Cartomancy "Daily" Reading Circle

Phoenix Rising

Ok my fellow "Cartomancers" this is a thread for all of our "Daily" Readings.
So once I find my pack of trusty 'original design' pack of I'll start posting!
Have a Great Day!


So explain to us how this works, PR!! :) Who do we read for? Ourselves? Others? Pairs? What?!?! :confused: Let us know!!! :)

Good that you have opened a new thread! Much easier this way!


This is great but I'm not sure how it works either.

Phoenix Rising

Hi Cielo

We will read for each other,(so all of us-8?)we don't have to do them in one pop of course! Or forever who is on for the day. It will be good to see, if we all come up with the same reading for that person. At present, (Cielo, Little Bhudda, Kara,Mooncat2, PR) on at present. We can do 3, 3 card readings, or 6 if you prefer, but if you have another spread in mind, then use that, I think we might have to design a spread, ok off the top of my head, try this one.


1-Main issue of today
2-outside influence
4-Best advice
5-What to avoid

123 - read as per rules(wytchy)for more insight
425 - other factors.

So how about that!


The spread looks great. Now what?! I'm still not clear about who I read for......LOL! We are just experimenting here....we'll get the hang of it eventually!!!! :)

Little Baron

Daily Reading for Pheonix Rising

Daily Reading for Pheonix Rising

1 5 Hearts
2 5 Clubs
3 Q Clubs
4 Q Diamonds
5 6 Diamonds

Looking at the first two cards, I can see that things are steadily weakening and for this day, I would say, one way or another, you are going to be feeling tired by the end of it. The Queen, sat at the end, offers a truth. She tells you that you need to be moderate. Today is not a day to over-do it.
This may sound like a joke, but I think this queen is telling you to pay someone to do something; something that saves you some effort. I don’t think she is telling you to take on employees - but maybe she is saying something along the lines of ’don’t waste an hour washing the car, it will take five minutes to drive through the car wash’. She can see you are tired and doesn’t want you to burn out.
The six tells me that today is the day to ’check out the best deal’ - keep an eye out for a bargain.

Have a nice day!

Little Baron

Reading for Mooncat2

Daily Reading for Mooncat2

1 6 Clubs
2 4 Diamonds
3 4 Spades
4 J Hearts
5 7 Clubs

Today is going to be one of those days, Mooncat2. I think it is going to be the kind of day when the drop the bread and it falls ‘butter side down‘, you stub your toe on every available chair leg and you ‘find a penny but lose a pound’ - a day of little irritations, I am afraid. Be thankful for nothing major, I suppose.
Every card seems to be blocked in by one of these minor set backs.
These cards advise you to keep an eye out when signing something today; maybe, beware of a flashy salesman or man with a clip board - he’ll only make more work for you in the long run.

Watch out for those table legs, Mooncat2 and try and have a nice day!

Phoenix Rising

Just to clarify things. Because this is a ongoing thread, some who are nearly off to bed, can do the readings the next day if they like, so there is never any rush to do this. It would be good to put each other on our 'buddy list' so whoever is on and is up to it can either do a reading for whoever else is on line. Or we can just post our own daily readings and if others want to comment on it then that is a option as well. So it is entirely up to you, when you want to do it..ok!

Little Bhudda: Thankyou for jumping right on in, and brilliant interpretation too. And it's only early here, but at the moment I do feel a little bit like what you have said. And at present I'm getting my nephew to do me some business cards on the computor...although I'm not paying So I would say that is correct also.
I will let you know what happens at the end of the day, and I will just edit this post ok. thankyou!


well, it's getting late here and I'll have to go to bed soon...but let me know when and for whom I am supposed to read and I'll do it tomorrow as early as possible!!! :)


Cielo, how about you for me and me for you - are we in the same time zone? Almost, right? Mine is gmt+1.