Demeter and Persephone

Bat Chicken

Actually that makes a lot of sense when analyzing my reading.... It is a great spread for a dilemma....


I am excited about these spreads, and so will a lady from our Tarot Lovers' Group.


SaintOfScreams said:
I am excited about these spreads, and so will a lady from our Tarot Lovers' Group.

I am glad. As I get them done I will post them up.


Cool should go good with the Mythic Tarot...


As you post more of theses spreads, perhaps you coud talk the AT Staff into putting them in an index.


SaintOfScreams said:
As you post more of theses spreads, perhaps you coud talk the AT Staff into putting them in an index.

Hi SaintOfScreams :)

They are in the Spreads Index. Tarot Spreads Index

The God/Goddess Spreads section is near the bottom of the last post in the Index thread. I have already put this spread as well as Apollo's and the Atlas Burden Spreads in it.

I am watching...all of you...always :bugeyed:

:D valeria


Thanks for putting them on the list, but dang! That's a long list!


SaintOfScreams said:
Thanks for putting them on the list, but dang! That's a long list!

Tell me about it :D This forum is chock full of prolific spread builders :)

and it's GREATLY APPRECIATED! :thumbsup:

Astraea Aurora

Hi faerylvr,

I really appreciate your spread. Haven't used it so far but I will while studying the Death card from the Lover's Path. It will fit nicely into the theme about Pluto and Persephone.

Thank you, Astraea Aurora :love:


Wow! Thanks for all the help and feedback. I am glad the spreads are getting good use. Thanks Valeria for putting them in the index...