I saw this when Aeclectic pulled up...

Maybe I need to buy my boss this book?? LOL


LOL... what a nice surprise for him to find on his desk!