Conversations with tarot


I find the cards speak to you better in your dreams, i mean the only times the cards have "really" spoken to me is when i'm sleeping, but i'm usually caught up in a conversation with either the magician or the temperance, not easy conversations to understand.


Talk to the Cards

I talk to my cards all the time and they talk to me. You know looking at this thread some folks would think we have all lost it, lol. Anyway, they speak to me in dreams, in a reading. I love just looking at a card and describing what I see and then they start to tell me what they are doing.



:D Hahah well i look at these kind of things actually like normal. Normal but beautifull! ^^

Wisp Wings

"The missing earring is missing no longer!! I actually found it in the ROLLED UP hem of my jeans. Apparently, even though it did slip out of my pocket, it didnt want to leave me just as much as i didnt want it to."

I think you answered yourself with your words what the Wheel was meaning. In a sense a rolled up hem is a flat circle/wheel....thus as best as the cards could make your jean's hem for ya! LOL

I've really enjoyed reading this thread. Thank you for sharing it.