could at have a deceased tarotists section?


in another thread there was speculation if joan bunning was dead.
and we dont know as there is no way to contact her on her website.

but we do know..
Ellen Cannon Reed is deceased in 2003
and of course old waite, crowley, eden grey is dead. rip may they.
edited to add
ted andrews author of animal wise tarot passed away in 2009 as well.

what i mean it would be cool to see a section of aeclectic tarot the website dedicated to the deceased tarot authors and creators so we may know if they have passed on or not.

it can develop over time like the book section has.
where perhaps a member who can write very well can write up a good tarot oribit for the person so they can be immortalized on at.

we can start with those we know who have passed on, and slowly over time as authors/creator pass on, we can add more.
a tribute section perhpas.

any ideas, pros, or cons about this idea ?

Le Fanu

Jonathon Dee - of the Barnes & Noble Tarot and Fortune Telling with Playing Cards - died recently I think (I hope I haven't got that wrong!)


"The Dead Tarotists Society" ?


Jonathon Dee - of the Barnes & Noble Tarot and Fortune Telling with Playing Cards - died recently I think (I hope I haven't got that wrong!)

I think this is right, I just read it somewhere - he died last year ....i also think the author of the Parrott Tarot died last year or the year before.


Maybe we could call it something a bit more positive.

In Memory of Tarotists Past?


Hans Arnold, the wonderfully talented artist who illustrated the Jolanda den Tredjes Tarot. He passed away in October 2010.


Instead of a whole section, I could make a post with a list in the Index, if you all think that would be okay. If someone wanted to do an obit or the like, I could keep them all together (findable anyway) that way.



i think that would be good for a start there alta.
we have to start somewhere, and if fills out enough perhaps it can become a section on the main website itself afterwards when it has reached its potential.
so yes at least it is all findable and if enough work is put into it, perhaps it can become a sticky somewhere in 2 to 3 years eh?.

i do like debra take on it,, that we put on a postive tribute spin on it.


Would the simple "In Memoriam" work as a title?


I think this is right, I just read it somewhere - he died last year ....i also think the author of the Parrott Tarot died last year or the year before.

Tom Parrot is alive and well.