I did something real BAD


Sometimes my husband or I come home and say "babe, I did something BAD today" then tell the other person how we may have "accidentally" spent $50 (or more) on something ill-advised, but that we really wanted.

So it is my time to 'fess up to ATF. Not that any of you needed to know, but I did REAL BAD this week. I may have accidentally bought myself:

Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle
A new amethyst pendulum
Tarot Wisdom by Rachel Pollack
Sun and Moon Tarot
Tarot of the Revelations

I also may have accidentally opened the Mary-El tarot and started working with it. Now some of this I bought with a Barnes and Noble gift card from Christmas. But most of it was out of pocket. Oh boy, real bad!

Anyone else make inadvised tarot purchases they can tell me about to make me feel better?


I don't see any of that as bad! You could have done much worse ;)

I haven't made any purchases YET (sorry) but I have been thinking about exploring oracle cards and reading. I guess I feel kind of bad there, just because tarot has been my "baby" now and I feel like I'm cheating if I veer off ya know?!


Thats not so bad! They may or not be used.....but they make you happy. And, they are something you will keep for a long time.

Now I have wasted money on bad tarot readings, but thats a whole other thread. :)


That Wild Wisdom of the Faery deck is one I have been eyeing for a while. I saw someone else's copy and was charmed but haven't remembered to put it into my amazon basket yet. I haven't seen it locally.

Have I ever been BAD with deck purchases? hahahaha...... :joke: why, yes, I have.


Well I'm glad you all don't think it's bad! Bluebonnet, you're right I will have these for a long time.

Beekie, oracles are fun! I love tarot too, but I think they're both just systems that tap into the same source. Plus I like how oracles can be done really any way the author wants them to be.

Alta, I really liked wisdom of the faery online. However, I have to admit, now that I've opened it up and rifled through it I'm less impressed with it. It is charming. Maybe I need to spend more time with it on this rainy day to get a feel for it? I think it's the drawings of the women that are throwing me off...they look TOO perfect. But I guess they are faeries : )

I haven't told my husband the full scope of things...mostly because I put some of this on my credit card. Which I'm not supposed to charge anything too. Oops! I really need to try the trick of freezing that thing in a block of ice, so I have to thaw it out if I want to use it. Eek!


Oh, I do this all the time. But you can add "stupid" to bad this week for me....the other day i put in a maximum bid of $25 on a beautiful vintage Native American ring on ebay. I logged off, figuring I wouldn't win anyway, as it was bound to go over $25. Yesterday, i logged back on to see that the bids were already up to $50 with 11 hours to go and that I was WINNING. Seems I accidentally bid $250, not $25. I am not even going to tell you what I have to pay for it.....but I basically bought a ring that I didn't really want and would never have spent that much money on.

Does that make you feel a little better?


I did it too, but wee are wrong to say it isn't BAD. Think about it, how many of you have them cluttering spaces? how many think yes I can cram them into my drawers and not buy myself those knickers I need or buy some food, also bills mine come in on the 15th stretching to pay them is no JOKE! Especially if you go OTT on a large spend. Yes, i think it is a BAD thing and I think any addiction is bad if it get's out of hand, calculate each deck at around $40.00 and then add it up, it's a lot of cash to spend and priorities can go out the window, eating things you don't enjoy or cutting things down such as, I will turn the gas down or keep the lights off to pay for them? I then spend too much on shopping and make myself believe it is ok to buy food that month when I know darn well I have over indulged on tarot decks. The worst part is waiting for them and also, what if the seller cons you don't send it? then you have the malarky of following it up, a rude seller often and trying to convince yourself another week will be ok, you can create a real mess for yourself with added stress.

a small shop when you can afford it fine but living beyond our means --I get we could get run over by a bus tomorrow attitude but... when we realize it's way more than we cna afford what's good about that to support the person in becoming further into debt and fulfilling an addiction.

nothing good about it.

who are we kidding ourselves.


Seems I accidentally bid $250, not $25. I am not even going to tell you what I have to pay for it.....but I basically bought a ring that I didn't really want and would never have spent that much money on.

Does that make you feel a little better?

:bugeyed: :bugeyed: :bugeyed: :bugeyed: :bugeyed:


Last week I ended up spending a bit too much for some body jewelry ($24, cheaply made and too big for my face) and then overpriced/rated pizza at the foodcourt ($10 for two slices and a drink). As I'm taking my food back to the table I check my phone and see I've gotten an invoice for two items I was having made custom that came to $70.

Sometimes it feels like all the awesome tarot decks come out at around the same time. I can go from not having any decks I want for a few months to buying 4 or 5 that I'd been waiting for the whole year. I'm looking forward to this fall's releases, but my wallet sure isn't.


It does really pinch the wallet I just read my bank statement and NOooo way am I showing it to anyone I know, that thing called a shredder is for certain things, like Shredding ummm making ticker tape for mardi gras coughs*. Yes Kiddies Shredding machines have their uses.
Yes, some beautiful releases coming up and ones I can't purchase. I will have to accept I have enough.
I nearly dated a collector but he has 300 decks where would mine fit? LOL!I can hear it now couple buried under rubble of ceiling and decks found after 48 hours waving a flag and eating cardboard. statement form couple "We are A.O.k feel a bit of a fool but, the journey was fine, the cardboard tasted fine as we love Doritos anyhow."