Breaking in a New Deck - what are your habits?


Eyebright said:
I'll be honest I never do this! Thinking about it that's incredibley stupid of me ha :bugeyed:

I've never had a deck yet that's got less or extra cards but I've heard of it happening!


I have had, and yes, that is one thing I DO check now.... Also for defective cards. Lo Scarabeo - for one - are stellar about instant replacements.


gregory said:
I have had, and yes, that is one thing I DO check now.... Also for defective cards. Lo Scarabeo - for one - are stellar about instant replacements.
I'll have to start looking into this...


I'm a collector so my new-deck procedure takes that into account...

I go through and put them in order, first off, if it's not a brand new deck..(most of mine aren't, because I like having decks from my friends) Then I go through one by one, examine the picture, note things I like and don't like...or that occasional card that just jumps out and grabs me by the throat and says, NOTICE ME!! This may take 10 minutes or several hours, depending on how much I like the deck. After adding it to my list here, I then put it on the shelf with my collection...and if I keep going back to it over and over every night (I like to grab a random deck out of my collection last thing at night before I go to bed, and meditate with it a bit) and am fascinated with it, I end up shuffling gently and doing a spread, to try and decide if this deck has to become a reading deck...


KMilliron said:
Confused as to what damage would be done to you by sleeping with a deck of cards...
Big hard rectangular lump under the pillow: sore neck. Crick in the neck. Crushed ear. Broken sleep (weariness is damage, no?). Deck falls out of bed and skitters out of bed so you get up in the dark to salvage it: stubbed toe, arm scraped on bedstead, forehead banged on bedstead.

As for breaking in a deck. I read about two pages of the lwb before I say #$%$ this, and just shuffle the deck and start doing spreads.


First, I make sure the cards are all present and in order. Then I go through the deck card by card, hopefully enjoying what I see. After that, I lay out the spreadcloth and shuffle the deck thoroughly. I draw one card to see what message the deck has for me. I write that down and compare it with other decks. That card will have special meaning if the deck gives it to me again in future readings. Then I leave the deck on my nightstand so I can revisit it every night for days to come.


I like that everyone is similar but different with their new decks.
I have finally shuffled and am now working with my new deck.
And loving it. It's not sleeping with me anymore but I'm carring it around, a) just to have with me and b)to offer readings to ppl.


I can't say I ever felt any need to break in a deck. I just use it and get to know it and bond with it that way. Although yes, I do make sure there are no missing cards before I use it. If there are I try to get a copy of the missing card and if I can't I exchange the deck.

As for habits though....Once I open the deck I put it in the pouch I designated for it and photograph the pouch and a few of the cards near it. this is just so I can easily find my decks.

I then have the photos of all my decks (shown with their pouches) in photobucket. Then I have an online list of all my decks in alphabetical order with embeddedd links of the photos for each.

It's not one of those superstition things as far as habit goes, but just something that keeps things sane. LOL As I have 104 decks and there is no way I could find a specific deck, if I knew that was the one deck I needed for a reading, without a system.

Otherwise I don't really do much habit or breaking inwise...



I just shuffle and go. I do an interview spread, then I take one of my trusted old decks and ask it's feelings towards my new one. So far so good!


new deck

my first deck I opened right away, and imediately tried to shuffle.... big time failure.... it felt all wrong in my hands, and I simply couldnt shuffle it no mater how I tried, so instead I dumped them all out and picked them up again in random order and then tried a reading..... they oposed me mocked me, and altogater frustrated me...
My current deck chose me, and from now on that is how I will aquire new decks beause I dont want one that is cranky and secretive like the last one... I knew right away it was perfect when I discovered that I am able to shuffle it perfectly.... that it fits in my hands as though made for me and me alone. I broke it in by using it... plain and simple, but also having respect for it at the same time....every day before I ask a question, the first reading I do I say "what do you think I need to know today?" I alow the cards to let me in on a secret I might not have otherwise picked up on, and I think that is the thing that makes a deck truly yours... when it can tell you what you need to know when you didnt realize you needed to know it.