Dice Divination/Cleromancy using 5 dice and Ninjutsu philosophy


I got this book a while back:

"Fortune-Telling By Dice" by David & Julia Line, Aquarian Press, 1984

and it kind of spurred me into thought. I'd been wanting to do a dice system for a while, but just two or three didn't really work very well. They weren't enough to really give a good reading.

I have a listing on Etsy for my dice oracle, which gives a little more information. I'm still working on symbolism and meanings although I've gotten enough down I would be happy to share it here if anyone wants to help flesh it out a bit.


Some of the reading centers around the patterns of the dice. Some is based on colour, the five Chinese/Ninja elements. Chinese is a little different from Ninja, but they both come into play.

I tried to keep the imagery simple to remember and some of it is based on the shape of the spots.

I've been able to find the five different colored D6 in a set at the dollar tree stores all the time. I use white/clear, green, red, yellow, and blue.

Any takers? I'll post more details if there is interest in this.



I've actually just ordered my first set of 3 dice to try my hand at dice divination, so I am very interested to see what you've figured out to do using 5.

I also remembered I had several tiny dice that are supposed to be worn on body mod jewelry. Tiny little barbell ends.

SO I might actually have 5 different colors already!




Hi, I would love to have a dice reading.What does the universe have to tell me about my love life? I'm single.Thanks.


I'm sorry, but I don't do free readings just on general principle. I can post previous ones I've done as examples. I firmly believe in an exchange of energy, so if you will follow the thread and contribute to discussion you can earn one. Or the old fashioned exchange of energy, by crossing my palm with silver. I have found that if I do a free one I almost never get one in return, and also most of the time I don't get good feedback from free readings, so I don't even have the benefit of a critique. I'm not trying to be nasty, but I would prefer not to start out that way on this thread.

What I am after is interchange of ideas and possibly people who are familiar with dice divination already to try out this flavor for themselves and see what they like or don't like about it. There are a lot of spreads (patterns of the throw) to type in, unless I am able to upload a doc file, and if there isn't much interest then there isn't a point in doing this.

However, I appreciate that so far one other person is interested. I'll give it a few days to see if anyone else is. If not, I will continue via PM. =)


Details? About dice? Oh, yes, I'd love to read more. I need a few more ideas myself because I've got a fabulous (although heavy) set of metal dice. There are six d6 and the pips have a color:
light green

There is an extra blue one- not sure if it was an accident since I can't remember where/when I bought it. It's in a zippered case. Here's a pic!


  • DiceMetal.jpg
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Ooh, the metal dice sound neat! I bet they are wonderful in the hand.

Looks like I'm going to be digging out those files after all. Yay!


This isn't the store I bought it from, but this is the product:

Maybe I'll just snag a lighter shade of cyan/turquoise acrylic paint & re-do the dots.

And they feel divine! Be careful about rolling them on wooden tables without a mat!
(humble voice of experience)


Oh wow, those are just like I saw in my mind. I like! But then I scrolled down and saw the ones with crystal pips. Two thoughts ran through my mind simultaneously: "Need!" and "I wonder how long it would be before the crystals got messed up".

I've been looking all over town for the astrology dice mentioned in the flotsam and jetsam thread, but I think I'm going to have to buy them online. I'm not into astrology so I'm not real sure what I would do with them, but I neeeeed them, ha ha.

Cool, thanks for the link!