Cards you just don't like..?

Chimera Dust

I tend to like all cards because I feel like they're all important and it sort of depends on the reading. That said, there are some cards I don't like as much. The King of Pentacles is one of those, I'm not sure why. The Magician is probably the main one, I don't know why because it's such an interesting card, this is more of a knee-jerk reaction on my part. I also don't "get" The World, it feels more abstract while the other cards seem to have a more polarising story or character I can think of when reading. I still like it, though, and I like it when it comes up in readings.

Most of the Pentacles. They are deeply dull to me both in an interpretory sense and a visual one. As a collector for quite a few years now, I can attest that a great many tarot artists render their Pentacles suit in a less appealing way than they do the other three suits. The notable exception is decks with pips (non-scenic numbered Minors).

(Snipped.) Agreed!


I don't know if I'd say I "don't like" certain cards, it's just that there are some that I feel less connection to and find harder to interpret or apply.
Those cards include:
The Emperor (though I've gotten better with this one recently)
Queen of Swords
I agree with what most people have said about the 2 & 3 of Wands
Court cards in general

I'm sure there are more I just can't think of them right now. The 4 of Pentacles would have been on this list a few months ago but we've worked through it ;)

Oh! I wanted to point out that it's funny how one card someone dislikes is another's favorite -- I noticed a few complaints of the 8 of Swords, but oddly that's been one of my favorite cards for as long as I can remember! :)


The Hanged Man

I don't like the Hanged Man. He looks sooooooo creepy to me.

Like a pervert!

seven stars

Gosh I wish I could respond to so many of these responses.....

For me, I wish the Emperor & Empress just weren't there. I think I can encompass everything the two of them have to offer in the Kings & Queens. & with 4 Kings & Queens it can be a little more specific.

Chimera Dust

Gosh I wish I could respond to so many of these responses.....

For me, I wish the Emperor & Empress just weren't there. I think I can encompass everything the two of them have to offer in the Kings & Queens. & with 4 Kings & Queens it can be a little more specific.

Please do! Speaking for myself, I love learning about different ways of seeing the cards and different opinions about them.


The Queen of Wands. She reminds me of so many egotistical, greedy, controlling, un-empathetic, narcissistic, self-important, swaggering, demanding, impatient, self-centred bosses /businesswomen & politicians. I shudder when she appears in readings.
(I know, I know! :/ )


So does anyone think that cards you don't like, may represent a shadow side of you?
Do you tend to ignore or avoid those cards, or try to understand them more?

I am still just learning, and the Hierophant is the hardest for me, because I put my own baggage on him, as I always like to question things, and the Hierophant seems to represent tradition, routines, ritual for ritual sake, all the things that if I had paid enough attention to them, would be much more of a suppressed person than I am. But slowly, I can see the good side of traditional knowledge in him also, learning from the past.


So does anyone think that cards you don't like, may represent a shadow side of you?

THAT is an excellent and well-thought-out question, my friend.

I would say, yes. The same applies to people we do not like. They often have aspects of ourselves, that we are uncomfortable with.


Yes, Karrma & Lotus Padma - that IS an excellent question in response to this thread, and one that I've asked myself many times. But whereas I have discovered over the years that many characteristics which I detest in others are actually exaggerations of unnoticed, hidden or even suppressed ones in me ... that isn't always the case. One doesn't have to be a closet paedophile, rapist or murderer to be afraid or critical of qualities approaching these in others. People's opprobrium for Nazis, racists & criminals of various types doesn't mean that secretly, they are or wish to be one of their number.

I've thought long & hard about my instinctive recoiling from the Queen of Wands. My daughter is very much her, being a feisty, domineering & competitive Leo; and my teachers when I attended an old-fashioned girls' school also.
But me? I am the very opposite: loth to tell anyone what to do, even when asked or when it's patently necessary. I am so under-assertive that I probably come across as a shrinking violet or even a wimp (perish the thought!) Maybe THAT is why I dislike this character so much! She shows up how pathetically un-assertive I am ... how ashamed of having been bullied.
Interesting. As I get older & more confident, I ought to be less afraid of / intimidated by / critical of this Queen of Wands. But so far, her appearance still makes my heart shrink ...


One can learn to be gently assertive, or gently firm, Starshower! :heart:

I am not the most balanced of individuals, in the sense that I tend to be either/or. Not an extremist but I am not a middle of the roader. Which is why I find Temperance to be wishy-washy, I think. ;) So your comment about *not* secretly being certain things we dislike is also applicable.

lol! Looks like I have just been Temperanced in my own views, in that last phrase! :p hahaha!

ETA - I can sympathise with you though, Satrshower. Not overly fond of that queen either. She is too in-your-face, I think.