Card turning up frequently!


OK here is the thing - I recently had a friendship break down which has upset me a lot and had some readings and also my own intuition which says she is represented by the queen of wands. I have just started to learn the tarot and have realised I cannot read for myself so am practicing doing readings for others. However I am being stalked as it were by the queen of wands, last night was just shuffling and cutting cards to handle them and got queen of wands three times in a row, also the last three times I have tried to read for anyone else the first card out is - you've got it the queen of wands! This is a bit disconcerting as I instinctively feel these readings are for me and don't know how to read now for someone else without bringing my stuff into it?


Once you've had 50 posts and 30 days of membership you can post your take on a spread and have someone else give their input in the "Your Readings" Forum, or you can purchase a membership and do it now...


p.s. Could the Queen of Wands be an Aries in your life -or your friend's "meddling" mother? I call the Queen of Wands "Vesta Goddess of the Hearth and Home..." My belief, court cards are always people...

At any rate, since She keeps coming up, there is an important message for you there.


I had this same problem too a few weeks ago! The knight of cups kept coming up in every reading with a few other cards. It was like the cards were sending me a "message".
I posted my question on her and I got a lot of help from people!:)
So here's my answer to you (from what others told me):
Try meditating on the card, try sleeping with it under your pillow, or wait a while before you read your cards (or others) again.
Also if you are stressed or are not in the right frame of mind that could be why it keeps coming up.
I have a strong affliation with the queen of wands. I have her same personality traits, and she has come up in some of my readings (card # 7 in a CC spread) I guess it represents me:)
good luck with finding your answer!


queen of wands is me....sagitarius too not just aries


Warning off-topic

star-lover, I am interested in another astrological system. Could you start another thread about yours, please?



Your post makes me wonder what makes you say that you can't read for yourself. I can see your intuition is up and working for you and reading your intuition is a big part of reading for anyone, including yourself. I would be willing to bet that you could read well for yourself if only you believed that you could.

That being said, if you believe that the Queen of Wands represents your friend in your readings it does. That being the case, and nevertheless, it is unlikely that she represents your friend in the readings of others, especially if these people don't even know your friend.

When reading for others if that card comes up it might be helpful to just consider the regular meaning of the card. Of course it depends on the question, but basically....She is a wands card and thus about creativity and creative actions they might be considering in their lives. Being a Court card she is likely about someone your querent knows in thier lives. Show them the card image and ask if she looks familiar to them. If she does it represents that person in their life, if not she simply represents someone in their life who has their act together when it comes to expressing their creaitivity. The cards advice is for the querent to think about what creativity means in their life right now, what area is it currently imporntat that it express itself....and to take a good look at that person the card represents and how they are expressing it in their lives and to see what the querent can learn from them. This person is someone to emulate right now.

As for the Queen of Wands stalking you, first I do not think it would come up in a reading unless it were the right answer...Tarot always gives accurate answers, although sometimes we interpret them wrong. On the other hand, if you do sense it hounding you it could be a personal message that Tarot wants you to examine your relationship with her again. I think it is asking you to do some readings to help settle things in your mind and heart for you.

That is how I see it,


VO Tarot Girl

Card turning up frequently

Hi, I too have had a card that keeps popping up. I'm very new to Tarot, like 5 days or so, and it's all very new to me. I got a reading and the girl who did the reading said since I already have Spirit Guides, I should ask them questions which they will answer me via the cards. Do one card for each guide a day - Well I'm using the Arthurian deck and the Stone Five card comes up almost every day as one of the two. Today I chose two and it wasn't one of them. I put the rest of the deck back to focus on those two. When I stood up after I was done, walked away and came back to the couch, there was the Stone Five card. I had been sitting on it. I don't know when it fell out of the deck but it was there the whole time. And I shuffle them pretty good each time.

I'm going to take the guidance of Evaliana and sleep with the card under my pillow, try meditating with it, etc. Hopefully that will help me understand what message the card/my Spirit Guides are trying to tell me.

But if anyone has any other input about what the Stone Five card turning up all the time means, I'd love to hear from you.

Thank you so much!


I too am curious as to why you say you 'can't' read for yourself? Is it because you're not impartial yet? Or possibly putting your own spin on things?


When the same card keeps turning up over and over again, I'd say it's the card you're supposed to pay attention to. Or it's a card which is somehow very important to you. I keep getting the eight of pentacles. It has been coming up for years. I think it is just telling me, "nose to the grindstone" - or "quit your whining girl, and practice".... Ask yourself what you think of when you see the card. What do you think the lesson is that you haven't learned yet?

VO Tarot Girl

Card turning up frequently

Thanks Firemaiden for your post.

I did have a few vivid dreams last night whilst sleeping with the Stone Five card under my pillow. It didn't turn up today in my tarot work, but the two cards that did - Sword 4 and 2 - were both filled with light and hope. The Stone Five is very dark and bleak. So I'm feeling that this was a breakthrough, the dreams I had.

I took notes and will go back and re-read them in relation to the card.

And as bleak and dark as the card is, I don't get an ominous feeling. More of a "it may be bad now but it'll get better" feeling. Hard to explain, but I'm definitely going to investigate further!

Thanks again